Number of Citations of Published Work: 338
ICSSR Research Project Sanctioned dated 16-11-2004 F.NO.RP02/521/2003/RP Amount Sanctioned Rs. 360125/-
“A Comparative Study of the Attitude of Male and Female Secondary School Teachers Towards the Role of Higher Education in the Society in Relation to their Socio-Economic Status, Qualifications and Job Anxiety Level in the District of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh”
FOREIGN VISIT: As an Advisor-Educational Affairs, Lootah Group of Companies, Dubai United Arab Emirate 27-29 April 2006. And got appointment letter of Advisor-Educational Affairs. (Due to unavoidable circumstances could not join) Appointed as Lecturer in Addis Ababa Ethiopia in 2005 (due to unavoidable circumstances could not join)
Visiting Team Member (VTM) in National Council of Teacher Education
(NCTE) for Inspection of B.Ed. College in 2019 and 2021 Coordinator MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) Department of Education as appointed by Dean Faculty of social Sciences AMU Aligarh 2020 Director International Conference (2019):
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research organized by Department of Education Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh on dated 12-13 October 2019 Ph.D. Thesis Awarded: 11 (Ph.D. Degree Awarded to Research scholars) Indian Ph.D Thesis Examined: 18
Internal Indian Examiner Ph.D. Theses AMU: 11
External Indian Examiner Ph.D. Theses: 07 (other than AMU) Guided M.Ed. Research Projects: 33
Under Supervision M.Ed. Research Project: 02
Different Course Syllabus updated time to time as assigned by the Chairman department of education AMU Aligarh
02 D.Ed. (Doctor of Education Theses) South Africa 02 M.Ed. Dissertations South Africa
Examiner in Public Service commission –Odisa 26-4- 2012 Scrutinized Ph.D. Admission Form session 2018-19
Paper Setter and Moderator of Examination Papers as assigned by The chairman Department of Education time to time AMU Aligarh Scrutinizer of answer note books of different courses Department of Education AMU Viva-Voice Examiner M.A (Education) II&IV Semester and M.Ed Assistant Superintendent of Examinations-Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Member of Departmental Placement Team: 7-12-2019
Counsellor Indira Gandhi Open University: Checked assignments time to time as assigned by IGNOU Regional Centre Aligarh
Guided Research Projects IGNOU: 05
Resource Person/Speaker: 15
Indian Resource Person/ Speaker: 09
Foreign Resource Person/speaker: 06 Indonesia
B.Ed. College Inspection for Affiliation as appointed by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra: 04
B.Ed. Teaching Practical Examination of Colleges and Universities other than AMU: 05
Prestigeous National Awards: 6
Radio Talk Akshwani Agra Dated 26-4-2013 Durasth Siksha Paddati External Examiner for Indian Universities: 6
Member of Selection Committee in Private B.Ed. College: 02 Research Papers Published: 50
Research Papers Reviewed: 122
International Conference abstract Reviewed-GLOSER: 21 Member in International Conference Committee: 02
International Conference Advisor: 01
Article Published in News Paper: 01
Book Published: 47
Book Chapters: 12
Individual Research Projects: 01 FSS AMU and 02 IGNOU Verifying Officer for B.Ed. Admissions Kishan Ganj AMU Centre on dated 3-8 august 2015
Member in Editorial Boards of Journals: 12
Faculty Meeting Attended FSS AMU: 07
Prestigious National Awards: 06
Director International Conference (2019):
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research organized by Department of Education Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh on dated 12-13 October 2019
Conferences/Seminar/Workshop / Orientation Programme and Refresher Courses Attended, participated and Paper Presented : 56 International and National Webinars Participated: 84 4
Father’s Name : Allah Diya
Date of Birth : 15-12-1959
Department Name : Department of Education
Aligarh Muslim University Uttar Pradesh India
Designation : Professor
D.Litt. in
Submitted on
Department of
Education Aligarh
Muslim University
2012 Effect of ICT on the Students
of Higher Education in
Relation To Their Achievement
Motivation, Intelligence, Rural
and Urban in UP, India
Computer course SISS Computer
2008 ‘A’ grade
CPL- Arabic Aligarh Muslim
University Aligarh
2006 Ist 64.5% Certificate of Proficiency in
Languages Arabic
MADE Indira Gandhi
National Open
University New Delhi
2006 Completed Master of Arts in Distance
PGDDE Indira Gandhi
National Open
University New Delhi
2002 Completed Distance Education
PGDHE Indira Gandhi
National Open
University New Delhi
2000 Completed Higher Education
Ph.D. Aligarh Muslim
university, Aligarh
1991 - Education
M.Phil. Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh
1989 Ist 67.5% Education
Junior Research Fellowship, Awarded, A.M.U. Aligarh, w.e.f 1.4.1988-1-4-1990 with the extension of two years till 1992 approved 18-2-1989 in meeting of C.A.S.R PGDHE (Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education) from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, 2000.Equivalent to two Refresher Courses in Education as Recognized by University Grant Commission, New Delhi. PGDDE (Post-Graduate Diploma in Distance Education) from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, 2002.Equivalent to two Refresher Courses in Distance Education as Recognized by University Grant Commission, New Delhi. Topic of M.Phil. Work:
“A Survey of Research Studies in the Area of Advance Organizer Model and Concept Attainment Model”.
Topic of Ph.D. Work:
“An Experimental Study of the Comparative Effectiveness of Concept Attainment Model and Advance Organizer Model in Teacher Education Course” M.Ed. Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh
1986 Ist 63.14% Measurement & Evaluation
Principle and Methods of
Curriculum construction,
Planning & Finance of
Education, all compulsory
B.Ed. Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh
1985 II/II56.50%
Teaching of Economics &
Civics & compulsory Subjects
M.A.. Kumaun Univ.
1982 II 53.50% Economics
B.A. Kumaun Univ.
1980 II 52.5% English, Economics, Political
Science. Statistics
Intermediate U.P.Board 1978 II 49.8% Hindi, English Civics, Economics, History
High School U.P.Board 1975 III 41% Hindi, English, Science, Biology, Mathematics
Teaching Experience: 26 Years and 09 Months (25 Years AMU+ 01year Jamia Millia Islamia+09 Private B.Ed. College Manipur
A) Associate Professor in Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (w.e.f 15-3-2007 till present)
B. Reader in the Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (w.i.e. 15-3-2004 to 14-3-2007)
C. Lecturer in Education, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (w.e.f. 23.01.1995 to 31.7.1996).
D. Lecturer in Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh w.e.f23.09.1996 till to present
E. Lecturer in Education, Kanan Devi Memorial College of Education Manipur University Imphal, Manipur (w.e.f. 1.2.1993 to 10.11.1993) F. Lecturer in Education (Teaching of Economics) one year (w.e.f. 1.1.1991 to 15.5.1991, 16.7.1991 to 15.2.1992), Department of Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education, Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Junior Project Fellow:
8 months and 19 days (w.e.f. 12.5.87 to 31.1.1988), Junior Project Fellow, Department of Measurement and Evaluation, Survey and Data Processing, N.C.E.R.T., New Delhi. 7
List of Cited Articles and Books as per Google Scholar S.No.
No. of
Cited By
1 Siddiqui,
M. H.
Techniques of
teaching. APH
6 1) Ahmed, I., Gujjar, A. A., Janjua, S. A., &
Bajwa, N. (2012). A Comparative Study of
Effectiveness of Concept Attainment Model
and Traditional Method in Teaching of English
in Teacher Education Course. Language in
India, 12(3).
2) Haider, S. Z., & Ali, R. (2012). Teacher
Training at Secondary Level in Pakistan:
Provisions and Condition. International Journal
of Social Sciences & Education, 2(1).
3) Malik, S. K., & Zaman, N. (2012). Effect of
graphical organizer teaching model on
students’ learning achievement. Elixir
Psychology, 42, 6220-6227.
4) Tiwari, S. (2016). Moderation and Facilitation
towards a New Horizon in Teaching-Learning
Process. The Criterion: An International
Journal in English. Research Centre for English
Language and Literature. Vol.7, Issue,3.
5) Role, s. Department of education Aligarh
Muslim university, Aligarh.
6) Rathod, r. A study on effectiveness of
performance appraisal in relation to personality
of college lecturers.
2 Sharma,
D., &
M. H.
Effect of
variables on
An empirical
study of
Journal of
Research, 3(2),
3 1) Magmanlac, J. M. E. (2018). The Quality of
Life and Mindfulness Among Helping
Professionals (Doctoral dissertation, Lyceum
of the Philippines University).
2) Sultan, P. I., & Kong, K. J. K. The
Relationship between Demographic Profile and
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Among Special
Education Teachers in Primary Schools.
3) Ren, H. (2020). Heuristic fuzzy logic approach
for analysing the effects of emotional
intelligence in teachers' teaching quality and
teamwork in dance training institutions.
Aggression and Violent Behavior, 101537.
3 Siddiqui,
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of Educational
3 1) Baig, M. (2011). A Critical Study of
Effectiveness of Online Learning on Students'
Achievement. Baig, MA (2011). Research
Papers A Critical Study Of Effectiveness Of
Online Learning On Students’achievement. I-
Manager’s Journal of Educational Technology,
7(4), 28-34.
2) Biyandi, W. R. (2014). A Self-Reflection
Directions Model For English Language
Teaching Development (Doctoral dissertation,
Sanata Dharma University).
3) Rafique, S., Baig, I. A., & Hussain, A. (2019). Students' Cognitive Development in Colleges:
A Comparative Study of Private and Public
Sectors. Global Regional Review, 4(2), 458-
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Journal of
Research, 3(4),
24 1) Listiana, L., Susilo, H., Suwono, H., &
Suarsini, E. (2016). Empowering students’
metacognitive skills through new teaching
strategy (group investigation integrated with
think talk write) in biology classroom. Journal
of Baltic science education, 15(3), 391.
2) Rahmatiah, R., & Kusairi, S. (2017). Pengaruh
scaffolding konseptual dalam pembelajaran
group Investigation terhadap prestasi belajar
fisika siswa SMA dengan pengetahuan awal
berbeda. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan
Teknologi, 2(2), 45-54.
3) Rizqiana, F. A., Widodo, A. T., & Supardi, K.
I. (2017). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kimia
Berbasis Pendekatan Investigasi untuk
Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa pada Materi
Koloid. Journal of Innovative Science
Education, 6(1), 75-84.
4) Anas, Y., Anhar, A., & Sumarmin, R. (2018).
Application of Type Cooperative Learning
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International Journal of Progressive Sciences
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5) Gumilar, R. (2019). Peningkatan kemampuan
berpikir kritis dengan metode group
investigation. e-Jurnal Mitra Pendidikan, 3(12),
6) Ugwonna, G. O., Ezeudu, S. A., Nwaubani, O.
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7) Ugwonna, G. O., Ezeudu, S. A., Nwaubani, O.
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8) Baharu, H. (2020). Improving the skills of
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9) Ayuni, E. N., & Pristiwati, R. (2019).
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11) Syukriyati, A. (2016). Upaya Meningkatkan
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13) Om, G., & Chalermnirundorn, N. (2019). The
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14) Santyasa, I. W., Kanca, I. N., Warpala, I. W.
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15) Syaifuddin, S. (2016). Peningkatan
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16) Triana, H., & Rosy, B. (2020). Pengaruh
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23) Al Aslahah, B. H., & Saptasari, M. (2018).
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24) Ayuni, E. N. (2019). Keefektifan Pembelajaran
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Menggunakan Model Investigasi Kelompok
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5) Fathoni, I. M., Isnarto, I., & Haryani, S. (2018). Mathematically creative thinking abilities
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6) Hutapea, F. The Effects of Inquiry Training
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7) Solihah, S., Kadarohman, A., & Liliasari, S.
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8) Hasibuan, S., & Purwanto, P. Implementation
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10) Puri, R. M. Pengaruh Inquiry Training Model
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11) Hidayatullah, Y., Handayani, H., & Junaedi, E.
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12) Mentari, D., & Juliani, R. Penerapan Model
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13) Juantika, D., & Purwanto, M. S. (2018).
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14) Lase, Y. (2018). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran
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15) UNY, L. (2018). Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan.
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6 Siddiqui,
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1 1) Dutton, S. E. (2015). Education in and by
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3) Hussain, I., Hussain, I., & Ramzan, M. (2019).
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4) Sheth, M. S. R., Patil, M. P. R., Kumbhar, M.
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4 1) Mollah, K. A Comparative Study On
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2) Dhande, V. S., Gadekar, R. D., Doibale, M. K.,
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4) Faheem, A. (2017). Muslim Fathers’
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Techniques of
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2) Taj, S., & Bhatti, F. M. (2013). Effectiveness
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4) Soraya, P. (2018). Improving Students’ Writing
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5) Vijayabarathi, S., Pramila, K., &
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7) Gure, G. S. (2019). Primary School Teachers’
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Perspectives in
5 1) Murugan, K. R. & Vasimalairaja, M.
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with Ideologies of swami Vivekananda.
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2) Gupta, V. D. Education And Social
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4) Deep, V. Education And Social Development
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5) Patra, J. N., & Mete, J. Swami Vivekananda &
Women Education.
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Teaching of
3 1) Suresh, T., & Nirmala, K. Life Oriented
Illustrations in Mathematics: A Reality
Perception. Researchers Organization Bilaspur
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2) Panda, S. K. Mathematical Errors Committed
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3) Khan, S. B. (2010). Learning Mathematics at a
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Journal of Language and Literature, 14(1), 39-
3) Chawngthu, L. (2016). An Evaluative Study of
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Mizoram Board of School Education.
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approach in the teaching of mathematics: a
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2) Onivehu, A. O., & Ziggah, S. R. (2004).
Breaking the mathematics phobia of secondary
school students using behaviour modification
techniques. African Journal of Educational
Studies in Mathematics and Sciences, 2(1), 39-
3) Mokhtar, S., Jailani, M. K. M., Tamuri, A. H.,
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Education, 3(2), 53-66.
4) Lewis-Pierre, L., McKay, M., Sanko, J.,
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Comparing Educational Outcomes of Online
Module-Based Technology with and without
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