Shreyas Sanjay Damle
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An enthusiastic software developer with over a year of industry experience and using my know-how to enhance existing products or develop new solutions. Furthermore, experienced developer of React, React-Native and Django frameworks, additionally build a machine learning model using several Python libraries.
FactoryFresh. New Jersey, USA
Software Engineer Intern June 2020 – August 2020
Developed and integrated a ChatBot using REACT-NATIVE (iOS/Android) for serving 5000+ customers, which improved 70% of the response time by providing real-time data to the clients.
Used REST-API to give real-time updates to the clients about the order-status/contacts/feedback to enhance customer service.
SkyQ Infotech. Mumbai, India
Software Developer April 2018 - December 2018
Developed a web-based solution for Patient Management using Agile environment/ReactJS, which enhanced the User-Interface (UI) performance by 45% of an existing WebApp.
Designed interactive cross-browser UI forms using REACTJS/SASS to implement Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD operations) from scratch using client-side input validation.
Efficient updating of the Document Object Model (DOM) using JSON-API.
Path Infotech Ltd. Mumbai, India
Software Developer Intern May 2017 – August 2017
Collaborated and designed a user-friendly Java web application using MVC architecture for the data entry for Air-India, by developing CRUD for the clients to update/change the delivery information as well as improved the data storage by 90%.
Implemented dynamic frame size using Java Server Pages/HTML/CSS with Apache Maven to build web app on Tomcat server.
Programming Languages : JavaScript, Java, Python, HTML5, CSS3, SASS
Database Management : MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL-Sever, Firebase, MongoDB (NoSQL)
Tools & IDE : Visual Studios, Anaconda Jupyter, GIT, Apache Maven, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Eclipse, JIRA
Frameworks & API : ReactJS, React Native, Django, Node JS, JSON, Redux, REST, GraphQL
Cloud & Certifications : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Heroku, Complete Investment -Banking Course 2020, Tableau, Google Cloud Essentials (GCP)
Pace University, Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems New York, NY
Masters’ of Science (MS) in Computer Science GPA: 3.77 December 2020
University of Mumbai, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College Mumbai, India
Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Information Technology GPA: 7.64/10 June 2018
Algorithms and Computing Theory Data Structures Mathematics & Foundation of Analytics Advance Database Management Systems Parallel and Distributed Systems Topics in Python Programming Data Science Data Mining Pattern Recognition
Automatic Question Answer Generator [AQAG]. February 2020 – November 2020
Developed an auto Q&A WebApp using PostgreSQL hosted on Heroku and Django to provide key aspects in research docs for professors including for students.
Designed interactive web-forms using Bootstrap and developed machine-learning models to predict potential Q&As’ for clients.
Integrated voice assistant using google text to speech, Wikipedia, and Dictionary libraries to scrape information for user queries.
Restaurant Review Mobile App. January 2020 - April 2020
Developed a Mobile Application (Android/iOS) using React-Native which uses YELP API to fetch restaurants data and categorize them based on average cost per dine in by utilizing GIT for version control.
Integrated advance react reusable hooks, axios and state management concepts to implement the front-end development of the multiple screens.