206-***-**** ********@*****.***
Project Coordinator/Execu2ve Assistant
MulK-tasking, highly efficient project coordinator with 2.5+ years of experience in C-Suite search and over 14 years of execuKve administraKon experience. Striving to make life easier for execuKve directors at a C-Suite search firm and a publicly elected official represenKng 250,000 consKtuents in the 12th largest county in the US. Experienced in office administraKon, project coordinaKon, client & consKtuent correspondence, calendars management, high-touch travel arrangements, inter-office relaKons and billing, all while acKng as the first point of contact for C-Suite level execuKves and elected officials in the private and public sectors. Target Industries: Project coordinator/ExecuKve assistant posiKon that assists execuKve level managers and office management.
Business Project Leadership:
- Establishes cross-agency relaKonships and builds bridges between the elected and consKtuents
- Coaches and mentors colleagues and officials while fostering poliKcal skill development
- Emphasizes direct communicaKon, a strategic broad view and linkage across mulKple systems
- Drives a mulK-disciplinary, collaboraKve approach to execuKve level success and office management
- Astute usage of keynote business tools such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and CRM databases for presentaKon, analysis, invesKgaKon, organizaKon and communicaKon that produces strong consKtuency and client relaKons
Project Coordinator ExperKse:
- Managed searches for C-Suite level posiKons on projects of over $100,000
- Generate project reports providing updates to the client at agreed intervals during the life of the project
- Maintain CRM database including file correspondence so_ware and tracking applicaKons and mailing distribuKon lists
- Monitoring all project acKviKes with accuracy and Kmeliness
- GeneraKon, tracking and reporKng of potenKal new business and business development in collaboraKve databases
- DelegaKon of tasks to team members while tracking and communicaKng risks and opportuniKes
- AnKcipaKng, idenKfying and remedying potenKal problems throughout the search process
- Oversight and creaKon of billables for clients, reimbursements for candidates and consultants ExecuKve Assistant ExperKse:
- Assisted the Councilmember by working with TransportaKon Network Companies (Uber, Ly_) to update the county code to create a fair and equitable framework for the TNC’s and legacy cab company stakeholders
- Subject Mafer Expert (SME) for the office in which sorKng, organizing and creaKng an archival structure was conducted for hundreds of thousands of documents for the purpose of retenKon under guidelines from the Public Disclosure Commission for Washington State
- Oversaw the selecKon and distribuKon of an annual van donaKon program to local non-profits in the relevant district
- Acted as “mission control” for a highly visible, public facing office with 250,000 consKtuents in the 12th largest county in the naKon
- Point person overseeing the external consKtuent relaKons for the office, freeing up other office staff to focus on their areas of experKse, and reducing the average response Kme to less than 48 hours
- Oversaw and trained office interns to assist staff and the Councilmember which allowed befer and more efficient Kme management for the office
- Increased office efficiency by managing mobile devices to connect staff and the Councilmember to each other, the office and the documents while working remotely
- Became the first point of contact for inter-office relaKons with other high level elected officials which kept open lines of communicaKons between the offices EXPERIENCE
Russell Reynolds Associates, Dallas TX 2018-2021
Project Coordinator
● EffecKvely anKcipate and answer quesKons from stakeholders at all levels regarding project details, progress and Kmeline.
● Complex travel management providing a high touch experience for candidates at each step of the process.
● Update CRM and tracking systems to ensure project status is maintained accurately and with all appropriate documentaKon.
● OperaKon representaKon and parKcipaKon in county, regional and local meeKngs on behalf of the Councilmember to provide sufficient council session operaKonal flow and efficiency.
● Acted as the office InformaKon Services Coordinator to replace, update and maintain computer hardware on an as needed basis.
METROPOLITAN KING COUNTY COUNCIL, Seafle WA 2006-2017 Execu1ve Assistant
● Complex calendar management, meeKng logisKcs for large groups both on and off-site with separately elected professionals and execuKves to ensure clear and decisive communicaKon between council staff.
● ConfidenKal travel arrangement management, handling of purchase orders, reimbursements, mobile devices, mulKple email accounts, distribuKon lists and more than 10,000 contacts for the office and Councilmember using MS Office Suite to ensure full operaKonal capacity for the Council.
● ConsKtuent relaKonship management, handling of internal and external correspondence for the Councilmember, sensiKve media request handling, and service as the primary contact point for wide- ranging issues to nearly 250,000 consKtuents to ensure poliKcal coverage to all.
● Vigilant provision of all the necessary logisKcs, meeKng materials and background informaKon for each of the 40+ separate commifees, boards, and commissions and ad hoc groups the Councilmember served upon to ensure efficient operaKons and to address consKtuency issues and concerns.
● OperaKon representaKon and parKcipaKon in county, regional and local meeKngs on behalf of the Councilmember to provide sufficient council session operaKonal flow and efficiency. WASHINGTON STATE SENATE, Olympia WA 2005-2006
Session Aide
● First point of contact for the Senate Republican Leader's office during the legislaKve session for the sake of management of overhead funcKons essenKal to guarantee the Leader’s meeKng the consKtuency needs.
● ConsKtuent relaKons were handled for the 16th LegislaKve District of Washington State and 150,000 consKtuents.
● Numerous legislaKve bills were tracked through the commifee and legislaKve process to provide informaKon on latest developments with success and push backs pivotal to their passage or rejecKon.
● Regular afendance of meeKngs as well as caucus and commifee hearings on the Senator's behalf to represent the interests of the Senator.
Rob Christopher 206-***-**** ********@*****.*** Page 2 EDUCATION, SKILLS, & ACCOLADES
BACHELOR OF Arts: POLITICAL SCIENCE, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 2006 Graduated with Honors
C-Level ExecuKve Support ConsKtuent RelaKons
Microso_ Office Government
Public Correspondence Office Management
Research and development Funding Models
Receiving ConsKtuent Phone Calls MS Powerpoint
MS Word MS Excel
MS Outlook Lync
Awarded Annual Passion Award at Russell Reynolds Associates Selected for outstanding academic performance by the Poli2cal Science Department Chair Phi Kappa Phi Na2onal Honor Society member
Alpha Sigma Lambda Na2onal Honor Society member
Gamma Theta Epsilon Na2onal Honor Society member
Rob Christopher 206-***-**** ********@*****.*** Page 3