Name: Nishan Sheikh
Father Name: pir Mohammad Sheikh
Date of birth: 17/05/199
Adress: Chandan shar road
Gaskopri naka
Sushil complexes room no 002
Virar East pin 4001305
Contact number : 887-***-****
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Muslim
Gender: Male
Marital status:. Unmarried
Education: 9th pass
Expression: Shiv Sagar hotel 6 month ' Rama
krishna hotel 2 year’ Harish hotel 2 year’ Sodexo 3
year 'Rosemary 1year' Dish 1 year’ Qusee lyear 6
Language: — Hindi English Bengali
Hobbies :. Cricket, football, Riding
Declaration: hereby declare that all the facts
given above are true up to my knowledge and
belief ...
Date :
( Nishan Sheikh)