Igbinosa Idahosa
Oakville, ON
http://idahosai.dev.fast.sheridanc.on.ca/iosProjects.html https://bitbucket.org/%7Ba51a2d50-c28d-4cbc-b5b3-ac72379bd009%7D/ Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Dear Recruiters,
With great interest, I am applying for this web Developer position at your company, because the programming language involved in it is the same programming language that I am using to build my own startup company. I want to use this job opportunity to help increase my coding speed even further. I feel like the developers amongst your team will be capable of aiding me in improving my user design skills despite being amongst the best in my class in terms of user design experience. Please do not rely on my home website to gauge my web dev user design skills because I did that about 2 years ago and currently i am still a 4th year student so updating it is not my top priority. I know that I will become one of the biggest assets on your team. I will be improving my skills even after my working hours so you can expect your investment in me to be worth it. I am very willing to take a $16/hour pay rather than the standard pay because of all of my above reasons. I am looking forward to having an interview with you as that will best allow me to show you how i am the best choice for this web developer job.
Moving on, I am Currently in my 4th year of the Mobile Computing program at Sheridan. Some of the skills that I offer your team includes my ability to:
· Create user interfaces that apply human-computer interaction concepts
· Write algorithms that have the best possible time complexity
· Follow an Agile process while using a SCRUM framework
· Do predictive analysis using machine learning algorithms With a solid foundation in computing theory and hands-on application through team projects, and work experience, I am confident that I will quickly be able to contribute to your development team. I know that I fit this position perfectly but If you feel that i am not a perfect fit for this specific opportunity, i am flexible and willing to take other positions that can lead me back on the path to filling this developer role.
I would welcome the chance to meet with you to discuss your hiring needs and my qualifications. My resume is attached for your review. You can reach me through the Sheridan Co-op Office or on my home phone at 905-***-****. Sincerely,
Igbinosa “Iggy” Idahosa
Igbinosa Idahosa
Oakville, ON
http://idahosai.dev.fast.sheridanc.on.ca/iosProjects.html https://bitbucket.org/%7Ba51a2d50-c28d-4cbc-b5b3-ac72379bd009%7D/ I have experience working remote and leading a remote web dev team to success.I love Web development and I have made desirable websites for people in a quick and efficient manner. I am very willing to take a $16/hour pay rather than the standard pay because this is the ideal job for my skills. I am confident that I can do this web development job.
Django, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, CSS, jQuery, Python, ASP.NET, SQL, Bootstrap, Bash, Objective-C, Swift, C, C++, Java, C#.NET TOOLS
Visual Studio Code, PgAdmin, Asana, Adobe XD, Android Studio, Xcode, PyCharm, Microsoft Azure, GIT, Visual Paradigm, Mindomo, MySQL, Unity EDUCATION
Sheridan College, Oakville, ON — Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Mobile Computing)
Sep 2016 - Jan 2022
Currently in 4th year of 4 year degree program
Sheridan, Mississauga, ON — Co-op Edge Hub Sheridan Jan 2019 - April 2019
● Developed very competitive user interface screens for my upcoming startup company
● Created a pitch deck of my upcoming startup company
● Assisted fellow developers on how to develop their application
● 43 people, that user tested my Adobe XD prototype design, told me that the prototype was better than competitors
Academic Project
Intake Form, Appointment Scheduler & Meeting Documentation Tool—Web dev(django)
(Very Experienced in)
Sep 2020 - Now
● Designed 20 beautiful wireframes, when tasked with making screens for the system, which resulted in my HCI professor calling my wireframes
“beautiful and very user friendly”. It also resulted in users being able to faster find what they want on the app by 13%
● Programmed in an agile way & finished my dev tasks on time, resulting in an early showing of the shippable product increment to my stakeholders
● Developed a career counselor chatbot AI and integrated it with slack, which improved the demo experience for our stakeholders. The chatbot has a personality that our stakeholders were proud of
● Finished Video Of This Group
Project:www.youtube.com/watch?v=KidveMVY40g&pbjreload=101 Workout Game and Analytics On TvOS, Iphone — Swift & Objective-C (Very Experienced in)
https://bitbucket.org/Iggyboy/workout-project-and-analytics/src/master/ Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
● Developed the workout game for ipod and TvOS and had both of them share the same database, which allowed us to reach a whole new customer base
● Programmed the user’s analytics page on the TvOS app, which increased the duration that users stayed on the app by 27%
● Programmed the main character’s picture to switch every millisecond, which made character movements appear animated to gamers as well as kept users engaged for a longer time period
Picture Memory Game — Java (Proficient)
http://idahosai.dev.fast.sheridanc.on.ca/androidProjects.html https://bitbucket.org/Iggyboy/picture-memory-game-project/src/master/ Oct 2017 - Dec 2017
● Programmed the phone notification feature, which re-engaged 22% of our non-active players and got them playing the game again
● Programmed the asynchronous picture matching game feature, which increased the short term memory of the players of the game app
● Captured user data in a SQL database and displayed it in a scoreboard, which resulted in 7% of our gamers introducing the game to their friends by way of showing their friend their scoreboard game scores Poker Game — C#.NET (Proficient)
http://idahosai.dev.fast.sheridanc.on.ca/CSharpProjects.html https://bitbucket.org/pokerexperts/pokerstarsrepo/src/master/ Feb 2017 - Apr 2017
● Designed the responsive User interface for the settings page of the poker game, which resulted in an improved user experience
● Serialized all user class data to an XML file and a JSON file, when tasked with saving, which got my group the full 100% in the 25% mark worth section of the project
Official Academic Transcript from
Sheridan College
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Student Name: Idahosa, Igbinosa
Numeric Identifier: 991462246
Student Email: ********.*******@*********.**.**
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Name: Idahosa, Igbinosa
Student ID: 991462246
Date issued: 02-07-2020
Page 1 of 3
Student email
Print Date : 02-07-2020
- - - - - Academic Program History - - - - -
Program : Bach ApplCompSci - Mobile Comp
08-26-2016 : Bach ApplCompSci - Mobile Comp Plan
- - - - - Beginning of Academic Record - - - - -
Fall 2016
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
MATH 10025 Mathematics for Computing 3.00 A 12.00
PROG 10004 Programming Principles 6.00 B+ 21.00
SYST 10082 Operating Systems Fundamentals 3.00 A 12.00 TELE 10025 Network Foundations 3.00 C+ 7.50
ANTH 18731GD Cultural Anthropology 3.00 AS
CULT 10000GD Global Culture Breadth 1000 3.00 AS
ENGL 17889GD Composition & Rhetoric 3.00 AS
Good Standing - May Continue
Program GPA for Term:3.50
Cumulative Program GPA:3.50
TERM GPA : 3.50 CREDITS EARNED : 15.00 52.50
Winter 2017
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
INFO 10229 Mobile Computing 3.00 B+ 10.50
INFO 16206 Scripting & Web Languages 3.00 B+ 10.50 MATH 11044 Linear Algebra 3.00 B+ 10.50
PHIL 13278GD Modes of Reasoning 3.00 B 9.00
PROG 10065 Interactive Appl'n Development 6.00 C+ 15.00 SYST 19207 Computer Systems Architecture 3.00 B 9.00 Good Standing
Program GPA for Term:3.08
Cumulative Program GPA:3.27
TERM GPA : 3.07 CREDITS EARNED : 21.00 64.50
Fall 2017
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
DBAS 20146 Database Modelling 3.00 66 7.50
INFO 23431 Intro to Info Sys Security 3.00 69 7.50 LITT 26367GD Gender and Sexuality in Lit 3.00 58 4.50 PROG 20082 Mobile Application Principles 6.00 66 15.00 PROG 24310 Programming Languages 3.00 66 7.50
TELE 25892 Wireless Network Principles 3.00 63 6.00 Academic Probation - See Academic Advisor
Cumulative Program GPA:2.89
TERM GPA : 2.29 CREDITS EARNED : 21.00 48.00
Winter 2018
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
PROG 20261 Mobile Web App Development 3.00 66 7.50 PROG 23672 Data Structures and Algorithms 6.00 76 19.80 PROG 27545 Web Application Design & Impl. 3.00 74 9.00 SCIE 10009GD Intro to Environmental Science 3.00 65 7.50 SCIE 16206GD Sustainability 3.00 78 9.90
TELE 25436 Advanced Wireless Networks 0.00 W 0.00
Good Standing
Cumulative Program GPA:2.91
TERM GPA : 2.98 CREDITS EARNED : 18.00 53.70
Spring/Summer 2018
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
MATH 29599 Calculus 3.00 66 7.50
Good Standing
Cumulative Program GPA:2.90
TERM GPA : 2.50 CREDITS EARNED : 3.00 7.50
Fall 2018
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
COWT 10023 Co-Operative Education Forum 1.00 S 0.00 MATH 37198 Statistics for Data Science 0.00 W 0.00 PROG 30000 Enterprise Software Systems 3.00 50 3.00 PROG 31975 Advanced Mobile App Developmen 6.00 67 15.00 Deanna McQuarrie, Registrar
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Date issued : 02/07/2020
Student ID: 991462246
Name: Idahosa, Igbinosa
SOCI 13314GD Introduction to Criminology 3.00 76 9.90 SYST 30049 Software Design 3.00 52 3.00
SYST 30102 OS Analysis and Design 3.00 66 7.50
Academic Probation - See Academic Advisor
Cumulative Program GPA:2.75
TERM GPA : 2.13 CREDITS EARNED : 18.00 38.40
Winter 2019
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
COWT 18888 Co-Op Work Term 1 7.00 S 0.00
Cumulative Program GPA:2.75
TERM GPA : 0.00 CREDITS EARNED : 0.00 0.00
Spring/Summer 2019
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
LITT 27733GD Life Writing 3.00 75 9.90
Cumulative Program GPA:2.77
TERM GPA : 3.30 CREDITS EARNED : 3.00 9.90
Fall 2019
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
HUMN 22605GD The Creative City & Culture 3.00 73 9.00 INFO 31179 Human Computer Interaction 3.00 79 9.90 MATH 26367 Statistical Methods 3.00 61 6.00
PROG 34104 Distributed Mobility 3.00 88 11.40
SYST 30025 Software Engineering 6.00 59 9.00
TELE 38823 Internet Protocol Engineering 3.00 60 6.00 Good Standing
Cumulative Program GPA:2.73
TERM GPA : 2.44 CREDITS EARNED : 21.00 51.30
Winter 2020
Course Description Credits Grade Points Repeat
INFO 47035 Entrepreneurship IN PROGRESS
INFO 49635 CS Capstone Project Proposal IN PROGRESS LITT 14895GD Intro to the Short Story IN PROGRESS
PROG 48031 Cognitive Computing IN PROGRESS
PROG 49635 3D Graphics and Gamification IN PROGRESS SYST 48557 QA & Software Testing IN PROGRESS
TERM GPA : 0.00 CREDITS EARNED : 0.00 0.00
Academic Career Totals
OVERALL GPA : 2.72 CUM TOTALS : 120.00 325.80
Deanna McQuarrie, Registrar
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Date issued : 02/07/2020
Student ID: 991462246
Name: Idahosa, Igbinosa
- - - - - End of Transcript - - - - -
From Sheridan College to ********@***************.** on 02/07/2020 08:46 AM TRAN000018746165 From Sheridan College to ********@***************.** on 02/07/2020 08:46 AM TRAN000018746165 GRADING SYSTEM EXPLANATORY NOTES
Sheridan uses the following grading system to determine grade points and/or equivalent letter grades:
Grade Point
Final Grade
90-100 A+ 4.0
85-89 A 3.8
80-84 A- 3.6
75-79 B+ 3.3
70-74 B 3.0
65-69 C+ 2.5
60-64 C 2.0
55-59 D+ 1.5
50-54 D 1.0
F F Below 50, credit not earned 0.0
S Satisfactory, credit earned N/A
U Unsatisfactory, credit not earned N/A
Temporary Grades
I Incomplete, course requirements
missing or outstanding
IP Course in progress N/A
M Missing Grade, grade was not entered
by end of term
SU Eligible for supplemental assessment N/A
Other Designations
AG Aegrotat Standing; credit granted N/A
AS Credit granted for advanced
BT Block Transfer N/A
NE Registered but did not submit work for
evaluation and did not officially
withdraw; credit not earned
NG No grade assigned N/A
TM Enrolment terminated on the grounds
of a breach of academic integrity
W Withdrew from subject officially; no
academic penalty
Historical grading schedules can be found on the Sheridan website at: historicalgrades.sheridancollege.ca
Current and former students may request a secure paper or electronic version of their transcript via myStudent Centre.
Course outlines can be found online at:
https://www.sheridancollege.ca/academics/programs-and-courses/course- outline-search.aspx
Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated per term and over the student’s entire academic history with Sheridan. Program Grade Point Averages (effective
2008) are calculated per term and for the specific program. Program Grade Point Averages are based only on the courses that make up the program of study.
Courses re-taken will have grades from all attempts recorded on the transcript; however, only the highest grade will be used in the GPA calculations. Grade Point Averages are weighted calculations based on the grade received and the credit value of the course.
An example of a weighted GPA is:
A+ 4.0 x 3.0 = 12.0
B+ 3.3 x 3.0 = 9.9
B 3.0 x 3.0 = 9.0
C+ 2.5 x 3.0 = 7.5
C 2.0 x 3.0 = 6.0
D 1.0 x 3.0 = 3.0
Total 18.0 47.4
GPA = Total Weighted Credit Value Total Credit Value Based on example above:
47.4 18.0 = 2.6 GPA
An E/I designation is used to indicate when a course has been repeated. The “I” designation indicates that the course is to be included in the GPA, while the “E” designation indicates that the course will be excluded from the GPA.
Awarded upon completion of the program.
Honours Standing: 3.6 - 3.89
High Honours (formerly Sheridan Scholar): 3.9 - 4.0 GRADUATION AWARDS
Silver Medals: The Board of Governors awards at
Convocation a silver medal to the graduate with the highest Program Cumulative GPA in each program.
Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to the Student who achieves the highest overall program
average upon graduation from a diploma-level, post- secondary program.
This transcript was delivered through the Credentials eScrip-Safe Global Transcript Delivery Network. The original transcript is in electronic PDF form. The authenticity of the PDF document may be validated at escrip-safe.com by selecting the Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated.
This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE! The Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is: i) established pursuant to Ontario Regulation 34/03 passed under the authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002; ii) funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development; and iii) a member of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (A.C.C.C.).