Sanjeet Chaurasia
*th year, Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering
student at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur with pleasant academic record and a keen interest in core engineering subjects. Vill- Ajaipura, Post- Kharesar,
Deoria (274205)
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, Gorakhpur- Intern 15/may/2019 - 15/july/2019
Underwent a 8-week internship program in Electrical Engineering Department. I learnt the topics like Feeder, Power Distribution etc. EDUCATION
Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology,
Gorakhpur — Graduation
JULY 2016 - AUGUST 2020
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 8.56/10 (till 8th semester). Maharaja Agrasen Intermediate College, Deoria — Inter APRIL 2013 - APRIL 2014
A liated to High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj.
Passed in 2014 with 87.2% .
Shri Raghunath Nayak HSS Tiwai, Deoria — High School APRIL 2011 - APRIL 2012
A liated to High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj.
Passed in 2012 with 88.66% .
IOT Based Multidisciplinary Detection And Alerting System The main theme of this project is to bring attentiveness among the miners from the harmful e ect of hazardous gases released and increased temperature in the mines from their fixed threshold values. SKILLS
Communication Theory
Electronics Devices and
Network Theory
Signal and System
Member Of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Society (ECES).
Successfully Completed
Student Excellence &
Learning Program (SELP)
held under TEQIP- III.
● Punctual
● Disciplined
● Hardworking
● Patient
● Optimistic
Hindi, English - Working