Sidney Harrington **** Brockton Drive Apt ***
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
Westlake Elementary, 2015
- Instructed lessons on reading/writing Grades 2-3
● This was a program for service learning called “Hosts” where those who were behind in their reading and writing comprehension were given assistance
● Hands on experience with tutoring and interacting with children to the best of their learning capabilities within their comfortable environments
FishBack Creek Public Academy K-5 (Service Learning), 2016
● Had to gain a comprehensive understanding of the motor skills and the interactions of children
● Understood the structure of classroom activities as well as the behavioral occurrences in the classroom itself
● Had a hands on understanding and engagement with the children and the teachers environment to further studies on interaction Boys and Girls Club Bloomington,Indiana 2017
● Assisted sta and participated with children of all ages in extracurricular activities.
Ernie Pyle School 90, August 2019- December 2020
● Worked with students from grades 1st-6th grade applying lessons of di erent subjects
James Garfield School 31, January 2021- May 2021
● Students taught 5th graders with all subject areas. EDUCATION
IUPUI, Indianapolis — Bachelors in Elementary Education August 2015- May 2021
English (proficient)