Confirmation Page
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This page serves as confirmation that your application for UC benefits has been received by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and is being processed. If there is any missing information, or if any additional information is needed to process your claim, you will be contacted by the UC Service Center at the phone number or mailing address provided on your application.
Filing date and time: 4/29/2019 8:08:05 PM
** Your first biweekly claim must be filed during the week 5/12/2019 through 5/17/2019.**
** The effective date of your application is 4/28/2019. If this is an initial claim application, the effective date of your application will be the Application for Benefits (AB) date. **
Initial Claim applications, only.(If you are reopening an existing claim,your registration deadlines were provided to you when you filed your initial claim.)
Pennsylvania's active search for work regulation requires unemployment compensation claimants to register for employment search services at within 30 days after filing an application for benefits. Failure to register for employment search services through the PA CareerLink® website by 5/29/2019, which is 30 days from the filing date of your initial application, will result in your being disqualified for UC benefits beginning with the week ending 6/1/2019.
Within the next 10-12 days, you will receive the following in the mail:
Claim Confirmation Letter including your confidential Personal Identification Number or PIN
Notice of Financial Determination
NOTE: If your total base year wages are over $100,000, we will need to reduce them in order to provide you a weekly benefit rate. The reduced wages will be shown on your Notice of Financial Determination. This will NOT affect the amount of your weekly benefit rate.
Application for direct deposit of your UC benefits Pennsylvania Debit Card IF financially eligible for benefits. NOTE: This will not be sent from the
Department of Labor & Industry
In order to receive benefits, you must be financially eligible and have a qualifying separation. (An eligible financial determination does not automatically qualify you for UC benefits.)
In addition, you must file biweekly claims for the weeks you are totally or partially unemployed. The first eligible week on your claim is the waiting week. You must file a claim for, and get credit for, a valid waiting week before you will receive any benefit payments. Note: The waiting week is never paid. As such, your first benefit payment will be for one week of benefits.
It is very important that you file your bi-weekly claims on time, even if you are waiting for a determination on your eligibility.
You have two options to file your biweekly claims. Both options are available Sunday, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
1. Internet filing at:
2. Telephone filing via our Pennsylvania Teleclaims (PAT) system at 1-888-***-****. A full list of PAT numbers are listed in your UC Handbook or at our website listed above.
Do not call the Department unless you experience
difficulty in filing your biweekly claims.
How will I receive my benefits?
UC benefits are payable through a debit card or by direct deposit into your bank account. You will receive information about the Pennsylvania debit card and direct deposit with your Claim Confirmation Letter.
If you received benefit payments by direct deposit within the last twelve months, you will still have direct deposit. If not, you will get a Pennsylvania debit card in the mail once you are determined financially eligible for benefits. Please watch the mail for this Pennsylvania debit card after you receive your eligible financial determination. You will also receive detailed information on using the debit card. You must activate your Pennsylvania debit card by calling a toll-free number. Any UC benefits payable will be automatically deposited to your debit card account and will be available to you.
If you prefer direct deposit, you can sign up immediately on the next page of this application or at any time in the future by going online to: and clicking the payment link or by completing the form you will receive in the mail. When you sign up for direct deposit, you will still receive a debit card to access any benefit payments issued before direct deposit is active. If you received UC benefits previously via direct deposit and your account has been closed or your account information has changed, you must submit a new
authorization form.
Additional Requirements
The Reemployment Services and Eligibility
Assessment(RESEA)program is a profiling system that identifies UC claimants who are likely to exhaust UC benefits before they obtain new employment. These claimants may need additional job skills training, or other reemployment services to find new employment. If you are selected for RESEA, you will be notified of your reporting requirements. Failure to participate in RESEA may jeopardize your benefits.
Click here to print completed application.
Please click the "Continue" button to continue with UC Requirements. CONTINUE