Julina Dura Santuelle
Cell: 099********
Email: julinasontuele’
Seeking for a job opportunity wherein I will be able to utilize my
skills and enhance my abilities, eager to learn new things that
would help me expand my knowledge so that I can contribute and
help the company to grow for success.
Juan Pamplona National High School
DEGREE: High Schoo! Graduate
DURATION: 6/2016 - 4/2020
Management CvSkills
+ Computer skills Attentive, hard working, lve overtime, career center, good
communication sills, time management
+ Company Name: Nida's Restaurant
+ Description: Takes orders, answers questions about the menu and food, sells the
restaurant's food and drinks, takes payment, communicates orders with the
kitchen staff, seats customers, and helps with customer service and cleaning,
+ Company Neme: GGM
+ Deseription: encoder, editor, ID maker, download music/epp/\ideo, tarpaulin
‘maker, print pictures, cleaning the shop, entertain customers
Encoder 8/2020 - 5)
+ Company Name: Inday Bebie's Paanakan
+ Description: Encode Patient's information, print papers for patient, do Xerox,
encode data, help assist the patient, responsible of papers work, taking care of
payment and billing/taxes online,
+ Father Name: + Martial Status:
Felix Rodrigo Santuele Single
+ Date OF Birth: + Religion:
10/2002 Catholic
+ Nationality: