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Sales Manager

Bloemfontein, Free, South Africa
December 25, 2020

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Hillside, BloeŵfoŶteiŶ, ϵϯϬϭ


Glasfit Wholesale - Wholesale MaŶager

BloeŵfoŶteiŶ, SA • Ϭϴ/ϮϬϭϱ - ϭϮ/ϮϬϭϵ

I ǁas appoiŶted at the fiƌŵ to staƌt a Wholesale DepaƌtŵeŶt. With sheeƌ deteƌŵiŶatioŶ I iŵpleŵeŶted all Ŷeǁ stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd pƌoĐesses. WithiŶ a ŵoŶth the DepaƌtŵeŶt flouƌished aŶd keeps oŶ gƌoǁiŶg dailLJ. MLJ duties iŶĐlude ďut aƌe Ŷot liŵited to GeŶeƌal MaŶageŵeŶt oǀeƌ Dƌiǀeƌs & IŶǀeŶtoƌLJ, PƌoĐuƌeŵeŶt iŶĐludes IŶteƌŶatioŶalͿ & Sales, Cus- toŵeƌ Đaƌe & SouƌĐiŶg ClieŶts, StoĐk take & ƌeĐoŶĐiliatioŶs, DailLJ/ MoŶthlLJ ƌepoƌts & Budgets, AdŵiŶistƌatioŶ, IŶǀoiĐiŶg, Quotes, Deteƌ- ŵiŶiŶg pƌofit ŵaƌgiŶs, PlaŶŶiŶg deliǀeƌLJ ƌoutes, Waƌehouse MaŶage- ŵeŶt, PettLJ Đash/Deďtoƌs/Cƌeditoƌs aŶd oŶ-ƌoute fiŶaŶĐials. I studied paƌt tiŵe to oďtaiŶ a Diploŵa iŶ SupplLJ ChaiŶ MaŶageŵeŶt FiŶished ϮϬϭϱͿ. I aŵ aŶ aŵďitious peƌsoŶ ǁith a Ŷeed to ďe ĐhalleŶged aŶd ǁould like to positioŶ ŵLJself iŶto a Đaƌeeƌ ŵoƌe suitaďle foƌ ŵLJ aŵďi- tioŶs.

Shatterprufe - WiŶdsĐreeŶ Wholesaler

BloeŵfoŶteiŶ, SA • Ϭϲ/ϮϬϭϬ - Ϭϳ/ϮϬϭϱ

Afteƌ ǁoƌkiŶg as aŶ outsouƌĐed loss ĐoŶtƌolleƌ, I ǁas appoiŶted ďLJ the ĐlieŶt to aŶ iŶteƌŶal sales positioŶ ǁithiŶ Shatteƌpƌufe. MakiŶg suƌe ǁe ŵaiŶtaiŶ gƌoǁth aŶd staLJ a pƌofitaďle oƌgaŶizatioŶ, ouƌ Đƌedit aŶd deďit fuŶĐtioŶs ǁeƌe kept flueŶt as ǁell as ďuildiŶg ƌelatioŶships ǁith Ŷeǁ aŶd edžistiŶg Đustoŵeƌs. MaiŶtaiŶiŶg a healthLJ adŵiŶistƌatiǀe offiĐe ǁe eŶsuƌed that Ƌueƌies aƌe haŶdled ǁith iŵŵediate Đaƌe. Keep- iŶg phLJsiĐal stoĐk aŶd ǀiƌtual stoĐk ďalaŶĐed as ǁell as pƌeǀeŶtiŶg uŶ- ŶeĐessaƌLJ stoĐk loss is ĐƌitiĐal aŶd is aĐhieǀed ďLJ stƌiĐt ǁaƌehouse ŵaŶ- ageŵeŶt. Fƌoŵ ouƌ sales ĐeŶtƌe iŶ BloeŵfoŶteiŶ ǁe seƌǀiĐed glass fit- ŵeŶt ĐeŶtƌes suĐh as PG Glass aŶd Glasfit iŶ the Fƌee State, NoƌtheƌŶ- Cape aŶd Lesotho.

Supply ChaiŶ ServiĐes BloeŵfoŶteiŶ - Fleet aŶd DeďriefiŶg CoŶtroller BloeŵfoŶteiŶ, SA • Ϭϳ/ϮϬϬϵ - Ϭϲ/ϮϬϭϬ

Afteƌ eight ŵoŶths as a seŶioƌ fleet ĐoŶtƌolleƌ at SupplLJ ChaiŶ SeƌǀiĐes I ŵoǀed to the DeďƌiefiŶg depaƌtŵeŶt ǁithiŶ the saŵe ĐoŵpaŶLJ to edž- paŶd ŵLJ kŶoǁledge of ouƌ ǁaƌehouse aŶd logistiĐal opeƌatioŶs. As a fleet ĐoŶtƌolleƌ I sĐheduled ƌoutes aŶd ŵaŶaged ϲϬ-ϳϬ loŶg ƌaŶge ǀehi- Đles fƌoŵ ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe Ŷeeds to ĐuttiŶg uŶŶeĐessaƌLJ edžpeŶdituƌe. While iŶ ƌetuƌŶs depaƌtŵeŶt I haŶdled daŵages, ƌetuƌŶs aŶd stoĐk loss iŶǀestigatioŶs. Fƌoŵ ouƌ ǁaƌehouse iŶ BloeŵfoŶteiŶ ǁe seƌǀed peƌisha- ďle pƌoduĐts to ǁholesale giaŶts suĐh as PiĐk Ŷ PaLJ, Shopƌite, Juŵďo aŶd Cash aŶd CaƌƌLJ. Ouƌ pƌoduĐts ǁheƌe edžteŶsiǀe ƌaŶgiŶg fƌoŵ P&G, MaŶhattaŶ, Bull BƌaŶd, Ceƌes, CoŶtiŶeŶtal Beǀeƌages aŶd Retail BƌaŶds IŶteƌ-AfƌiĐa.

C-RaŶd DistriďutioŶ BloeŵfoŶteiŶ - OperatioŶs Supervisor BloeŵfoŶteiŶ, SA • Ϭϴ/ϮϬϬϴ - Ϭϳ/ϮϬϬϵ

MLJ iŶtƌoduĐtioŶ to the tƌaŶspoƌt iŶdustƌLJ Đaŵe fƌoŵ a ĐoŵpaŶLJ that Đlosed iŶ ϮϬϬϵ, aŶd ǁas takeŶ oǀeƌ ďLJ RTT LogistiĐs.IŶ a daLJ aŶd Ŷight shift positioŶ I alloĐated stoĐk to ƌoutes aŶd ŵade suƌe lead tiŵes ǁheƌe adheƌed to,ǁith aďout ϯϬ-ϰϬ loŶg ƌaŶge ǀehiĐles iŶ haŶd. Iŵple- ŵeŶtiŶg Đost effiĐieŶĐLJ ǁe ofteŶ did self-ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe oŶ ouƌ ǀehiĐles ĐuttiŶg Đosts aŶd keepiŶg ƌoutes fƌoŵ ďeiŶg delaLJed. FullLJ utiliziŶg ouƌ ǀehiĐles aŶd Đƌeǁs, ǁe seƌǀed ĐlothiŶg ƌetaileƌ stoƌes suĐh as PEP aŶd AĐkeƌŵaŶ’s oŶ a dailLJ ďasis to aďout ϭϯϬ diffeƌeŶt stoƌes iŶ the Fƌee State, NoƌtheƌŶ Cape, EasteƌŶ Cape aŶd Lesotho.

REFERENCES - availaďle oŶ ƌeƋuest


• EdžeĐutiǀe teaŵ leadeƌship

• Sales ŵaŶageŵeŶt

• ClieŶt/VeŶdoƌ ƌelatioŶs

• MaƌketiŶg/PƌoduĐt LiŶe deǀel-


• Staff/tƌaiŶiŶg poliĐLJ deǀelop-


• PƌoĐess iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶt

• GeŶeƌal ŵaŶageŵeŶt


SeŶtraal High SĐhool

BloeŵfoŶteiŶ • ϮϬϬ5

Grade ϭϮ / Matric

AfƌikaaŶs ϭst LaŶguage

EŶglish AdditioŶal LaŶguage



BusiŶess EĐoŶoŵiĐs

Hoŵe EĐoŶoŵiĐs


BloeŵfoŶteiŶ • ϮϬϭ5

Diploŵa: DCC LogistiĐs & Supply ChaiŶ



•Foƌklift LiĐeŶse ϯϬϬϬKgͿ • Fiƌst Aid

CeƌtifiĐate • Fiƌe FightiŶg CeƌtifiĐate •

PG Heƌo


ϯϭ LJeaƌ old aĐĐoŵplished Waƌehouse MaŶageƌ aŶd LogistiĐs edžeĐutiǀe ǁith a suĐĐessful tƌaĐk ƌeĐoƌd oǀeƌseeiŶg ƌegioŶal sales, distƌiďutioŶ aŶd geŶeƌal ŵaŶageŵeŶt foƌ a ǁell kŶoǁŶ glass ďƌaŶd.

id ϴϳϭϮϭϰ ϱϬϬ ϳϬϴϲ

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