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Writer Photographer

Punjab, Pakistan
May 11, 2021

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To see the world and write fun, informative pieces about travel. I easily and seamlessly incorporate SEO strategies and keywords as well as affiliate links, how-to guides, checklists, and step-by-step walkthroughs for planning trips and experiencing countries and cities.










Chief Rambling Officer,

I have traveled to 33 countries on 6 continents, and I write informative summaries and guides. I have helped plan multiple international trips for others.


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801-***-**** @jetsetwanderlife Sample #1: Informative piece for how to sell on Facebook Marketplace: Whether you need extra income, have too much junk laying around, or are just bored, selling items on Facebook marketplace is easily one of the most simple and quick ways to make extra cash. It can be done as a simple hobby, a side hustle, or even to earn full-time income. On this blog, we will walk you through all aspects of selling on Facebook, dues and don’ts, tips and strategies, finding good products, and so much more. But to begin with, we will answer the basic question: how do I start selling on Facebook?

You already know that Facebook has over 1 billion users. What you may not know is Facebook marketplace, which is Facebook‘s own version of a site like Amazon or eBay or your local craigslist, has tens of millions of views every single day. Facebook marketplace allows people to sell items locally, person to person and is 100% free. Plus, unlike the many scams on craigslist, Facebook marketplace is directly attached to a Facebook profile, so you can actually see and message the person you will be selling to or buying from. There is no anonymity, so scams are almost nonexistent.

Like most other things on Facebook, Facebook has put all the work into it so you have to do almost nothing to get things up and selling. They have made it so simple that you can literally have an item up for sale within two or three minutes. You simply need photos, an item title and description, and a price. In the future we will go over all sorts of strategies, but for now let’s just get to the basics: If you browse Facebook marketplace right now, you will see pretty much everything under the sun for sale. They don’t allow certain items like firearms or live animals, but whether you want to sell furniture or electronics or musical instruments or random stuff you make by hand or old clothing or whatever it may be, there is definitely a place and market to sell.

Your first step is simply taking a few good pictures. Get a few different angles of your product, front and back, top and bottom, sides, etc. Make sure your lighting is good, and even though you don’t have to be a professional photographer, the better pictures are means the better chance of your items selling for a good price. Try and anticipate the questions your buyer will have and address those questions with photos. Facebook marketplace allows up to 10 photos, and since it’s so easy to post, it’s a good idea to use as many of those as you can for each item you are selling. Just use your cell phone and get a few angles and you should be good to go. Second, title your item. You don’t want to go to crazy on keywords, but make sure you are listing using terms that people might search for. Rather than something like “couch and sectional,“ describe it in more depth with terms like the fabric, brand, measurements, condition, color, etc. Think of the way you would search for that item if you wanted to purchase it, and then use those exact words, because chances are people will use those same terms that you would.

After your title, you will need to give it a description. Once again, try and anticipate questions buyers might have and answer them in your description. That will make your communication with potential buyers much easier because you will have already answered most questions in your listing. Be sure to note things like condition, age of the item, measurements, colors, and anything else that might be helpful. You don’t have to be a great writer, even bullet points will suffice. But the more descriptive you can be, the better chance your item will sell and the less communication you will need to do to get the items sold. You will also want to specify on what payments you will except, you may still get a few scammers trying to get your item without actually paying, our suggestion is simply to accept cash or Venmo and nothing else, but it will be your choice. Make note of if you are willing to meet the buyer somewhere or if they will need to come to your home or office. Last, choose your price wisely. Go too high and your item will not sell, go to low and you may miss out on potential profit money. If it’s something you are desperate to get rid of, you can set the price at anything and be happy with what you get, but if you really want to turn this into a side hustle or full-time business, you will need to do some research. We will go more in depth on how to research your items to price them correctly, but for now just do a quick Facebook marketplace search and see if someone is selling something similar. If so, you may want to price competitively with that seller. If not, check other sites like Amazon or eBay or your local classifieds to try and get an idea for what other sellers may be asking for this type of item. As you develop your selling on Facebook skills, research will become an integral part of your strategy. For now, just choose your price so you can get the listing up. You will know you have priced competitively if you get inquiries quickly. If your price is too high, you can expect less of a market.

Honestly, that’s it! You put your location so buyers can search by how close they are to your item, and in the future we will cover finding sub groups you can also sell the item in. If you can find local garage sale type Facebook groups, you can use your main listing and post it to multiple other groups and places on Facebook. This will increase your reach exponentially and make selling your item much more likely. For now though, you have done it and listed your first item on Facebook. You have just finished step one of selling on Facebook, and once you’ve done it once, it gets so much easier. That first sale is exciting, and you will want to do more once you have that cash in hand.

Sample #2: Travel Piece from Paris Catacombs:

Seeing so many skulls and bones is almost hard to see as real. It seems like a giant Halloween decoration. We’d been to Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora near Prague as well as Capuchin Crypt in Rome (by far my favorite and one of the best things I’ve ever done), so we were prepared for what was coming but it was still nuts. So many skulls had holes and it was interesting to wonder if they were from bullets or just from wear and tear over the years. More than anything, it was weird and kinda creepy yet inspiring in a very strange way to think that this is how we all end up, rich and poor, old and young. It was weird to think someday I might be a skull in a museum (OK probably not, despite my enormously large head, which is only enormously large because it houses my enormously large Einsteinian brain), but kinda inspiring to think that if we’re all gonna die, we might as well live and live hard until we’re just bones, right?

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