Name : R.Priya
E-mail Id : *************@*****.***
Contact No : 790-***-****
Carrier Objective:
To work with a organization that appreciates innovation and I enhance my knowledge and skills to give the best for growth of the organization. Educational Qualification:
Jai Shriram Engineering College.
Year of Passing -2017-2021
CGPA – 8.22
Government Higher Secondary School, Koduvai.
Year of Passing -2017
Percentage - 77.25
Government Higher Secondary School, Koduvai.
Year of Passing -2015
Percentage - 89
Timer Based ON/OFF Control Unit
To reduce the damages of crop fields and houses in forest area due to animals movements through alarm system.
Reduction of Power in SRAM Cells Using Gated VDD Methodology
To reduce the power consumption of the SRAM cells. 2
Area of Interest:
Image processing
Co-Curricular Activities:
Presented paper titled as “Silent Sound Technology” conducted by JSREC.
Presented paper in” International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering” conducted by Kathir College Of Engineering, Arasur
Underwent workshop on “Image processing and its Applications” in Manfree Technology, Coimbatore
Attended the workshop on “Internet Of Things” conducted by XPLORE IT CORP Duration (15.09.2018 to 16.09.2018).
Industrial Training:
Underwent Two day industrial training in PR automation to study the importance of PLC in automation industry.
Personal Skills:
Responsible Attitude and Passionate about learning
Personal Details:
Father’s Name : Mr.K.Ramasamy
Age : 21
Date of Birth : 01/09/1999
Address for Communication : 3/344,Kottai Medu,
Koduvai, Tirupur(Dt)-638 660
I am hereby declare that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place:Tirupur Signature