Anna Dollar
**** ******** *****, ******, ** ***** 252-***-****
********@********.*** Twitter:@Anna_Carrr
The Appalachian Student Newspaper, Boone, NC August 2017 - Sept. 2019 News Reporter
● Written 32 articles for a print/digital news outlet covering the university and local community, such as profiles on local election officials, shortages at local food banks and activities within the campus police department.
● Worked as a team member with photographers and editors on stories. Including coverage of Fall 2018 local elections in Boone by collecting data as part of The Appalachian.
● Attend meetings and pitch stories
The Washington Times,Online June 2020 – Aug. 2020
Foreign Affairs and National Security Intern
● Would be assigned articles by my editor and would sit in on Zoom conferences along with occasionally interviewing.
● Would be expected to pitch stories
● Had to meet a deadline at least every other day. The Fund of American Studies, Online June 2020 - Aug. 2020 Journalism and Communications Student
● Attended classes and seminars all while balancing an internship.
● Sit in on online lectures from notable people in the fields related to mine. 90.5 WASU FM, Boone, NC February 2019- May 2019
News Reporter
● Covered a campus, local and national current events and weather for 30 seconds a week played between music sets.
● Recorded and edited 10 soundtracks.
Sports Reporting,Boone, NC January 2019-May 2019
Student Reporter
● Wrote 13 articles for an intensive journalism class aimed at providing community-oriented coverage of sports.
● Covered topics from athletes' records, how they prepare for their sport, and foreign exchange student athletes.
● Attended monthly press conferences at AppState Athletics. RESEARCH
Research Team, Digital Journalism,Boone, NC August 2019 - May 2020 Co-Researcher
● Won the Top Paper Award in Electronic News Division of AEJMC.
● Worked with professors Dr. Gregory Perreault (Appalachian State University), Dr. Brett Johnson (Missouri School of Journalism), Leslie Klein (Missouri School of Journalism) and Dr. Patrick Ferrucci (University of Colorado-Boulder)
● Research on two topics: how journalists practice digital journalism and how journalists cover hate groups.
● Organized and cleaned data from interviews via Microsoft Excel, conducted interviews and have written content for the research project, thus far.
Campus Involvement
Delta Zeta Sorority, Boone, NC September 2018- Present Member
● Required to get 20 hours of community service each semester.
● Have to keep at least a 2.8 GPA to stay in good standing
● Attend mandatory events and weekly chapter meetings. Lambda Pi Eta, Boone, NC May 2018- Present
● Email members about meetings and events coming up.
● Have to maintain a 3.0 GPA to stay in the organization
● Take notes at meetings.
Appalachian State University, Boone NC August 2017- May 2021 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Communication, Journalism & Communication, Public Relations. Minor in Leadership Studies