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Data Analyst Assistant

Atlanta, GA
March 12, 2021

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+1-404-***-**** ****.***@*****.***


Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health Atlanta, GA Master of Science in Public Health, Biostatistics Expected MAY 2021

• GPA: 4.0/4.0

• Relevant Courses: Biostatistical Methods, Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Applied Linear Models, Modern Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis Methods, Applied Bayesian Analysis, Machine Learning, Statistical Practice, Clinical Trials, Epidemiologic Methods, Data Science Toolkit, SAS Programming, R Programming Soochow University Suzhou, China

Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics JUN 2019

• GPA: 3.9/4.0

• Core Courses: Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Computation & SAS Package, Mathematical Modeling&Mathematical Software, Abstract Algebra, Data Analysis, Functional Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations WORK EXPERIENCE

Data Analyst Intern, Integrity Management Services, Inc. (IntegrityM), Alexandria NOV 2020-MAY 2021

• Performed literature review, data preparation, study design, data analysis, and report writing

• Developed programs using statistical analysis software such as SAS and R for the management and analysis of data

• Participated in the presentations that summarize the analysis of data and provides conclusions and recommendations

• Conducted analysis on COVID-19, pneumonia and influenza data, visualized data through Tableau, and provided support for potential whitepaper development

Teaching Assistant, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta AUG 2020-DEC 2020

• Hold office hours to answer questions about biostatistical methods and SAS programming

• Helped with grading lecture assignments and exams on biostatistics methods, and assisted with grading lab assignments on SAS programming

Research Assistant, Computational Neuroimaging and Neuroscience Lab (CN2L), Atlanta JUN 2020–OCT 2020

• Applied registration, normalization, and QC to human brain images from 276 subjects on the CSIC Cluster

• Synthesized T1 weighted images from QSM images with 5 echoes and 2 fractional anisotropy through the deep convolutional neural network (GAN) using Python

• Tuned parameters of GAN and compared the performance between GAN and U-net RESEARCH EXPERIENCE

Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Heritability estimation of individual-level pathway scores in GTEx samples MAY 2020–AUG 2020

• Utilized Plink to extract SNPs and calculate the GRM from GTEx big data on RSPH’s HPC Cluster

• Fitted mixed linear model to estimate the heritability of different individual-level pathways scores for all 186 KEGG Pathways across 49 tissues using R and GCTA software

• Analyzed the heritability and do the comparison between 4 different individual-level pathways scores Potential ethnic differences in the relationship between HbA1c and blood glucose levels APR 2020–MAY 2020

• Conducted one-way ANOVA and Scheffe procedure to analyze the difference in HbA1c levels among different race/ ethnicity groups

• Applied linear regression to determine whether and how the regression of blood glucose levels versus weight and HbA1c differed across the four race/ethnicity groups ADDITIONAL SKILLS

• Programming: SAS, R, PYTHON, MATLAB, C, Latex, Tableau, SAS SQL

• Languages: Mandarin Chinese (native), English (fluent)

• Certification: SAS SAS Certified Certified Professional: Specialist: Base Advanced Programming Programming Using SAS Using 9.4 SAS 9.4

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