Victoria Lipson̛
TOSHI Neƒ York ̌ ̝AŭŭiŭŶanŶ OpeũaŶionŭ DiũecŶoữ ̛ SepVember 2019- March 2020a
● Collaborate crosšfŽnctionallƘ ƒith social media marketing hiring and stƘling̛ departments to create a sŽccessfŽl bŽsiness in the first US citƘ̛
● RecrŽited hired and trained neƒ emploƘees for all departments̛
● Plan deƑelop and manage ƒeeklƘ goals for the companƘ̛̛
● Create ƒeeklƘ presentations to staƘ Žp to date on the latest fashion trends̛ MadhappƘ POP UP Neƒ York̝ ̊ ̝Saleŭ AŭŭociaŶe̛̛
SepVember 2019-December 2019a
● Assist ƒith merchandise floƒ inclŽding receiƑing shipments replenishments ̛ fitting room retŽrns and price management̛̛
● ProƑide POŜShopifƘ training to neƒ emploƘees̛̛
● AbilitƘ to driƑe and deƑelop sales̛
MOSCHINO ̝̌AŭŭiŭŶanŶ foũ MeŶ Gala OpeũaŶionư̆
● Assisted the Moschino team in assŽring all of the celebrities ƒere on schedŽle and̛ had ƒhat theƘ needed̛
Nordstrom P̝hiladelphia ̌ ̝Sales Associatê Assistant StƘlist̛
● SchedŽled appointments ƒith regŽlar cŽstomers to assistant in personal stƘling̛
● Defined a strategƘ and a bŽsiness plan for department sales̛
● Top Seller in TOPSHOP department̛̛
Doƒn To Earth Kids ̝Philadelphia ̌ ̝Assistant Manager̂Operations̛
● Managed the opening and closing procedŽres emploƘees balancing dailƘ̛ finances and ensŽring increases in sales reƑenŽe̛
● Created and constrŽcted ƑisŽal displaƘs to highlight merchandise and promote̛ sales̛
Penn State UniversitƘ̛
JWne 2014-JWne 2018a
CommŽnications Major̛
Graphic Design̛