Jose Cancino
Lafayette, IN 47909
To obtain a full-time position in design engineering Purdue – West Lafayette – Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering May 2019, GPA 3.0, Focus on propulsion and aerodynamic design Programs: MATLAB, ANSYS Fluent, Excel, C/C++, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Python, MS Office, Fortran
Machining: CNC Mills and Lathes
Language: Fluent in Spanish and English
Purdue Hyper Loop – Brake Team
Designed and prototyped the electromagnetic braking system
Adapted Autodesk Inventor files for CNC machining with Solidcam
Honed CNC machining and GD&T knowledge
Worked in unison with several teams to create overall design CFD Simulation – Mars Re-entry
Re-entry into mars simulation using retrograde aerospike nozzle
ANSYS Fluent used to define geometry and run simulation
Analyzed aerospike nozzle venting into atmospheric Earth conditions
Analyzed 30% truncation of the aerospike in Mars re-entry PFAVOR – Purdue Flight Advancement of Valve Operational Readiness Suborbital payload to assess the technology readiness level of a propulsion pressure valve
Generated schematics and models using AutoCAD
Produced a bill of materials
Prepared and submitted proposal to Blue Origin
AIAA Undergraduate Competition – Thin Haul Transport and Air Taxi Prepare a proposal for an on-demand, air taxi service aircraft
Led all aspects of design including research, conceptualization, coding, and QA
Analyzed drag of entire aircraft, designed internal layout of cabin, analyzed weights and balances of aircraft components to improve stability, performed airfoil analysis Study Abroad in Toulouse, France – 3 months
Took several courses while learning the language and experiencing the culture
Airbus employees offered advice and mentorship every other week Dining Associate – Purdue University
May 2019 - September 2020
Responsibilities: Customer service, inventory management, food preparation, sanitation, and maintenance
Assistant Manager – Monster Mini-Golf
May 2014 - August 2017
Responsibilities: Booking/running events, employee training, inventory management, store maintenance, opening/closing, customer service, employee scheduling