Brandon M. Breen, M.Sc.
St. Paul, MN 55105, USA
Email: *************@*******.***
Trained as a conservation biologist and ornithologist, I am now wholly dedicated to a career that leverages my communications strengths. Writing samples are available at: EDUCATION
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, M.S. in Conservation Biology, 2011. GPA 4.0; Thesis: Sheep farmers and turkey vultures in the Falkland Islands: from conflict to coexistence. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, B.A. in Biology, 2003. GPA 3.3/4.0; GPA in Major 3.5/4.0. Dean’s List every semester after freshman year. Senior Thesis: Evolution of predator-evasion tactics in Trinidadian guppies. Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, Study Abroad, 2002. GPA 3.6/4.0. Three advanced courses in Biology and Ecology. EXPERIENCE (Chronological from most recent)
University of Minnesota – Duluth, Natural Resources Research Institute, 2021 Field Biologist
Project: National Forest Bird breeding bird surveys Skills: Avian ID by sight and sound, time management, data organization, travel logistics Supervisor: Dr. Alexis Grinde, Wildlife Ecologist
Morrissey Family Foundation, Ashland, OR, 2014-2019 Conservation Consultant
Project: Mindful Birding: increasing awareness of ethical birding guidelines and increasing conservation contributions from America’s birdwatchers
Skills: Project management, strategic planning, website creation & management, press releases, presenting awards to bird festivals, script writing for animated video series Supervisor: Marla Morrissey
Rogue Valley Audubon Society, Medford, OR, 2017
Data Analyst and Communications Specialist
Project: Analysis of a 17-year bird abundance data set for North Mountain Park in Ashland Skills: Data analysis, research, information synthesis, report writing, public speaking, writing Supervisor: Linda Kreisman, President
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, Ashland, OR, 2016 Climate Change Analyst
Project: Summarize scientific findings on climate change impacts to southern Oregon Skills: Project management, scientific literature review and synthesis, communication of scientific concepts to lay and professional audiences Supervisor: Michael Dotson, Executive Director
WEST EcoSystems Technology, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Autumn 2015 Avian Field Technician
Project: Quantifying avian mortality at the Ivanpah Solar Site in California. Skills: Bird ID by sight and sound, point count surveys, walking transects and looking for signs of avian mortality, tolerance of desert conditions Supervisor: Cyrus Moqtaderi, Project Manager
Klamath Bird Observatory, Ashland, OR, 2012-2014
Science Communications & Outreach Specialist
Project: Manage communications and outreach programs for a bird observatory Skills: Media liaison, communicate scientific findings to lay audiences, editing, public speaking, organizing a new bird festival
Supervisor: John Alexander, Executive Director
Great Basin Bird Observatory, Blythe, CA, 2012
Avian Field Technician
Project: Lower Colorado River breeding bird surveys Skills: Avian ID by sight and sound, territory mapping, GPS and 4-wheel drive vehicle operation, clearing trail and hiking in difficult terrain
Supervisor: Amy Leist, Project Manager
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Conservation Biology graduate program, 2007-2011 Graduate Research Assistant
Project: Sheep farmers and turkey vultures in the Falkland Islands: from conflict to coexistence Skills: Research design, grant-writing, farmer interviews, behavioral observation, trapping and tagging, logistical planning in Falklands, results presentation and publication Supervisor: Francesca J. Cuthbert, Professor
Tetra Tech, Inc., Bloomington, MN, 2011
Avian Field Technician
Project: Avian fall migration point count surveys near Carroll, Iowa Skills: Avian identification by sight and sound of all species in Iowa Supervisor: Kimberly Gorman, Senior Project Manager Fundacion Condor, Quito, Ecuador, 2010-2011
Condor Biologist
Project: Conservation of the Andean condor Vultur gryphus in northern Ecuador Skills: Field research, oversight of thesis students, training and education of park rangers, work with communities
Supervisor: Joep Hendricks, Executive Director
University of Minnesota – Duluth, Natural Resources Research Institute, 2009, 2010, 2011 Field Researcher
Project: Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas to document breeding distributions of Minnesota birds Skills: Bird identification of Minnesota birds by sight and sound, point counts, data management, GPS navigation, communicating project to public Supervisor: Dr. Gerald Niemi, Professor
Falklands Conservation, Stanley, Falkland Islands (South Atlantic), 2006-2007 Field Researcher
Project: Turkey vulture distribution and abundance in Falklands Skills: Road survey counts, point counts, shoreline surveys, logistical planning Supervisor: Grant Munro, Director
University of California – Davis, Department of Entomology, 2006 Field Researcher
Project: Foraging ecology of gray-crowned rosy finches in alpine environments Skills: Bird identification by sight and sound, point counts, mist-netting, behavioral observation, aquatic insect sampling
Supervisor: Pete Epanchin, PhD candidate
The Nature Conservancy, Fort Hood, TX, 2006
Field Researcher
Project: Demography and monitoring of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler Skills: Mist-netting, banding, re-sighting banded birds, nest searching, behavioral observation Supervisor: Rebecca Peak, Project Manager
Cornell University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary biology, Ithaca, NY, 2004 Field Researcher
Project: Turkey vulture migratory behavior in eastern USA during fall migration Skills: radio-tracking, GPS navigation, behavioral observation, autonomous decision-making Supervisor: James Mandel, PhD candidate
University of Montana, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Missoula, MT, 2004 Field Researcher
Project: Nesting biology of shrub steppe songbirds Skills: Bird identification by sight and sound, point counts, territory mapping, mist-netting, re- sighting banded birds, nest searching, GPS navigation, vegetation measurements, video Supervisor: Anna Chalfoun, PhD candidate
The Peregrine Fund, Marble Canyon, AZ, 2003-2004
Field Researcher
Project: Restoring and monitoring endangered California condors Skills: Radio-tracking, trapping and tagging, behavioral observation, GPS navigation, autonomous decision-making
Supervisors: Chris Parrish, Project manager; Sophie Osborn, Field manager Select PRESENTATIONS
Breen, Brandon M. 2018. Journey of a Field Biologist. Wild Birds Unlimited. Medford, Oregon. Breen, Brandon M. 2016. The Birds of Patagonia. Klamath Basin Audubon Society. Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Breen, Brandon M. 2013-2014. A Vulture Way of Life. Ashland Public Library, Audubon Society monthly meetings (Medford, Grants Pass, Roseburg, Klamath Falls), The Grange Co-op, Winter Wings Festival. Oregon.
Breen, Brandon M. 2012. The Search for the Conservation Meme. Guest Lecturer for UMN undergraduate Conservation Biology course. Instructor: Karen Oberhauser. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Breen, Brandon M. 2011. Sheep farmers and turkey vultures in the Falkland Islands: from conflict to coexistence. Master’s Thesis Defense Seminar, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Breen, Brandon M., F.J. Cuthbert, K.C. Nelson, and K.L. Bildstein. 2010. Farmer-vulture Conflict in the Falkland Islands. Raptor Research Foundation 2010 Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO. Breen, Brandon M. 2010. Human-vulture Conflict in the Falkland Islands: Lessons for Conservationists. 2010 Joint Meeting of Minnesota Chapters of American Fisheries Society, Society for Conservation Biology, and The Wildlife Society. Nisswa, MN.
Breen, Brandon M. 2009. People and Conservation. Invited Speaker for the Fisheries and Wildlife Club. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.
Breen, Brandon M. and Keith L. Bildstein. 2009. Factors Influencing Turkey Vulture Flap Rate in the Falkland Islands. Cooper Ornithological Society’s 2009 Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ. Breen, Brandon M. and Andrew Walsh. 2003. Evolution in Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulata. Mt. David Summit. Bates College, Lewiston, ME.
Breen, Brandon. 2001. Saltmarsh biogeochemistry at Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME. Poster presentation for undergraduate research. Bates College, Lewiston, ME. Select REPORTS and COMMUNICATIONS
Breen, Brandon. March, 2017. Charmed by rayaditos: a birding trip to Patagonia. Birder’s Guide magazine. American Birding Association.
Breen, Brandon M., Harry Fuller, John Alexander. Spring, 2015. Conservation on the wings of the Mountain Bird Festival. Birder’s Guide magazine. American Birding Association. Breen, Brandon M. 2014. Restoring oak habitats in southern Oregon and northern California. Private landowner pamphlet. Klamath Bird Observatory & Lomakatsi Restoration Project. Breen, Brandon M. 2012. Would you invite an environmentalist to your party? University of Minnesota, Institute on the Environment, Web Exclusive article. Breen, Brandon M. 2011. For the Love of Earth. Article in Hawk Mountain Sanctuary’s 2011 spring magazine.
Breen, Brandon M. 2011. Balancing our loves of earth and stuff. Eye on Earth blog, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Breen, Brandon M. 2011. The paramo: land of the condor. The Vulture Chronicles (Hawk Mountain Sanctuary’s blog) and University of Minnesota Cons Bio Blog. Breen, Brandon M. 2010. Revolution by natural affection: can conservation succeed if humans don't love earth? Web Exclusive, Momentum Magazine, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.
Breen, Brandon M. 2010. Farmer-vulture conflict in the Falklands: In Search of Coexistence. The Blue Skies Above, the Turkey Vulture Society’s newsletter. Breen, Brandon M. 2009. An Introduction to the Falklands. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary’s blog The Vulture Chronicles.
Breen, Brandon M. and Keith L. Bildstein. Distribution and abundance of the Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura falklandica in the Falkland Islands. Falklands Conservation report, Stanley, Falkland Islands, 2008. Breen, Brandon M. Tagged Turkeys: Two Years After. Newspaper article in Penguin News, Stanley, Falkland Islands, 2009
Breen, Brandon M. Turkey Vultures in the Falklands. Newspaper article in Wool Press, Stanley, Falkland Islands, 2008.
The City of Ashland, grant to fund Mountain Bird Festival, $30,000 over two years, 2013, 2014 The Kinsman Foundation, grant to fund Mountain Bird Festival, $5,000, 2013 Conservation Biology Summer Research Fellowship, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, $7000, 2008 AWARD
Outstanding Conservation Biology Graduate Student Award, U of Minnesota – Twin Cities, 2009. REFERENCES
Francesca J. Cuthbert, Ph.D., Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, 1980 Folwell Ave., St Paul, MN 55108. 612-***-****. ********@***.***
Sophie Osborn, M.Sc., Wildlife Biologist and Author of Condors in Canyon Country: The Return of the California Condor to the Grand Canyon Region, Stevensville, MT 59870. 406-***-****. *************@*******.***
Karen Oberhauser, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the UW Arboretum, Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, UW Arboretum, 1207 Seminole Highway, Madison, WI 53711. 608-***-****. ***********@****.***