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Skype ID: live:.cid.8a806e7abd5e1ec3
I have fifteen (15) years’ experience of working as an Educator and a Specialist in large scale Educational Assessments Surveys. Achievements are:
1.Managed the conduct of six Large Scale Educational surveys.
My roles included but were not limited to:
* Designing the study
* Budgeting for the study
*Developing survey instruments (questionnaires and tests)
* Coordinating the Logistics of the survey
* Pre-testing the instruments
* Finalising the instruments
* Holding sensitisation meetings with stakeholders
* Collecting data
* Managing data
* Analyzing data
*Writing reports
* Disseminating results to relevant stakeholders
2.Managed donor funded projects for Assessment and Research. Achievements: Successfully managed four donor funded projects in the Ministry of Education and Training.
My roles were:
* Drafting Terms of Reference for the consultants with deliverables
* Evaluating submissions(proposals) from the consultants
* Short listing of consultants
* Coordinating inception meetings
* Coordinating the project implementation
* Reviewing submissions as per the deliverables
3.Authored and Presented more than seven conference papers in regional conferences on education.
4.Taught both high school and tertiary adult learners.
5.Headed a Private High School
6.Served as SAQMEC Deputy Research Coordinator for the Ministry of Education and Training, Lesotho
7.Certified user of Thomas International assessment tools for assessing behavior.
8.Served as a Chairperson of Anti Drug Abuse Association in Lesotho.
Core strengths encompass;
Effective Communication at different levels
Extensive experience in report/s writing
Computer literacy (proficient in Excel, word, power point, SPSS)
Team building and leadership
Public speaking (presented at regional and international conferences)
Pro –active (proven ability to initiate and accomplish tasks independently
Principal of a Private school – Living and Loving High School ( 2019-2020)
Manager – Educational Research & Statistics - Examinations Council of Lesotho (2008 -2018)
Educational Research Officer - Examinations Council of Lesotho (2002 -2007)
Part-Time Lecturer Research Methods –National University of Lesotho IEMS Maseru Adult Education (2009-2010)
High School Mathematics, Geography Teacher- Maliba -Mats'o Secondary and Ntloana-Ts'oana H.S (2000-2001)
Masters degree, Higher Education Studies (Specialized in Students’ Assessment), 2009
University of Free State, South Africa
Post graduate one-year course in Educational Assessment, 2006
University of Free State, South Africa
Honours, Spatial Planning, 2007
University of Free State, South Africa
Bachelor of Arts (degree), Urban and Regional Planning, 2000
National University of Lesotho
Online qualifications Excluded
Professional Trainings:
1. Training in Pilot Test Analysis - 2004, Ethiopia by World Bank
2. Training in Resource Allocation and Logistics of Running Large Scale Assessment Surveys - 2004, Ethiopia by World Bank
3. Training in Data Preparation and Validation - 2004, Egypt by World Bank
4. Training in Reports writing for Policy decisions - 2005, Egypt by World Bank
5. Training on the use of National Assessment Results to Improve Education Quality - 2006, Kampala Uganda by World Bank
6. Training in Management of National Assessments - 2015, UK by CIE
7. Training in Statistical Analysis and Report writing - 2017, Kenya by IRES