Postal Address P.O. Box 1545
Identiity No. 730**********
Marital Status Married
Gender Female
Place of birth Tlhatlhaganyane
Dependants 5
Citizenship South African
Criminal Offence None
Driver’s licence C1/ Code 10
Contact Number 072*******/076*******
Highest Standard Passed Grade 12
School Attended Batleng High School
Subjects English, Tswana, Afrikaans, Geography, Biblical Studies and Biology
Institution Provox
Course Community Relations and Development Practice
Institution Superior Performance Training
Passed Modules Budgeting, Business Writing Skills
Interpersonal Communication Skills, Management Skills Project Management
Institution Tshepo Training and Capacity Building
Course Computer Literacy certificate
Institution Seboka Trainings & Support Network
Passed Modules Pallative Care, Social Assistance and Future Planning
HIV/AIDS Counselling, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights antiretroviral Therapy and VCT.
Institution MPL
Course First aid
Company Name Batlhako BaLeema
Position Administrator
Reason for leaving Went for Community Development Learnership.
Company Horizon Mine
Position Community Development Officer
Work Period 07/11/2005 to 30/03/2011
Company Xstrata Waterval Clinic
Position Clinic Administrator
Work Period 01/04/2011 to 30/03/2012
Company Horizon Mine
Position Control Room Operator
Year started 01/04/2012 to 06/09/2013
Company Department of Social Development.
Award Certificate of Appreciation (Community Involvement)
Name Karin Burger
Company Prisa Centre of Public Relations
Contact 011-***-****
Name Mrs. Theresa Pretorius
Company Superior Performance & Training
Contact 082-***-****
Company Mrs. Sitse Loate
Company Seboka Training & Superior Training.
Contact 083*******
Company Mr. Nicolaas Van der Walt
Company Xstrata Horizon
Contact 082*******
Identify and assess community risks and impacts
Record and investigate all community complaints
Ensuring these complaints, concerns and requests in the communities are dealt with according to procedures and legal requirements.
Ensure compliance with integrated Social involvement Framework and Social and Labour Plan.
Identify and develop community projects and community aiding programmes.
Assist in setting community development objectives and targets.
Update the stakeholder database.
Implement and communicate community related legislation.
Assist in maintaining good relations with the communities around which the mine is operating, all stakeholders including interested and affected parties.
Ensure compliance with company’s group business principles, policies, sustainable development standards and applicable legislation and regulations.
Observe and enforce any codes of practice, any instructions, procedures, directives, ;permissions, exemptions, etc. issued by the mine, the DMR and other Government Representatives or any other person who is authorized to do so.
To create job opportunities for the local communities.
To develop and implement wellness programmes in local communities.
Regular visits and follow ups to the home based centers
Safety Awareness.
Managing Work.
Results Orientation.
Work Standards.
Interpersonal Skills, communications contributing to team work and decision making.
Just after the 2 year learnership with Xstrata, I started to practice from 2008 in the villages around Horizon Mine.
I did the following:
I ensured to identify all basic needs of the local community, focusing mainly in the homes of the poor and the orphaned children.
I thus liaised with the mine to organize and provide basic needs like school uniforms and food parcels.
In these homes, I ensured that the sick and disadvantaged are attended to by giving counselling especially those suffering from HIV/AIDS. I ensured that they get basic nourishment which must support the medication taken, also coaching them to be positive in taking medication and not shying away with their status.
I assisted to identify the aged, disabled and handicapped community members without ID’s to get pension or grants.
I covered all the nearby communities from Tlhatlhaganyane, Maologane, Witrandjie, Tweelaagte, Ledig up to Mabieskraal.
At Mabieskraal I gave strong support in ensuring that a dying business is back on its feet again.
The Batlhako Maiteko Bakery staff was given sponsorship by training the staff.
The Bakery was given equipment and the stock to rise from the ground.
With the help of CBO’s I was able to give uniforms also to orphaned children around Horizon mine.
I also updated the Complaint Book with the complaints from the communities and all the other risks I identified and finally listed on the data base. It was my duty to also scrutinize what was done and not done.
I ensured that 2 x 5000 litre Jojo Tanks were given to the Raborife Tribe in order to address the water shortage problems.
At Tlhatlhaganyane, I ensured that Phase 1 of Leema Primary School is done and complete.