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Game Developer

Chicago, IL
December 10, 2020

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Chicago, IL - ***** 617-***-****


Master of Science in Game Programming Sept. 2017 - June 2019

DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Aug. 2013 - June 2017

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, M.P, India


oMaster’s degree in Video Game Programming

oSuccessfully programmed a sophisticated graphics Engine from scratch with multiple subsystems.

oDid Multiple research involving Hologram Generating Engine and Game Controller for games.

oDemonstrated extreme troubleshooting and problem-solving skills for large scale projects.


Research & Development Engineer 11/2019 - Present

CCC Information Services

oDeveloped new architecture for the Application and performance optimization(4x faster than existing build) .

oPerformed development for Android (Java) and IOS(Swift) Application with Real-Time Data Analysis.

oPerformed Post-Processing Data Analysis in Python.

oDeveloping Real Time Vision-based(ML and AI,AR) Application for Android and IOS.

oWeb-based Augmented Reality for Android, IOS.

oDeploying AI models for web based services mobile and desktop platforms.

Genius Squad Tech Support Engineer 05/2018 – 11/2018

DePaul University (Chicago, IL)

oSupported Software and hardware troubleshooting for Students and faculty.


Game Engine - (C++, OpenGL)


oDeveloped an offline converter for loading Fbx Models/3D models into the engine.

oExtended the converter to add functionality of parsing key frame Animation, skeleton and skin data to support skinned model animation.

2D - 3D & Animation Engine

oDeveloped the Engine to incorporate 2D and 3D Models in the game/scene with OpenGL support.

oImplemented a Font System for Displaying custom font text in the game.

oDeveloped Animation Engine supporting Models Skinning using Skin vertices, bone hierarchy and indices data.

oImplemented Multiple projection and orthogonal Cameras for 2D and 3D projection with support for frustrum culling.

Shaders & Skinning

oScripted and Implemented custom Color, Texture and Light Shaders with effects such as fog in OpenGL.

oImplemented Compute Shader for faster computation of animation data on GPU.


oDeveloped a Math library which supported Vector, Matrix and Quaternions calculations and some specific operations.

oCreated a File System to support creation of custom format files with functionalities like updating, data retrieval, packing various different data into a single file or multiple files and improved performance.

oDeveloped a Memory System by wrapping win32 functions, overloading new and delete operator for user defined allocation and improved efficiency.

HoloEngine (Research) – (C++)

oDesigned and created a converter that can parse data from a 3D model file for the engine.

oDeveloped an Engine to generate hologram of the 3D models in air inside a glass Hologram Pyramid placed upside down on the screen so that the reflection and refraction can generate display object inside the pyramid.

oProgrammed a hand gesture recognition device to be used to control model’s rotation, Scaling and translation.

HoloEngine II (Research) – (C++)

oExtended the Holo-Engine for Scene graph implemented Skybox, Terrain Generation, incorporated Animation Engine, Audio Engine and Hand Gesture Recognition for Model or character controls, making it a full-fledged Hologram Engine that is also multithreaded (Audio, Hand Gesture, Recognition, And Graphics).

Game Pad Controller (Research) – (C++, C#)

oCreated and programmed a custom Gamepad Controller From scratch using Arduino that can be used with HoloEngine, Game Engine and any other C++ or C# projects that I have created such as Space invaders, Angry Birds.

Artificial Intelligence for Games - (C#, Unity 3D)

oImplemented steering behaviors for multiple characters

oDeveloped AI for 4 characters in a zombie survival game to decide their movement, actions and survive multiple waves of zombies for maximum time.

oImplemented A-star path finding algorithm to efficiently allow the characters for find the shortest path to location of spawned objects with obstacle avoidance.

oImplemented behavior tress for characters decision making.

oImplemented Q-learning algorithm for a separate project to find shortest path to the destination.

Multithreaded Audio Engine - (C++, XAudio2)

oDesigned and developed a multi-threaded Audio Engine using XAudio2.

oImplemented functionality to play, Pause, Stop, Change tracks.

oDesigned and implemented circular queue mechanism to pass playback commands across threads.

oImplemented command pattern for executing commands received from Game side to the Audio side.

oImplemented asynchronous load of audio files using new thread (File Thread).

Real Time Software Design using Design Patterns (Space Invaders)- (C#)

oImplemented object pool to optimize real time performance.

oDesigned Factories to handle object creation.

oImplemented Singleton pattern to incorporate managers to efficiently handle sprites, images, texture and game objects.

oDesigned Iterators to cycle through game objects.

oImplemented Visitor pattern to check for desired collision.

oImplemented Strategy pattern to deploy different types of bombs in game.

oDesigned Flyweight pattern for font system.

oImplemented Proxies for reuse of base object to create entire 5X11 aliens’ grid.

oRecreated 1970’s arcade video game Space Invaders from scratch using design patterns, also added Multiplayer mode for 2 players and storing of User High Scores.

Real Time Networking for Games – (C#, Lidgren)

oDeveloped Client-server model for implementing multiplayer networking in games.

oImplemented network bases multiplayer functionality in a local multiplayer game.

oAdded lobby interface for allowing remote player to join the game session and play.

oChanged game architecture to handle object through queuing system.

AndyWalk - Augmented Reality,IMU Sensor, Java

oDeveloped an AR application which can detect horizontal plane in the surrounding and place characters on the plane.

oGenerated Accelerometer and Gyroscope data per second into a csv file in android.

oDeveloped the system to use accelerometer and Gyroscope to move the character in the AR plane with Tilt and rotation.


oProgramming Languages: C++, C#, Swift, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL.

oOperating systems: Windows, Mac OS.

oSoftware experience: Visual studio 2019, Unity3D, Gimp, Android Studio, XCode, Eclipse, Perforce.

oGraphics API: DirectX, OpenGL, AR Core.


Physics for Games – (C#)

oRecreated angry birds using Box2D physics framework with multiple levels.

oIncorporated all the essential game characters and entities.

oImplemented Sling Shot functionality, health system, Collision Detection, animation (cycling between different sprites), camera movement with the birds, sound effects.

oRecreated fruit ninja using box2D to give same user experience as was in the original game using game physics.

Graphics and Rendering Programming- (C++, DirectX 11)

oDeveloped an API with shader programming (HLSL) for Graphics Rendering, Terrain Generation using Height maps, Fog Generator, Mirror Effect, Lighting and importing external models in the scene.

Optimized C++ - (C++)

oEnhanced Vector and Matrix math library using SIMD instruction set.

oDeveloped heap-based memory system for improved data management,

oImplemented Load-in-place system for quick data initialization.

oReworked data structure for improved memory usage & data caching by padding and alignment.

oRefactored 25000 particle system by using above techniques for faster performance and results.

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