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Winston-Salem, NC, 27106
January 26, 2021

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I can provide Psychic, medium, tarot and astrology readings for clients. I allow the client to choose which tolls if any that they prefer. If they don't have a preference I will just use what I feel will work which is usually a combination. Usually I will start out with psychic skills and then use tarot for details then astrology for timing and best indicators for the clients' questions and goals. if a client is uncomfortable with the esoteric I can easily switch into Life Coach mode.

My services are unique because I am versatile as far as types of readings and as an empath I can sense what the client feels. I can also sense when negative energies are attached to the client, I can sometimes feel those energies' discomfort as the client is trying to detach.

I also have a lot of experience as a reader and a lot of life experience so I can make a client feel comfortable as I have seen so much that noting really shocks me.

There is not a lot of call volume at the moment as there are so many readers who usually have day jobs are back online due to the Covid Pandemic. I also like to have a variety of clients and I feel that your service will provide that opportunity. I really like what I have read about your services and am eager to find out more.

Yes, my gifts run through my bloodline, but unfortunately it had to be hidden for a few generations. I am just now discovering the magic and abilities that are running through the blood.

I became a reader because I needed an outlet for my abilities and a safe and "appropriate" space to do what I do. The desire to use these gifts in order to help others is very important to me as I believe that is what they were meant for for God. I know that our modern society and the chemicals, 5G, and lower vibrational energy out in the world inhibits our intution, esepcially fluoride in our water.

The connection between reader and client is my favorite thing about readings. As an empath the feeling that I get when a client opens up after being twisted up in a negative energy field is amazing. Healing energy flowing through the connection is wonderful and opens up even more information for the client.

My most rewarding experiences with clients are when they can connect with a departed loved one and receive the information and healing that they desperately need in order to move on. This also helps the loved one hanging on from moving to the other side get to where they need to be. I also love to help remove energy attachments because the soul's sigh of relief is such an amazing experience for reader and client.

It is always challenging to read for a non-believer and is always a major challenge, however, it is also one of the most rewarding when someone can see with their spiritual eyes for the first time. These types of clients often become the best and most favorite as they tend to come back to their original experience with me, the reader.

Greetings, I am an intuitve empath and clairvoyant channeler and reader. I can feel where the blockages are in a person's aura so that the client, you, can rest easy and regain your precious energy and clarity. When it comes to relationships it is all about asking the right questions to arrive at the right answers.

When you ask "does my partner love me?" it is still not going to be clear as everyone thinks of love in a different way. To some people love is pain so it is important to ask if your energy fields and values match, this will give a lot of clarity that you need to understand your situation and your partner. I also have a lot of counseling knowledge that can give you tools to help you work with the reality of your situation and make the most out of your partnership.

There is not much that I haven't heard, and nothing seems weird to me. I have seen and heard a lot and don't judge my clients. if something seems "crazy" then I am the person to help you sort it out.

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