House no: *-*/** Sector-** Rohit
Contact no 678959999
mat i-curpto09@¢mattcom
‘To workinchalengng envronmentwth honesty and desaton maedwith hard
workin aleam tonelp the instute achieve and growth ane gwen a chance
ior te the best satfaston of my senior
> 12 Passed
> Krowledgect computer, Photoshop internet ee
> weddesgnng
7 Ihave'5yisworkedexperiencedin onine portal ust ks fipar, voot,
snaps amazon otc as asenie merchant
> thave3yrsworkedexperencein Bookealtor
> Ihave Ys workedexperience in service center in Hindustan uniever
pret ss abackend computer operator
7 sellcontidence & Hard Werk
> postive attitude
> Honest Punctal