**** ********** *********, ***
*** ***** *****, ***., **** Norwood Ave., Itasca 60143
Owner—Fredkins Kim, 2 emp., Precision metal laser cutting 847-***-****
3D Industries, 500 Frontier Way, Bensenville 60106
GM—Brian Glavo, 13 emp., Precision CNC machining & tool & die 630-***-****
3D Mfg. Corp., 9218 Corsair Rd., Frankfort 60423
Pres.—Patrick Dalton, 6 emp., General machining job shop 815-***-****
3rd Angle Mfg. Solutions, 401 S. County Line Rd., Franklin Park 60131
Owner—Pete Hammon, 18 emp., Sheet metal fabrication & 3D model 630-***-****
3-V Industries, Inc., 110 W. Oak St., Benld 62009
Pres., Pur. Agt.—Edward LaRoche, 10 emp., Rebuilt industrial machinery & CNC 217-***-****
A & B Machine Shop, 1920 20th Ave., Rockford 61104
Owner—Tim Baumgardt, 10 emp., Machining job shop 815-***-****
A & B Machine Works, Inc., 460 N. Union Ave., Chicago 60654
Pres. & Opers. Mgr.—John Chiappini, 5 emp., Machining job shop 312-***-****
A & M Tool Co., Inc., 5 W. Waltz Dr., Wheeling 60090
Pres.—Hubert Bieniewski, 50 emp., CNC machining, gages, fixtures & short-run 847-***-****
A & R Machine, Inc., 12340 S. Keeler Ave., Alsip 60803
Pres.—Jane Plewa, 8 emp., Machining job shop 708-***-****
A & S Machining & Welding, Inc., 4828 Lawndale Ave., Ste. 3, McCook 60525
Owner & R & D Mgr.—Stan Rafacz, 20 emp., Machining & welding job shop 708-***-****
A J R Industries, Inc., 117 Gordon St., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Alan Wojtowicz, 40 emp., Jig boring, industrial machinery & 847-***-****
A Z Welding & Machine, Inc., 8373 Militello Ln., Bethalto 62010
Owner, Pres. & GM—Brian Zirkelbach, 4 emp., CNC machining & welding job shop 618-***-****
A-1 Lapping & Machining Co., Inc., 623 Grable St., Rockford 61109
Pres.—Gordon A. Greenberg, 15 emp., Flat & double-sided lapping, flat honing 815-***-****
A-1 Quality Welding, Inc., 642 Lunt Ave., Schaumburg 60193
Pres.—Greg Jerominski, 7 emp., General & custom fabrication & productionwel 847-***-****
AAA CNC Mfg. Corp., 14007 Kostner Ave., Crestwood 60445
Owner—Steve Fudala, 1 emp., General machining job shop 708-***-****
A-A-A Tool & Machine Co., 230 Obernuefemann Rd., O'Fallon 62269
Pres.—Brian Wort, 7 emp., Metal stampings, tools, dies, jigs,. 618-***-****
AAA Unlimited, Inc., 424 N. Grove Ave., Elgin 60120
Pres., GM—Jay Ackman, 3 emp., Metal fabrication & welding job shop 847-***-****
Aacurite Welding Service, 501 S. County Line Rd., Franklin Park 60131
Owner & Pres.—Michael Rezny, 4 emp., Tool, die & mold, micro & laser weldingprod 630-***-****
A-American Machine & Assembly Co., 2620 Auburn St., Rockford 61101
Pres.—Mark Keller, 20 emp., Machining job shop, including late 815-***-****
Aarmen Tool & Mfg. Corp., 11475 Commercial Ave., P.O. Box 697, Richmond 60071
Pres.—Richard Smith, 5 emp., General machining job shop 815-***-****
Aaron-Swiss, Inc., 10136 Pacific Ave., Franklin Park 60131
Pres.—Bohdan Waszczur, 5 emp., Precision machine parts 847-***-****
Aarstar Precision Grinding, Inc., 9007 Exchange Ave., Franklin Park 60131
Pres., Engrg. & Opers. Mgr.—Frank L. Tarolla, 5 emp., Centerless grinding job shop 847-***-****
AB Seals, Inc., 371 S. Hamilton St., Sullivan 61951
Pres.—Melissa J. Stacy, 5 emp., Liquid sealants & vacuum & pressure 217-***-****
Abbate Screw Products, Inc., 50 Presidential Dr., Roselle 60172
Pres.—Lawrence Abbate, Jr., 85 emp., Precision machining of turned metal 630-***-****
Abbco, Inc., 2401 American Ln., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Joseph Abbate, Jr., 15 emp., Custom cutting tools & OD, ID, surfacetool 630-***-****
Abbott Machine Co., 700 W. Broadway, Alton 62002
Pres.—Mike St. Peters, 25 emp., Rebuilt boring mills, roll grinders 618-***-****
Abbott-Interfast, LLC, 190 Abbott Dr., Wheeling 60090
Pres.—Robert Baer, 50 emp., Company headquarters & automatic screw 847-***-****
Abet Industries Corp., 111 Kemman Ave., La Grange Park 60526
Pres.—Cindy V. Mottl, 7 emp., Electrical discharge machining job 708-***-****
Ability Engineering Technology, Inc., 16140 Vincennes Ave., South Holland 60473
Pres.—Eugene Botsoe, 30 emp., Custom fabrication of equipment & systems 708-***-****
Ability Welding Service, Inc., 500 Meyer Rd., Bensenville 60106
Pres.—Wally Kryczka, 5 emp., Welding job shop, including tool, diemold 630-***-****
Ablaze Welding & Fabricating, Inc., 2003 Kishwaukee St., Rockford 61104
Owner & Opers. Mgr.—Charles McClenthen, Jr., 2 emp., Steel & aluminum fabrication & welding 815-***-**** Able Barmilling & Mfg., Inc., 1111 N. Old Rand Rd., Wauconda 60084
Owner & Pres.—Ronald Spears, 13 emp., Custom profile milling of metal bars 708-***-****
Able Metal Hose, Inc., 15 W. Laura Dr., Addison 60101
Pres.—J. C. Nevara, Jr., 9 emp., Flexible metal hose, tubing & conduit 630-***-****
Above & Beyond Black Oxide, Inc., 1029 N. 27th Ave., P.O. Box 1724, Melrose Park 60161
Pres., CFO—Jack Cooper, 7 emp., Black oxide plating & metal finishing 708-***-****
Abrading Methods, Inc., 1011 Davis Rd., Elgin 60123
Co-Pres.—Joseph Dominski, 16 emp., Flat lapping, fine grinding, deburringclean 847-***-****
Abrasive Precision Machine, 1823 Broadway, Rockford 61104
Owner—Fortino Carrillo, 5 emp., Precision grinding & machining job 815-***-****
Abrasive-Form, Inc., 454 Scott Dr., Bloomingdale 60108
CEO—Bill Moeller, 200 emp., Corporate headquarters & creep feed 630-***-****
Absolute Grinding & Mfg., Inc., 2400 11th St., Rockford 61104
Owner—Gordon Rose, 25 emp., Grinding, including precision, production 815-***-****
Absolute Turn, Inc., 1704 S. Wolf Rd., Wheeling 60090
Pres., Pur. Agt.—Roy Urban, 36 emp., CNC precision turning & milling, including 847-***-****
Accro Precision Grinding, Inc., 2080 N. Hawthorne Ave., Melrose Park 60160
Pres.—John Hess, 8 emp., Precision grinding job shop 708-***-****
Accu Cut, Inc., 1617 Magnolia St., Rockford 61104
Pres.—Jason Bolen, 5 emp., Wire EDM for the aerospace, automotive 815-***-****
Accu Grind Mfg., Inc., 386 Hollow Hill Dr., Wauconda 60084
Pres.—Carol Sauer, 7 emp., Reversible plug gages & precision centerless 847-***-****
ACCU-CUT Diamond Bore Sizing Systems, Inc., 4640 N. Oketo Ave., Harwood Heights 60706
Engr.—Steve Ball, 30 emp., Diamond tooling & machine parts 708-***-****
Accu-Drive, Inc., 610 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago 60609
GM—Craig Wieker, 4 emp., Grinding & precision machining job 773-***-****
Accurate CNC Machining, Inc., 5365 Edith Ln., Roscoe 61073
Pres.—Richard Fluegel, 10 emp., CNC machining job shop 815-***-****
Accurate Engine & Machine, 5053 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago 60639
Owner—Ray Villarreal, 2 emp., Automotive machining job shop 773-***-****
Accurate Machine Services Inc., 5505 International Dr., Rockford 61109
Pres.—Scott Miller, 12 emp., Industrial machinery rebuild & repair 815-***-****
Accurate Metal Fabricating, 1657 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago 60639
Pres.—Aaron Kamins, 50 emp., Precision sheet metal fabrication of 773-***-****
Accurate Metal Finishing Co., 359 Sola Dr., Gilberts 60136
Plt. Mgr.—Arnel Arias, 9 emp., Deburring 847-***-****
Accurate Metallizing, Inc., 5340 W. 111th St., Ste. 2, Oak Lawn 60453
Pres. & Pur. Mgr.—Donald Vander Meulen, 5 emp., Metallizing, thermo-spray coatings, 708-***-****
Accurate Metals Illinois, LLC, 2524 11th St., Rockford 61104
V-P.—Lee Hau, 50 emp., Sheet & plate steel processing, including 815-***-****
Accurate Parts Mfg. Co., 220 Gateway Rd., Bensenville 60106
Pres.—Ozcan Yabukoglu, 2 emp., Machining job shop, including casting 630-***-****
Accurate Tool, Inc., 2460 E. Oakton St., Arlington Heights 60005
Ptnr., Hum. Res., IT & Opers. Mgr.—Damon Savvakis, Jr., 3 emp., CNC machining & extruding 847-***-**** Accusonics, Inc., 5401 Patton Dr., Ste. 113, Lisle 60532
Pres.—John Loehman, 4 emp., Plastic assembly tooling of ultrasonichorns 630-***-****
Ace Grinding-Schram Enterprise, Inc., 5017 W. Lake St., Melrose Park 60160
Pres.—Mark F. Schram, 30 emp., Centerless grinding, precision bar 708-***-****
Ace Machining Of Rockford, Inc., 3380 Forest View Rd., Rockford 61109
Pres.—Richard Knight, 5 emp., General & precision machining job shop 815-***-****
Ace Metal Crafts, 205 Park St., Bensenville 60106
Pres.—Keith Stout, 40 emp., CNC machining job shop 630-***-****
Ace Metal Crafts Company, 484 Thomas Dr., Bensenville 60106
CEO—Jean Pitzo, 125 emp., Custom job shop, including stainless 847-***-****
Ace Precision Tool Mfg. Co., 1612 Landmeier Rd., Ste. A, Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres., Secy.—James A. Glorioso, Jr., 7 emp., Small pneumatic & hydraulic cylindersasse 847-***-****
Ace Sand Blast Co., 4601 W. Roscoe St., Chicago 60641
Pres.—Julianne D. Largay, 10 emp., Metal finishing, including media blasting 773-***-****
Ack-Temp Mechanical Services, Inc., 805 Oakwood Rd., Ste. B, Lake Zurich 60047
Pres.—Russell Ackerman, 10 emp., Metal fabrication & welding for the 847-***-****
Acme Grinding & Mfg., Inc., 6871 Belford Industrial Dr., P.O. Box 50, Belvidere 61008
Owner, V-P. & GM—Chuck Zaluckyj, 10 emp., Precision grinding & manufacturing 815-***-****
Acme Industrial Co., Inc., 441 Maple Ave., Carpentersville 60110
Pres.—John Evans, 136 emp., Precision machine parts, drill, gundrill 847-***-****
Acme Industries, Inc., 1325 Pratt Blvd., Elk Grove Village 60007
Chrm.—Warren Young, 200 emp., Precision contract machining 847-***-****
Action Automation, 5160 W. 125th Pl., Alsip 60803
Pres.—Kevin Murphy, 15 emp., Adaption plates, rebuilt actuators 708-***-****
Action Carbide Grinding Co., Inc., 1118 Lunt Ave., Ste. B, Schaumburg 60193
Pres.—Louis Pacini, 2 emp., Carbide surface grinding of punch & 847-***-****
Action Tool & Mfg., Inc., 5573 Sandy Hollow Rd., Rockford 61109
Pres., Hum. Res., IT & Plt. Mgr.—Troy Gay, 20 emp., Tool & die, machining, contract metalstampi 815-***-****
Active Automation, Inc., 530 Bennett Rd., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Sam V. Marinkovic, 20 emp., Automated machinery, robotic, automation 847-***-****
Active Grinding & Mfg. Co., 1796 Parkes Dr., Broadview 60155
Pres.—Carl Santucci, 7 emp., Manufacturer of plain plug & ring gagesthre 708-***-****
Active Precision Mfg., Inc., 1975 N. 17th Ave., Melrose Park 60160
Pres.—Adam Lekarczyk, 19 emp., General & precision machining job shop 708-***-****
Active Tool & Machine, Inc., 8445 S. Beloit Ave., Bridgeview 60455
Pres.—Phillip Nienhouse, 4 emp., Motor & armature shafts 708-***-****
Active Wireworks Corp., 1239 Humbracht Cir., Bartlett 60103
Pres.—Eugene Kudron, 20 emp., Custom wire products, stampings & assemblies 630-***-****
Ada Metal Products, Inc., 7120 N. Capitol Dr., Lincolnwood 60712
Pres. & Dir., Qual.—Pete Barkules, 35 emp., Custom brackets & simple & complex 847-***-****
Adair Enterprises, Inc., 1499 Tonne Rd., Elk Grove Village 60007
Manager—Derek Westman, 11 emp., Rubber & steel hydraulic, industrialpneum 847-***-****
Adam Tool & Mfg. Co., Inc., 900 N. Larch Ave., Elmhurst 60126
Pres.—Hugh J. Adam, 9 emp., Precision & CNC machining job shop 630-***-****
Adamor Metal Group, 2301 Estes Ave., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Tom Luers, 50 emp., Precision machining job shop for the 847-***-****
Add Tool & Saw Grinding Co., 10136 Pacific Ave., Unit A, Franklin Park 60131
Pres.—John Radzik, 4 emp., Saw & tool grinding 773-***-****
Addison Precision Products, Inc., 200 E. Kellen Dr., P.O. Box 144, Amboy 61310
Pres., Treas., MIS Mgr.—John T. Smith, 10 emp., Corporate headquarters & CNC machining 815-***-**** Addison Precision Products, Inc., 863 Raynor Rd., Dixon 61021
Sales Mgr.—Eric Counihan, 3 emp., CNC & precision machining, fabrication 815-***-****
Adermann's Welding & Machine Shop, 1310 W. Pike Ave., Effingham 62401
Owner—Kurt Overback, 5 emp., Welding & general machining job shop 217-***-****
Advance Grinding Services, Inc., 6360 W. 73rd St., Unit B, Bedford Park 60638
Pres.—Ahmed Salem Alwally, 20 emp., Precision steel, brass & aluminum bar-stock 708-***-****
Advance Printers Machine Shop, Inc., 4271 N. Elston Ave., Chicago 60618
Pres.—Ed Dolatowski, 4 emp., Machining job shop exclusively for 773-***-****
Advanced Automation Systems, 5318 Forest Hills Ct., Loves Park 61111
Owner, Pres., Fin. & MIS Mgr.—John C. Haulotte, 5 emp., Automated feeders, conveyors, sorters 815-***-**** Advanced Automotive Grinding, 1355 Holmes Rd., Elgin 60123
GM—Leo Przybylowski, 134 emp., Precision, creep feed & 5-axis grindingfort 224-***-****
Advanced Custom Metals, 1024 North Ave., Des Plaines 60016
Ptnr.—John Brown, 16 emp., Abrasive waterjet cutting job shop, 847-***-****
Advanced Extruder Technologies, 2281 E. Devon Ave., Elk Grove Village 60007
Owner & GM—Fred Jalili, 30 emp., Single screw extruders & systems for 847-***-****
Advanced Machine & Engineering Co., 2500 Latham St., Rockford 61103
CEO & CFO—Dietmar Goellner, 130 emp., Machining job shop 815-***-****
Advanced Metal Works, 11917-B Smith Dr., Huntley 60142
Owner—Steve Henning, 1 emp., Machining job shop 847-***-****
Advanced Pattern Works, LLC, 305 Railroad Ave., Collinsville 62234
Owner—John W. Harris III, 7 emp., Models, molds, patterns & prototypesincl 618-***-****
Advanced Precision Machining, Ltd., 766 Birginal Dr., Bensenville 60106
Pres.—Scott R. Lamb, 7 emp., Precision CNC machining job shop & 630-***-****
Advantage Precision Products, 1090 Rock Road Ln., Ste. 5, East Dundee 60118 Owner—Cynthia Oldin, 14 emp., Screw machining job shop 847-***-****
Advent Tool & Mfg., Inc., 710 Anita Ave., Antioch 60002
Pres.—James T. Hartford, 20 emp., Thread, form milling & industrial cutting 847-***-****
AEN Industries, Inc., 1522 Union Ave., Chicago Heights 60411
Pres.—Michael Schreiber, 6 emp., Metal & sheet metal fabrication, including 708-***-****
AERO APMC, Inc., 411 S. County Line Rd., Franklin Park 60131
Pres.—Ark Maciaszek, 20 emp., Precision CNC machining & turning jobs 630-***-****
Aero Industries, Inc., 450 Comanche Cir., Harvard 60033
Pres.—Jim Clingingsmith, 10 emp., Bulk & machined graphite products & 815-***-****
AFC Machining Co., 710 Tower Rd., Mundelein 60060
Owner & Pres.—David Muntz, 50 emp., Precision CNC turned parts for hydraulic 847-***-****
AFCO Products, Inc., 1030 Commerce Dr., Lake Zurich 60047
CEO—Ken Klancnik, 40 emp., Precision machined components, CNC 847-***-****
Aggressive Technologies, Inc., 5405 Forest Hills Ct., Loves Park 61111
Owner—Sherrie Blakesley, 6 emp., CNC machining job shop, including steelfabri 815-***-****
AGH Technologies, Inc., 1251 Humbracht Cir., Ste. F, Bartlett 60103
Pres.—Grazyna Hacz, 8 emp., CNC machining job shop 630-***-****
Ailey's Welding & Machine, Route 24 W., P.O. Box 429, Crescent City 60928
Ptnr.—Norman Ailey, 3 emp., Welding machining job shop 815-***-****
A-Julian Welding & Fabrication, 11500 S. Central Ave., Alsip 60803
Pres.—Roy Frestel, 2 emp., Fabrication & welding job shop, includingdra 708-***-****
Alanson Mfg., LLC, 4408 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60623
Pres.—Jerry Tamburrino, 20 emp., Precision machining job shop 773-***-****
Albion Allen, Inc., 955 Tonne Rd., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Rich Riske, 10 emp., Casters & material handling equipment 847-***-****
Alcast Company, 8821 N. University St., Peoria 61615
Pres., Fin. & Opers. Mgr.—Stephen R. Wessels, 240 emp., Company headquarters & permanent moldal 309-***-**** Alecto Industries, Inc., 148 S. 8th Ave., Maywood 60153
Ptnr. & Pres.—James Szwaya, 20 emp., Screw machine products & CNC machining 708-***-****
Alert Screw Products Corp., 100 Honing Rd., Fox Lake 60020
Pres., Opers. Mgr.—Joseph V. Dvorak, 13 emp., Screw machine products, including knurled 847-***-**** Alert Tubing Fabricators, Inc., 8019 Commercial Ave., Loves Park 61111
Pres.—Kevin J. Coffey, 11 emp., Tube bending, machining, welding & 815-***-****
Alex Co., 6309 Material Ave., Loves Park 61111
Owner—Lawrence P. Alex, 1 emp., Machining job shop 815-***-****
All Fast Service, 5111 25th St., Cicero 60804
V-P.—Tracy Tyson, 3 emp., Rebuilt pallet jacks 708-***-****
All Precision Mfg., LLC, 153 N. 5th St., P.O. Box 220, Nokomis 62075
Plt. Mgr.—Jeff Howell, 25 emp., Production machining job shop 217-***-****
Allan's Welding & Machine, Inc., 3815 E. Illinois 250, Olney 62450
Pres.—Allan May, 10 emp., Welding & machining job shop 618-***-****
All-Cut, Inc., 8195 S. Lemont Rd., Darien 60561
Pres.—Stan M. Widlacki, 4 emp., Wire & sinker EDM machining job shop 630-***-****
Allen Avionics, 2727 Clinton St., River Grove 60171
Pres.—Brian Althoff, 45 emp., Custom passive electronic componentsinculd 708-***-****
* Indicates new listing this edition.
Alliance Specialties and Laser Sales, 265 Industrial Dr., Wauconda 60084
Pres., Opers. Mgr.—John Demakis, 14 emp., Mold polishing, including preventativemo 847-***-****
Allied Welding, Inc., 1801 N. Logan, P.O. Box 410, Chillicothe 61523
Pres.—Terry Nelson, 60 emp., Welding & production job shop 309-***-****
Alloy Welding Corp., 2033 Janice Ave., Melrose Park 60160
Chrm., Pres., V-P., GM & Opers. & Plt. Mgr.—Thomas J. Troccoli, 30 emp., Production welding, sheet 708-***-**** All-Rite Industries, Inc., 470 Oakwood Rd., Lake Zurich 60047
Pres.—Edward J. Bilik, 85 emp., Wire forms, metal stampings, welded 847-***-****
Allyn Bank Equipment Co.-Date-Write, 3000 Dundee Rd., Ste. 404, Northbrook 60062
Co-Pres., CEO—Paul L. Berns, 9 emp., Custom bank accessories for customer 847-***-****
Alpha Precision, Inc., 9750 Route 126, P.O. Box 157, Yorkville 60560
GM—Jake Brolsma, 25 emp., Ultrasonic machining & etching of hardbrit 630-***-****
Alpha Products, Inc., 5570 W. 70th Pl., Bedford Park 60638
Pres.—John Marks, 40 emp., Metal stampings & fabrication, CNC 708-***-****
Alpha Star Tool & Mold, Inc., 11 Burdent Dr., Crystal Lake 60014
Owner—Audrey Thurow, 17 emp., Multi-cavity plastic injection moldsinterc 815-***-****
Alpine Amusement Co., Inc., 8037 Neva Ave., Burbank 60459
Pres.—Donald Massie III, 3 emp., Amusement park rides 708-***-****
Al's Machine Service, 698 McHenry Ave., Ste. D, Woodstock 60098
Owner—Lee Tibbitts, 2 emp., Automotive machining job shop 815-***-****
Alsip Mfg. Corp., 16700 Carse Ave., Harvey 60426
Pres., Pur., Sales & Mktg. Mgr.—Joe Lewandowski, 12 emp., Machining job shop 708-***-****
Alster Machining Corp., 4243 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago 60639
Pres.—Adam Widula, 10 emp., Machining job shop 773-***-****
Altman Mfg. Co., Inc., 1990 Ohio St., Lisle 60532
Pres., R & D Mgr.—Paul Altman, 10 emp., Rubber & plastic trimming dies, automationsy 630-***-****
Amco Machine, 900 E. Precision Dr., Somonauk 60552
Acctg. Mgr.—Lisa Garafolo, 17 emp., Machine aluminum castings 815-***-****
American Aluminum Extrusion Co., LLC, 5253 McCurry Rd., Roscoe 61073
Pres.—Sam Popa, 200 emp., Company headquarters & aluminum extrusionsc 815-***-****
American Building Services, 953 Seton Ct., Wheeling 60090
Co-Pres.—Mark Echales, 65 emp., Hollow metal doors & frames & distributor 847-***-****
American Cast Products, Inc., 17730 Chicago Ave., Lansing 60438
Pres., GM—Gordon Fortier, Jr., 23 emp., Brass & aluminum sand castings, iron 708-***-****
American CNC Machine Co., 749 W. Fullerton Ave., Addison 60101
Pres.—Mandy Lanute, 46 emp., CNC machining job shop, including waterjetcu 630-***-****
American Drilling, Inc., 625 Glenn Ave., Wheeling 60090
Pres., Hum. Res. & Opers. Mgr.—Jim Shanahan, 30 emp., Drilling, tapping, shaving, broaching . 847-***-**** American Grinding & Machine Co., 2000 N. Mango Ave., Chicago 60639
Pres.—Greg Leonard, 72 emp., Tool & metal grinding, flame cuttingwedli 773-***-****
American Industrial Co., 1080 Tri-State Pkwy., Gurnee 60031
Pres.—David Dunn, 15 emp., Precision metal stampings, formed components 847-***-****
American Iron, 612 S. Main St., Brighton 62012
Owner—Brad Christian, 4 emp., CNC machining job shop for the motorcycle 618-***-****
American Machine Tools Co., 5866 N. Northwest Hwy., Chicago 60631
GM—Michael Desjardins, 6 emp., Manufacturer of portable line boring 773-***-****
American Machining & Welding, 6009 S. New England Ave., Chicago 60638
Pres.—Stanley Sieczka, 23 emp., Machining job shop 773-***-****
American Machining Inc, 350 W. Marquette St., Ottawa 61350
Pres.—Richard Lindhout, 15 emp., CNC machining & turning & toolroom 815-***-****
American Quality Mfg., 3519 Kishwaukee St., Rockford 61109
Pres., Off. Mgr.—Mark Dzurisin, 26 emp., Precision machining job shop 815-***-****
American Tool Design, Inc., 680 Lunt Ave., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres.—Konrad Ostalowski, 6 emp., CNC tool grinding service 847-***-****
Amerline Enterprises Co., 9509 Winona Ave., Schiller Park 60176
Pres., Sales & Mktg. Mgr.—Thomas A. Krepelka, Sr., 40 emp., Electromechanical cable assemblies 847-***-**** Amiberica, 3701 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago 60609
Pres.—William Diaz, 20 emp., Industrial ovens, washers, paint finishingsy 773-***-****
AMIC Global, Inc., 353 Hastings Dr., Buffalo Grove 60089
Pres.—Baojun Liu, 13 emp., Tier 1 OEM job shop, including steel 847-***-****
Ammentorp Tool Co., Inc., 9828 Franklin Ave., Franklin Park 60131
Chrm., Pres., Sales Mgr.—Dale Ammentorp, 4 emp., Interchangeable tooling inserts for 847-***-****
AMS Welding, 7800 47th St., Lyons 60534
Owner—Terry Marchelya, 2 emp., General machining & welding job shop 708-***-****
Amsted Industries, Inc. (H Q), 180 N. Stetson Ave., Ste. 1800, Chicago 60601
Pres., CEO—Stephen R. Smith, 45 emp., Corporate headquarters; industrial 312-***-****
Amtec Molded Products, Inc., 1355 Holmes Rd., Ste. A, Elgin 60123
Pres.—Ganesh Subramanian, 32 emp., Thermoplastic injection molding, insertm 815-***-****
Anah Machine Mfg. Co., 801 Pratt Blvd., Elk Grove Village 60007
Owner—Andrew Kolosa, 10 emp., General machining job shop 847-***-****
Anchor-Harvey Components, LLC, 600 W. Lamm Rd., Freeport 61032
Pur. Agt.—Diana Carey, 100 emp., Nonferrous forgings, brass & aluminum 815-***-****
Anders Machine, Inc., 9022 Oketo Ave., Bridgeview 60455
Pres., Engrg. & Opers. Mgr.—Joe Liszka, 3 emp., General machining job shop 708-***-****
ANDRITZ ASKO, Inc., South Holland Division, 15600 Vincennes Ave., South Holland 60473
V-P.—John Rackoff, 25 emp., Industrial knives, including wear partsrec 708-***-****
Andritz Paperchine, Inc., 1155 Prairie Hill Rd., Rockton 61072
Plt. Opers. Mgr.—Jim Christopherson, 120 emp., Rebuilt papermill equipment, parts, 815-***-****
Animated Mfg. Co., 106 W. 154th St., P.O. Box 448, South Holland 60473
Chrm., CEO—A. E. White, 12 emp., Metal stampings, four slide, spot welding 708-***-****
Anpec Industries, Inc., 216 Main St., P.O. Box 539, Pecatonica 61063
Pres., CFO—Doug Allen, 35 emp., CNC production machine shop, includingve 815-***-****
Anzelc Welding & Fabricating, Inc., 322 Moen Ave., Joliet 60436
Chrm.—Charles Anzelc, Sr., 40 emp., Production welding, steel fabrication 815-***-****
Apex Auto Machine, 224 Evergreen Ave., Bensenville 60106
Owner—William Truesdale, 1 emp., Automotive machining job shop 630-***-****
Apex Mfg., 125 Highland Rd., Galatia 62935
GM—Michael Karnes, 4 emp., CNC machining job shop 618-***-****
Apex Mfg., Inc., 5409 W. Craftwell Dr., Unit A, Ringwood 60072
Pres.—David W. Dowell, 4 emp., Machining job shop. 815-***-****
Apex Tool Works, Inc., 3200 Tollview Dr., Rolling Meadows 60008
Pres.—Michael Collins, 40 emp., Precision tooling & machined parts 847-***-****
Aphelion Precision Technologies, 1800 Greenleaf Ave., Elk Grove Village 60007
CEO—Jane Black, 60 emp., Precision machining job shop 847-***-****
Apollo Machine & Mfg. Co., 7617 N. Parkside Ave., Skokie 60077
Pres., Opers. Mgr.—Danica Kainovic, 5 emp., Grinding job shop, including stamping 847-***-****
Applehouse Mfg. & Design, LLC, 919 River Ln., Loves Park 61111
Owner—Doug Price, 5 emp., Industrial, recycling & replacement 815-***-****
Applied Engineering Plastics, Inc., 6 Industrial Dr., Jerseyville 62052
Pres.—Kyle Steiner, 15 emp., Precision plastic machining & engineeringjo 877-***-****
Aquatrol, Inc., 600 E. North St., P.O. Box 8012, Elburn 60119
Pres.—Bert Lowden, 18 emp., ASME safety & relief valves & full-service 630-***-****
Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., 4083 E. Faries Pkwy., Decatur 62526
Manager—Shane Habley, 25 emp., General machining job shop 217-***-****
Argo Mfg. Co., 4N944 Old LaFox Rd., P.O. Box 359, Wasco 60183
Pres.—Kenneth Mitson, 15 emp., Machining job shop 630-***-****
Arlington Fastener Co., Inc., 1032 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington 60010
Pres.—Albert J. Malwitz, 25 emp., Fasteners, nuts, bolts, retaining rings 847-***-****
Armitage Machine Co., Inc., 6035 S. Washington St., Peoria 61607
Pres.—David A. Armitage, 10 emp., Machining job shop 309-***-****
Armitage Welding, Inc., 3212-14 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago 60647
Owner & Pres.—Manuel Vazquez, 4 emp., Precision welding job shop 773-***-****
Arrow Engineering, Inc., 5191 27th Ave., Rockford 61109
Pres.—Timothy O. Hawley, 25 emp., Custom workholding fixtures & contractC 815-***-****
Arrow Pneumatics, Inc., 2111 W. 21st St., Broadview 60155
Pres.—Benny Kawa, 70 emp., Pneumatic & hydraulic in-line filters 708-***-****
Art CNC Machining, LLC, 9824 Industrial Dr., Bridgeview 60455
Pres.—Krzysztof Strychacz, 3 emp., Precision CNC machining job shop 708-***-****
Art Technologies, Inc., 450 Frontier Way, Ste. B, Bensenville 60106
Pres.—Felipe Perez, Precision CNC machining job shop 630-***-****
Artline Screen Printing Inc., 1309 7th St., Rockford 61104
Pres., Sales Mgr.—Janet Hooker, 2 emp., Screen printing of machined parts, 815-***-****
Ascent Mfg. Co., 123 Scott St., Elk Grove Village 60007
Pres., Engrg. Mgr.—George Daniel, 15 emp., Metal stamping spring, wire forms, 847-***-****
Associated Fastening Products, Inc., 700 Hilltop Dr., Itasca 60143
Pres., CEO—Jill Lewis, 64 emp., American-made fasteners, including 847-***-****
Asteroid Precision, Inc., 2190 S. Wolf Rd., Des Plaines 60018
Pres.—James Vigue, 70 emp., Honing, centerless, cylindrical, surface 847-***-****
Astro-Craft, Inc., 7509 Spring Grove Rd., Spring Grove 60081
Pres.—Richard Dschida, 20 emp., Industrial & CNC machining job shop 815-***-****
AT Precision, Inc., 3555 Woodhead Dr., Northbrook 60062
Pres., Hum. Res. & IT Mgr.—Charles Thudium, 15 emp., Precision & CNC machining job shop 847-***-**** Ateco Engine & Dyno Shop Illinois, Inc., 27840 W. Concrete Dr., Ingleside 60041
Pres.—William D. Lawson, 4 emp., Rebuilt automotive & boat engines 847-***-****
Atek Corp., 1650 Burlington Ave., P.O. Box 727, Kewanee 61443
Pres., Hum. Res. Mgr.—Michael J. Adams, 9 emp., Press brake tooling & press brake gagingsyst 309-***-**** Atlantic Engineering, 42008 Delany Rd., Zion 60099
Owner—Henry Scheffner, 2 emp., Metal stampings, jigs, fixtures & tool 847-***-****
Atlas Boiler & Welding Co., 424 N. Grove Ave., Elgin 60120
Pres.—Jason Ackmann, 4 emp., Welding of boilers & tanks, includingrepai 847-***-****
Atlas Mfg. Ltd., 10001 W. Roosevelt St., Harvard 60033
Owner—Nick Leicht, 10 emp., CNC machining job shop, including long 815-***-****
Atlas Saw & Tool, Inc., 7801 Industrial Ct., Ste. B, Spring Grove 60081
Owner, Fin., MIS & R & D Mgr.—Jovita Kerns, 4 emp., Tool & saw blade sharpening 815-***-****
Atlas Tool & Die Works, Inc., 4633 S. Lawndale Ave., P.O. Box 32, Lyons 60534
Pres.—Daniel Mottl, 60 emp., Metal stampings, EDM wire & laser & 708-***-****
Atometric, Inc., 7320 Forest Hills Rd., Loves Park 61111
Pres.—Tom Lindem, 10 emp., Micromilling machining centers & CNC 815-***-****
Atomic Industrial Machine, Inc., 365 Kent Ave., Elk Grove Village 60007
CEO—Rick Gregurich, 12 emp., CNC turning & milling of precision 847-***-****
Atomoweld, Inc., 5515 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago 60641
Plt. Opers., Sales & Mktg. Mgr.—Ed Mueller, 4 emp., Tool & die & welding job shop 773-***-****
Atteberry Machine Shop, Larry, 2458 County Road 1825 N., Mount Erie 62446
Ptnr.—Brad Atteberry, 4 emp., General machining job shop 618-***-****
Aura Systems, Inc., 2345 E. Garfield Ave., Decatur 62526
Pres.—Mark Sadorus, 21 emp., Custom industrial equipment, including 217-***-****
Aurora Metals Division, L.L.C., 1995 Greenfield Rd., Montgomery 60538
Pres.—David Bumbar, 140 emp., Brass, bronze, gray iron, aluminum 630-***-****
Auto Machine, Inc., 310 N. 6th St., St. Charles 60174
Pres.—James DeBates, 5 emp., Rebuilt automotive, truck & industrialengi 630-***-****
Automatic Precision, Inc., 4609 N. Ronald St., Harwood Heights 60706
Pres.—Peter Bulat, 15 emp., Precision machining job shop 708-***-****
Automation International, Inc., 1020 Bahls St., Danville 61832
Pres.—Larry E. Moss, 65 emp., Custom-designed arc (MIG & TIG) & resistance 217-***-****
Automation Systems, 2001 N. 17th Ave., Melrose Park 60160
CEO, Sales & Dept. Mgr., Machine—Carl Schanstra, 42 emp., Custom automated assembly & distribution 847-***-**** Automotive Engine Specialties, 173 Randall St., Elk Grove Village 60007
Owner—Tony Schroeder, 3 emp., Automotive machining job for the racingindu 847-***-****
Automotive Machine Service, 8849 Town Hall Rd., Belvidere 61008
Owner—Mike Simon, 8 emp., Automotive machining job shop 815-***-****
Autonamic Corp., 7806 Industrial Ct., P.O. Box 43, Spring Grove 60081
Owner, Pres., Engrg., Pur. & R & D Mgr.—Roger N. Dumke, 5 emp., Automatic screw machine productsi 815-***-**** Avan Tool & Die Co., 4612 W. Maypole Ave., Chicago 60644
Owner—John Brownfield, 13 emp., Screw machine products & general machining 773-***-****
Avanti Engineering, Inc., 200 W. Lake Dr., Glendale Heights 60139
Pres.—Rocco J. Bratta, 115 emp., Certified screw machining, CNC