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Food Safety Quality

Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
March 29, 2021

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Amr Rizkana-MSc. Total Quality Management



*, ***** ***** **, **********, Agouza, Giza

Giza, Egypt- P.Coe:12411


To become value added effective team leader in your organization as where I can use my experience and skills in the best possible way for achieving the company’s goals whilst mutually adding value in every day on business life.


General Professional Experience

1.Through more than 20 years of professional experience strengthen by academic development in the applied sciences of Food Safety/Quality Assurance- Certification Auditing, Consultancy and Training.

2.Over 20 years as an organizational Food Safety/Quality Assurance activities ( auditing/Q.C Inspections, training design consultant with a record of accomplishment of producing extraordinary results for more than 20 national and international based organizations.

Where I have carried out certification audits in the following countries:-


UK- ASDA/Walmart, Tesco Supermarkets(Global Gap/BRC/HACCP/GMP/TESCO-NATURE'S CHOICE)

Switzerland- Nestle (Ice cream, frozen foods), Ebagny for Crackers, and dried meat, Swiss Mill (Global Gap/BRC/HACCP/GMP/ ISO9001, ISO22000, IFS.V4).


3.Practical advanced knowledge of Application of different scope of mandated and /or optional standards in Retailing business, supply chain, logistics management and traceability. In addition experience of Auditing Food graded packing materials, labeling, storage and distribution.

4.Strong Practical experience of food processing industries as consultancy, auditing, and training.

5.Practical experience in Agribusiness farming systems, application of Food safety/Quality Assurance measures, workers health safety social welfare.

6.Practical advanced knowledge of vendor's assessments and planning the audits/inspections of their Food Safety/Quality Assurance supply chains operations, and logistics management.

7.ISO 9000 IRCA Registered Lead Auditor U.K (No. A014096), Approved Trainer by British Retail Consortium –UK (Global Standards for Food Safety)

8.Designed Traceability Manual for Egypt –UNIDO- ETRACE Project 200-2005.

9.Carried out laboratories assessments for against ISO7025- Assessment of General Authority of Exports and Imports Quality Control (GOIEC), General laboratory of testing pesticides and heavy metals (Ministry of Agriculture-Egypt), and private labs.

Personal competence within working environment.

Team Player, but believer of integrated approach of team members, leading and coaching others towards strategic goals and targets set by business KPI's.

Proven senior-level experience in executive decision-making, policy direction, strategic business planning, financial and personnel management, research and development.

Energetic self-starter with excellent analytical, organizational, and creative skills.

High project management planning skills, diagnostic assessment, and formulation of recommendations tailored in business action plans. Also monitoring and evaluating project (s) progress and its financial planned activities.

A talent for analyzing problems, developing and simplifying procedures, and finding innovative solutions.

Proven ability to motivate and work effectively with persons from other cultures and all occupations.

Skilled in working within a foreign environment with limited resources, and results oriented under stressful working environment.

A commitment to human development as co-factor to culture change and company's business growth.

Strategic HR consulting to change management to achieve process(s) Improvement of the company throughout building up in house teams, and providing leadership.


(1984 – 1988)- Cairo University, Faculty of Agriculture - B.Sc. in Agriculture- Major Economics.

(08/2002 – 02/2004) Arab Academy for Science and Technology–Joint Programme with University West of London, UK -Master of Science in Total Quality Management.

A training matrix is available upon request.


MS [Word, Excel, and PowerPoint] Office 2003, 2007, 2010, Internet.

High preferences of using IT solutions in daily business practices.

Effective Presentation/ communication skills, support and backing up company's different departments.

Professional Experience

June 2019- September 2019: Assigned as Expert Witness in Arbitration Case between North End Vineyards South Africa and Dole S.A.

October 2017- May 2018: HEIACERT- Horticulture Export Improvement Association – HEIA, Giza

Purpose of the Position: -

Is to supervise Implementation of policies and procedures relating to HEIACert Quality Management System and Provision of adequate resources for HEIA Cert activities.

Mar. - Aug. 2015 - Horticulture Export Improvement Association – HEIA, Giza.

Position: Training Consultant

Responsibilities: - Design and deliver training program title (HEIA Certification Program- Building Capacity) - Trained fresh graduates of faculty of Agriculture

Achievement: 7 young trainees are working as Consultancy and training services for agro sector.

Jan. 2004 –Mar. 2011- Egypt - PROCERT-EGYPT

Position: Country Director - A partnership with ProCert S.A – Switzerland for Certification and Training.

Responsible for: -

Developing certification and training business in Egypt and Middle East region in areas of Quality Management systems, environmental, health and safety, food safety. Sectors served Agribusiness, Educational, industrial, and chemicals.


Carried out Food Safety/Quality Assurance Certification audits/ inspections (Locally and internationally- 1800 audits (consultancy, risk assessments, and training need analysis).

Designed and delivered training programs.

Activities: -

Designed 84 training topics that address all quality assurance personnel competence-based requirements as mandated training for companies seeking certifications, accreditation, and / or business development approach.

Carried out Food Safety/Quality Assurance Certification audits/ inspections for food processing various food categories.

Vendor's assessments and planning of their Food Safety/Quality Assurance development path-Carrefour –Assessment of 10 suppliers against Carrefour Standards that includes the following standards: (QMS/FSMS, HACCP, GMP, ISO9001-2008) –National Supplier Development Program-Industrial Modernization Centre.

July/2004 – June 2005 -Egypt - UNIDO - ETRACE–project. (27 Million Egyptian Pounds Funded Project)

Position: National Expert in Quality

Responsibilities: -

Coordinating the development of office activities under the supervision and guidance of the LIU Head.

Designing traceability scheme / manual for selected Egyptian products in cooperation with other national and international experts.

Assessing the traceability scheme / manual for compliance with the Article 18 Traceability o EU Food Law 178/2002, and ongoing support and follow-up to assisting companies in the implementation of the scheme

Contributing to the design, delivery and evaluation of training activities with focus on development of competence of those personnel whom are responsible for implementation (Full/Partial) of traceability scheme / manual.

Supporting costs’ estimation at company level of costs linked to the establishment and implementation of traceability scheme systems


120 Companies had benefited from this system where they had increase their exports to EU.

Exports Value increased from 800 million to 2 Billion Egyptian Pounds in the following 4 years.

Jan 2008 –August 2008 - (Short-term assignment) - Cairo -TEVET PROJECT / Industrial Training Council (ITC) –EU Funded Project.

Position: Member at National Occupational Standards Professional Working Groups

Responsibility: Team Leader and Coordinator of 15 food processing, training, consultants responsible for developing first national vocation road map for occupations of food industries.

Achievement: Completed for 20 Food Processing occupations, as a first phase within 8 months, the following:

Functional Map

Standards Skills

Egyptian Vocational Quality (EVQ)

UNITS Competence skills

Student Centered Learning Package

Results Review and evaluation methods.

June 1999-March 2003- Giza, Egypt – Horticulture Export Improvement Association – HEIA

Position: Integrated Management systems and Training Dept. Head

Main Functions: -

1-Consultancy/ auditing/training services. (Five Stages Process)

2-Auditing for business improvement.

3-Collaboration with, governmental, international institutions, consultancy, and training companies.


Acting as focal point of HEIA’s efforts in training, dissemination of information, technical assistance on production, and handling practices.

Have the ultimate responsibility for approving whether export product inspected under program meets minimum export grade standards.

Provides leadership in the implementation of program inspection activities, assessing program effectiveness, and supervision of evolution and changes in program needs to keep it relevant to export industry.

Acting as chief contact point for foreign technical advisors to assist the development of the Quality Assurance program, in addition development of Human Resources employment program.

Chief Speaker for the program and principle promoter for HEIA services.


Designed and delivered first national training program to address the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (Total trainees 680 extensions' engineers) at 8 Governorates.

Designed training programs to cover all requirements of Food Chain Management with UK Experts.

Represented Egypt (HEIA) in International Agribusiness Management Association (IAMA) IN Netherlands- June 2002.

At HEIA (Horticulture Exports Improvement Association) we have launched Vocational training program to teach HEIA’S staff (21 fresh graduates -Agronomist) on pre-harvest, harvesting, post-harvest, quality control, cool chain monitoring, sanitation and hygiene best practices for fresh produce crops (Melon, Green Beans, Strawberry, and Table Grapes). As this program had great success and led to train other of HEIA member’s on those topics, it’s impact was increased the quality and quantity of exports and increase employment opportunity.

Technical education, training and employment

1. Establishing Food Safety/Quality Assurance Management Systems Manuals as a model for application of Good Agriculture Practices (in Egypt) Global food safety standards (BRC).

2. Drafting regulations and policies for Agriculture Exports Companies that led to initiate new regulations and protocols between Local authorities and exports councils.

3. Designing quality control protocols for exports quality specifications according to EU retailers’ markets standards combined with competence criteria for Q.C personnel and mandated training skills and its performance evaluation criteria.

1995- 1999 - Egypt –USA -International Executive Service Corps (IESC) centres for Quality Assurance (CQA), Egypt. ( US AID CONTRACTOR.

Position: Senior Field Coordinator.

Main Responsibilities:

Support and develop of Egyptian Private Sectors business practices using the Models of Quality Management systems.

Managing projects in the area of QMS, FSMS, HACCP, GMP, and EMS.

Coordinating all the centre activities with all other IESC programs,

Monitoring and evaluations on project progress based on business action plans.

Conducting QMS Assessment against ISO 9001 Standards.

Preparation of presentation on Quality awareness and its related topics.

Establish B2B between Egyptian and US companies to create partnership, merging, and or acquisition agreements.

Business profiling and establishing business plans.

Carried out revolving study tours and benchmarking trips to the USA, Canada, and UK.

Team member in CQA- US AID project for establishing the Egyptian Accreditation Council 1996-1997.


Conducted, trained and guided to certification 16 companies. 10 companies have ISO 9001 certificates, 3 companies have their ISO 9002 certificate, 2 companies have ISO 14001 certificates, and 2 companies was (QS 9000 Automotive) certified. (HEINZ Egypt ISO 9002-1994)

Sectors served; Automotive manufacturing, food business, furniture, medical services, schools, banking services, chemicals, construction, engineering, and civil works.

Membership of professional bodies: -

Member in Egyptian Society for Quality.

Associate member at Institute of Management Consultants –UK.

Swiss Egyptian Business Association (SEBA)

Other relevant information (e.g. publications):

Officially Translated British Retail Consortium - Global Food Safety Standards V 5 into Arabic language – Sep 2009

Designed the first draft of the Traceability Manual – ETRACE – UNIDO Project - 2005

Designed and established guidelines to establish the Egyptian National Food Safety Scheme - 2008.

Workshops and Seminars Presented:



Event Name / Trainee’s Organization





International Agribusiness Management Association (IAMA)

June 2002.



Food Quality and Fresh Fruits & Vegetables- Private Trade Standards conference

GTZ-work shop

Feb 2003

Cairo, Egypt



Sustainable aquaculture – developing the export value chain Seminar

EAGA & Netherlands Embassy

September 2007

Cairo, Egypt


EUREPGAP Train the trainer Workshop- In coordination with EUREPGA/ FOOD PLUS, Germany

Various professional trainers

November 2006

Cairo, Egypt


EUREPGAP Train the trainer Workshop- In coordination with EUREPGA/ FOOD PLUS, Germany

Various professional trainers

April 2008

Cairo, Egypt


Presentation on EUREPGAP

Higher Council of Egyptian Universities- EARI project

December 2005

Cairo, Egypt


Presentation – Aqua culture Farming Systems

World Fish Center -

February 2008



Presentation On ISO 22000- 2005, Food safety Management systems in Food Supply Chains


Jan 2007

Cairo, Egypt


Presentation On Food Safety In Egypt – ProCert Experience in Egypt

SECO- Switzerland & Egyptian Delegation

November 2006


Traveling experience:


Date from - Date to


Various visits- Coordinating activities with DEFRA, Cmi-PLC. UK Certification for training programs, and visiting ASDA, TESCO Supermarkets


Various visits- Creating B2B business relationships between Egypt and US Companies, Benchmarking trips for Egyptian companies


September 8th-12th.2002-EUREPGAP Meeting


June 2000- IAMA Conference June 2002


Various visits- EUREPGAP /Food Plus H.Q


October 2001-EUREPGAP Conference- Bologna 2001


Various visits- Private visits

Arabian Gulf

Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia- Private visits

South Africa

March 2002- EUREPGAP conference2003


Various visits- With Company HQ training and annual meetings


Various visits

References: Available Upon Request

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