Debra Lakey (Debbie)
Soldotna, AK 99669
**/**/**** ** **/15/2020
Oreilleys Auto Parts
Customer Service Person
Helped customers find the parts they needed. Stocked shelves and cleaned. Put freight away. Replaced some parts on customers vehicles. Answered phones.
ICE Services Inc
Was a housekeeper at the Aurora camp in Alpine. Cleaned rooms and camp, cleaned main hallway bathrooms, did laundry, cleaned the work out areas. I was there for 4 months, then had to quit due to family emergency at home.
01/02/2015 to 4/19/2019
Denali Universal Services (DUS)
Worked in catering for a year, janitorial 6 months, 3.5 years housekeeping on the Nortb Slope, last camp was Peak Base Camp.
9/14/2013 to 8/06/2014
Uptown Motel
Front desk receptionist: checking guests in and out, taking reservations via phone, fax or email, balancing ledgers and cash handling, making change for waitresses.
8-1-2012 to 2-28-2013
Consumer Direct
PCA: taking care of client, cleaning clients house, doing house hold chores, laundry, dishes, handling meds, taking blood sugar and blood pressure, transporting client to and from Dr. appointments
6-30-2011 to 1-15-2012
NAPA Auto Parts
Delivery driver- pick up and deliver parts to and from mechanic shops, stock shelves, inventory, general cleaning
I am hardworking and very driven, fast learner, work well under pressure, I work well alone or with others, I'm very friendly and outgoing, easy to get along with, I like to complete all tasks given to me before i'm done with work, I would like to use the skills I have acquired in my past jobs and living the life I have to find the career that will move me ahead in life. Would love to stay in the oilfield on the North Slope. Currently trying to get into the construction or inspection side of the oilfield. Been working up north 5 years, spent almost 2 years at Kuparuk, the largest camp in Pruhdoe Bay, worked at Doyon 25 for Doyon 142, Peak Base Camp and my last camp in Alpine.
Chase Wimberly (Delta Constructs)
Sloan Sunderland (Hilcorp)
Bleu Wimberly (CNA)