Pragadeesh Cm
Vadesseryhousethonoodkarachelakkara hssut- 680586 Kerala
173********* pragedeesnems@gmalicom
seek challenging opportunites where can fly usemy sks forthe success of he organization.
1+ mangaloe port .
Intemship Tames offshore engineer
Toknow mare about pots and shipsdredging puposes constuction and design of ports machines usd in dredging os wel as
ships used n dregng and marine surveying
+ Ametuniverty
eyetech Harbour and Ocean Engineering 220
+ Communication. Team work. Adoptabity. Time managementInnovatv and a postive attude. Keen and entusasictoleam
land develo higher professional skis
+ Developmen of sing ports
Fishing ports must be planned designed and managed in harmony wth bth the physical an biclogical coastal envtonments
+ English tam malayalam
+ Muse,books,ravelnginteret suring photography and edtingfotball and stheletcs
+ forming etvtes