Houston Community College, Houston, Texas, 2005: PDMS structural
Aveva Inc., Houston, Texas, 2004: PDMS piping cats and specs
Elaine P. Nunez Community College, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1989: Microstation with 3D, basic board drafting, piping design, structural design
Summary of Experience
More than twenty years of experience in the energy industry. Executed work on numerous international and domestic projects in the various energy sectors from Oil and Gas Production. Most recently using PDMS to model and draft for the structural topsides facilities, Clair Ridge and Marine Well Containment System Projects. Skilled in all aspects of AutoCAD, pro-flow, electrical, decks, living quarters, jackets, jack-up, floating platform, marine-structural. Proficient in use of AutoCAD release 12, 13, 14, 2000i, 2002, 2006, 2008, CAD Overlay, and PDMS Model /DRAFT. Fluent in Vietnamese and English.
Diamond Offshore Inc. Feb. 10, 2014 – Apr. 4, 2015
Structural Designer – AutoCad release 2015 for Offshore Oil Rigs: Semi-submersible, and Jack-up Projects. Upgrade, maintance, Pipe support, and Grating Layout.
Foster Wheeler Upstream (Houston, Texas) Nov. 23, 2012 – Feb. 10, 2014
PDMS Structural Designer – Vega Pleyade Offshore Project: Modify Structural Topsides Facility drawings in model and draft design.
Worley Catastrophe LLC (Hammond, LA.) 2010 – 2012
BP Vessel of Opportunity Claims Adjuster: Adjusted vessel damage claims and investigated claimant for extent of property damage and company liability. Specialized in bilingual Vietnamese-English translations and customer service.
Alliance Wood Group Engineering (Houston, Texas) 2006 – 2009
Structural Designer: Utilized AutoCAD for Toucan project EOG and in design work for topsides structural, using PDMS for Jubilee projects. Designed pipe support, compressor stations, and grating layout.
Friede & Goldman Ltd. (Houston, Texas) 2003 – 2006
Marine Structural Designer: Utilized AutoCAD to assist Drafting Department in design in offshore platforms, jack-up rigs, and deepwater semi-submersibles, Scantlings plan, general arrangement, and structural detailing. Created proposal drawings and provided design support for engineers. Projects included COSL JU2000 and Noble Danny Atkins.
Atlantia Offshore Ltd. (Houston, Texas) 1997 – 2003
Topsides and Marine Designer: Utilized AutoCAD to create and scrub technical drawings, including topsides and jacket structural. Assisted in designing living quarters, electrical and marine structural. Worked on Sea-horse,
Sea-harvester, Morpeth, Alleggeny and Typhoon projects.
Enron (Houston, Texas) 1996 – 1997
Pipeline Design: Preliminary piping facilities, launcher receiver, regulator station, meter station, and compressor station.