Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Each Proposed Professional Staff
Adolescent Health Technical Advisor
Mariam Iddi Masasi
Red cross Tanzania
2014 – 2015 P/Graduate M&E- Tanzania Institute of Project Management -Tanzania
2008-2010-M.A Rural Development Sokoine University of Agriculture.
2000-2003B.A- (Sociology) University of Dar Es salaam.
1989-1992 - Advance Diploma in Insurance Institute of Finance Management
1985-1986 - Kibosho High School – A level education.
1981-1984- Kibosho Girls Secondary-O level education.
1973-1980 Kifungilo Primary School
August 2020 Facilitators Empowered World View - World Vision Tanzania.
Nov.2005 Certificate in HIV/AIDS Budget Analysis and Resource Tracking. Actionaid Uganda, Kampala Uganda.
Oct.2005 Certificate in Policy Analysis for Macro-Meso Economic and Social Research Foundation, Dar es Salam Tanzania
Feb.2006 Certificate in Community Mobilisation and Organisation. Actionaid International Tanzania,
March 2007 Certificate in Participatory approach methodology star and Stepping Stone (In house training-Action aid International).
July 2007 Certificate in Advanced Report Writing skills (British Council, Learning Center, Dar es Salam Tanzania.)
July 2007, Certificate in Advanced Présentation and internet skills (British Council, Learning Center, Dar es Salam Tanzania.)
16-27 July 2007 Certificate in Planning for HIV/AIDS in Sub Sahara Africa Health Economics Division, Durban South Africa.
Sept. 2007 Certificate in Right Base Approach to development and skills in participatory development approached and methods. (In house training –Actionaid International).
2003 Certificate in Computer Competence in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word, Internet (University of DSM).
Limax Iringa -Tanzania
Feb 2021
Field Supervisor
Leading the team which support the community in baseline survey, collecting data, data entry, data analysing and report writing.
Supervising the team which support the community in collecting wild Mushrooms and daily data.
Planning and supervising the team on handle ling and storage of Mushrooms.
Supervise large group of farmers in mushroom farming and groups of community who are collecting wild mushroom.
Approves work schedules and collection points daily work in the field.
Supervise all operations on Mushroom Collection and export.
Writing technical and financial report.
Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF).
To date when invited
Research Associate
Participate in research assignments, baseline survey,
Preparing research proposal questionnaire, collect data, reporting on the results, data entry using statistical package such as SPSS, Epi data, Epi info and Strata. Report writing and other assigned work.
John Hopkins University Center for Communication
May 2015
November 2015
M&E Intern
Conducting Monitoring and evaluation of different projects in the organization.
Conduct baseline survey.
Develop M & E tools
Develop advocacy message for program.
Collecting data,
Analysing data Prepare technical report and financial report of the project.
Amref Tanzania
August - 2011
December- 2011
Program Intern
Consult local government on their M & E tools for modification purposes to adopt for the RSRH project.
Designing M & E data collection tools AND Collecting data, Conducting baseline survey.
Assessing key outputs, outcomes and impact of the project. Develop and trace the performance of indicators to insure good performance of the project.
Facilitate peer education program produce report and other duties. Documenting best practice and lesson learnt. Technical and Financial Report writing when time is due.
Actionaid International Tanzania
April 2003
October 2008
Project Coordinator
Provide technical support to Communities on area of HIV/AIDS and development program.
Supervise Community Home Base Care Providers program in 12 wards at Kinondoni Municipality.
Supervise number of community facilitators in 12 wards of Kinondoni Municipality.
Working with partners LGAs, Communities, CBOs, NGOs and Faith Based Organizations in designing; Planning and implementing agreed interventions regarding HIV AIDS.
Develop advocacy message for program.
Facilitate testing and counselling forums at Municipal level. Assisting PLHAs groups, and other vulnerable groups to communicate, share information and experiences on how to handle different issues raised during HIV AIDS interventions.
Organizing seminars, workshops and meeting to implementing partners.
Attend meeting, seminars, and GFATM R.3 planning sessions and facilitate PLHAs groups meetings, Community Facilitators and Community Home Base Careers.
Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation quarterly and once a year doing PRRP (Participatory Reflection Review Process.)
Provide capacity building to support Community and partners as Action Aid International Tanzania believe in “right to end poverty and injustice ” by supporting community to know their rights and claim for their rights basing on existing policy, community improve quality of their lives and have access to better health services and facilities.
Lead teams; build capacity and team building, lobbying and policy advocacy, program and project designing and monitoring evaluation. Prepare and administer the annual budget, prepare annual reports and long-term projection. Document best practices and lesson learnt for sharing and learning purposes.
Church Unite Against HIV/AIDS.
July 2003
December 2003
Program Officer
Identification and registration of church member organizations that are dealing with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Conducting meetings and seminars to share knowledge within church members and to break the silence in their churches regarding HIV\AIDS.
Providing information regarding HIV/AIDS knowledge within church members. Design and plan activities for church member regarding HIV/AIDS awareness among church members.
Promote church members who are working and supporting in HIV/AIDS activities. Train and create awareness among church members, youth and adolescent in areas of HIV/AIDS in collaboration with health workers/bodies.
Conduct networking meetings and seminars to share experience of different countries on how church member break the silence, Handle HIV\AIDS people in their churches and supporting PLHAs and their families (who are known as ambassador of hope.) in their churches.
National Insurance cooperation.
July 1989
September 2000
Insurance officer
Underwriting all insurance business at Head office. Participate in changing and producing new underwriting manual. Reviewing and Writing Reports to Head Office. Training on motor and fire underwriting. Collaborating with Other Insurance Companies in endorsing new products. Other assigned works with the organization renew client’s policies, visit clients, and attending meetings and workshops in the organization or out of the organization. Issue new clients policies.
July to September 2014 - Taping Export Opportunity for Horticultures products in Tanzania: Do we have supporting policies and frameworks?
A project done in15 regions of Tanzania
The Objective of the research was: To present an overview of the status and performance of the export of horticulture product from Tanzania. To assess institution networks supporting the horticulture sub sector in Tanzania. To investigate on determinants of export of horticulture products in Tanzania.To assess the national policy framework and strategies supporting the horticulture sub sector in Tanzania.
My role: to collect data, writing field report, draft research report ready to contribute to the research report and participating in revise of final research report.
Sept. to October 2013. Researcher ESRF.
Researcher Associate in baseline survey on how communities around the mining areas are aware of transparency of mining industry in Tanzania. Does community know the role of TEITI in mining and what the work of TEITI in mining Industry. Community awareness of mining industry and the benefits of mining industry to them. The study was done in Geita, Shinyanga, North Mara and Mtwara. The study was supported by TEITI who is promoting transparency in mining industry.
July 2007 Certificate in Planning for HIV/AIDS in Sub Sahara Africa Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division, University of Kwazulu Natal - Durban South Africa
January to March 2013 IRA –UDSM. Consultancy on Environmental, Ecological sustainability assessment seeking community perception on environment, land access, planning and conflict for legacy to issues of environment. This study was done in Geita region villages around the Geita Gold mining.
August to October 2012 Sub Contract to Twesa Consultant by UNICEF to undertake Social Assessment and Evaluation on project known as Growth and Change to Young People between 10 to 15and how the behave, the study was done in Shinyanga and Singida 12 rural primary schools.
June to July 2012
Conducted baseline survey in the Sexual reproductive health right for youth aged 14 to 21years.The work was social impact assessment and development and youth rights campaign in Dar es salaam involving youth in decision making and observe their rights in communities. Like right to choose husband or wife, right to go to school, right to education and other youth rights regarding KAP.
Objective of study was to assess social impact, knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on HIV among the youth. Build capacity to youth so that they can stand to ask for their rights and manage their on activities.
March to April 2012, Interviewer and Research Associate
The study was to improve SMEs and economy of Tanzania. The study was conducted in Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Coast region. The aim was to see contribution of SMEs in Tanzania and how the Government support them in farming, small scale business and understanding clear the aim of SMEs in Tanzania and policies or framework!
July to August 2011, Associate researcher to ESRF on the study known as Cost of Climate Change on Agriculture to Small Scale Farmers in the country. Challenges which are facing due to climate change and how they go about at local level in each community.
The aim of the study was to assess coping strategies or adopted or any strategy to cope with the situation of climate change. To observe and learn the uses of shifting cultivation to small-scale farmers. My role: collect data write report and prepare questionnaire for Pre testing and field in Mlandizi and ARUSHA..
February to March 2004: Enumerator in FOOD FOR WORK PROJECT by WFP (World Food Program). Objectives:
Counter checking of partner implementation of food distribution to community members who participated in community work. Identifying issued which rose during operation of Food distribution, gender issue is observed during work and food distribution as crosscutting issue.
Assessing pre distribution plan and monitor the distribution of food to members and other issues related to food distribution then report writing and suggested way forward.
CERTIFICATION [Do not amend this Certification].
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Mariam Iddi Masasi. 21/August/2020
Name of Expert Signature Date {day/month/year}
Name of authorized Signature Date
Representative of the Consultant
(The same who signs the Proposal)