March 2021-July 2021 Goodwll Protection Services
Securnty officer
complete reports by recording observations, information, occurrences and surveillance sctivities Secure premises and personnel by patrolling property. monitoring survellance equipment inspecting DUildings, equipmet and Bccess points, permiting entry testraining Drevect iosses trespassers and damage by reporting iregularities, informing violators of policy and proceou Jtaly 2018-July 2019 Stalion Security Services
Complete Dretect the reports company's by recording assets relate observations. information mation occurrencee occurrences and eril Secure premises and personnel by patrolling property, monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting Duildings, equipment and access points, permiting entrance nce activities
revent losses and darmage by reporting iTegularities, intorming violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers
Checking of stock before dispatching
Monitor CCTV cameras in the control roorm
23/03/2020 Stallion Securty Servioes
General Security Practices
uly 2018- November Stallion Security Services
cer Learnership
Grade G, D &E
2017 Makato Secondary School
High school
Grade 12
Competency in SAQA ID 117 705: Demonstrateknowledge of firearm control Act 2000 (Act 60 of 2000) the possession of a firearm SAQA ID 119 649 Handle and use of a handqun SAOA ID 123 S15: Handle and use of a handgun for business purposes Ccompetency in SAOA ID 117705: Demonstrateknowledge of fiream control Act 2000 (Act 60 of 200) ue or a snotgun SAQA ID 123
514: Handle and use of a shotgun for business purpose REFERENCE
Sam Dlamin-stallon Security Services
0B3 Manager S30 243
Grace-Goodwill Protection Services
011 404 446