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Javascript, python, css, html, react, iOS

Sunnyvale, CA
November 18, 2020

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Pengwei Lin



Santa Clara University Sept. 2019 – Jun. 2021

Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering Santa Clara, CA GPA: 3.59/4.00

Coursework: Advanced Web Programming, Big Data, Network Technology, Software Engineering, Algorithm, Machine Learning. University of Oregon Sept. 2014 – Jun. 2019

Bachelor of Science in Computer & Information Science and Mathematics Eugene, OR GPA: 3.06/4.00

Coursework: iPhone/iPad App Development, Database Processing, Computer Graphic, Data Mining, Data Structure, Operating System. SKILLS

Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Swift, TypeScript, Java, C, C++.

Frameworks and Tools: React.js, Node.js, Express, Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Hive.

Miscellaneous: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, iOS Development, HTML, CSS, AJAX, Webpack, Git. PROJECTS

Postlia Jun. 2020 - Jul. 2020

Built an Instagram-inspired social network application which enable users to connect to others by following friends, sending posts, like posts and leaving comments. Deployed the application on Heroku platform.

Utilized React.js for creating reusable UI components and React-Router for a single-page application. Used React Hooks to fetch data.

Implemented Express middleware function to verify user authentication with JSON Web Token and also perform RESTful web services to integrate between server side to client side. Connected to Cloudinary for posts and profile photos storage.

Interacted the application with MongoDB using Mongoose and used SendGrid API to reset the user password by emails. LightDo Jul. 2019 - Present

Developed an iOS application in Swift which is a todo app that manages tasks and tracks progress. Successfully launched on App Store for free. Received 4.7/5.0 ratings and released 6 update versions, also served 235 users in traffic by far.

Constructed user interfaces with UIKit and used Core Data for data persistence, also adopted Auto Layout programmatically.

Managed task notifications through UNUserNotificationCenter so that the application could send flexible reminders regularly.

Added customized light and dark mode to the application by developing theme protocol and saved theme preferences in UserDefaults. Set up UIApplicationShortcutItems to implement 3D Touch Quick Actions. Top K Frequent Word May 2020 - Jun. 2020

Implemented a 32 threads word parser with batch processing by using Java ConcurrentHashMap and PriorityQueue to determine the 100 most frequent words of a 32 GB txt file in 33 minutes.

Reduced the word count running time to 6 minutes by utilizing MapReduce in a Hadoop cluster and was ranked top 5 among 50 students. E-Commerce Management System Nov. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Accomplished a database management system for the electronic business to search the information of orders and merchandise.

Implemented a well-designed database in MySQL that consists of 10 tables and joined tables by setting up the EER diagram.

Designed user interfaces based on HTML5 and CSS3. Managed order and merchandise CRUD through executing SQL query in PHP. iOS Fitness App Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018

Built an iOS app that targeted users who love sports and fitness. Users are able to write and manage their workout diaries. And the application provides training materials in forms of images, text and videos.

Used EvenKit framework to access the native Calendar and Reminders app data to schedule reminders including workout length.

Persisted user data using Core Data in a data model that contains 4 entities. Separating concerns by respecting the MVC design pattern. Used Git for version control.

Implemented unit test and UI test that covers all the primary functionality of the application.

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