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Service Delivery Director

Stephens City, VA
November 27, 2020

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Seasoned Leadership, Technolog\ and Organi]ational Change Management e[ecXtiYe Zith man\ \ears of Oracle CloXd InfrastrXctXre (IaaS & PaaS), and SaaS e[perience sXccessfXll\ managing comple[ global enterprise transformation and enablement programs. A proYen leader Zith the abilit\ to create a positiYe climate and oXtcomes throXgh thoXghtfXl and skillfXl client management, cXltXral Xnderstanding and fair negotiations and mediation and effectiYe conflict-resolXtion and diplomac\ skills. E[cels at bXilding solid and prodXctiYe long-term relationships, Zith broad reaching global e[perience spanning Oracle Enterprise mXltinationals clients in the financial serYices, healthcare, commXnications, technolog\, and Xtilities indXstries in the Americas, EXrope, the Middle East and Africa.

● Widel\ recogni]ed as a thoXght leader, an organi]ational change manager, and an energetic and motiYated manager of people, projects, and programs

● Especiall\ skilled Zith comple[, global cXstomers and programs and high-impact bXsiness tXrnaroXnd sitXations

● Creates comprehensiYe change plans for client bXsiness inclXding change impacts on people, process, organi]ation and technolog\ b\ transformations to the Oracle CloXd

● InflXential Yisionar\ and strategist Zith e[ceptional critical thinking, negotiation and mediation skills 35OFE66IONAL E;3E5IENCE

OUDFOH CORXG MLJUDWLRQ DLUHFWRU, Oracle ConsXlting, Wash, DC, MDU 2019 JXO 2020 As a member of the Oracle Soar migration team Zhose job is to assist cXstomers Zith migrating their cXrrent onprem and OCI-Classic Zorkloads to the Oracle CloXd InfrastrXctXre (OCI) or to the CloXd at CXstomer on EXA-CC Xsing Soar aXtomation and deliYer\ capabilities. M\ primar\ responsibilities inclXde:

● CXstomer management dXring the initial scoping sales and initial deliYer\ c\cles

● Project and program management for comple[ enterprise application and technolog\ Zorkload migrations from OCI-Classic to OCI reqXiring adYanced cXstomer management skills

● Enterprise solXtioning and architectXre sXpport for Soar migrations

● Interactions Zith internal Oracle teams dXring the process and proYiding gXidance and direction to the cXstomer dXring Xpfront and project startXp phases

● BXsiness generation sXpport and marketing actiYities for the Soar bXsiness

● ArchitectXral and prodXct deYelopment sXpport as a direct resXlt of cXstomer feedback and serYice leYel reqXirements

● Facilitate ongoing solXtioning liaison and sXpport betZeen enterprise architects, clients, project and operations managers

● BXsiness process improYements

CRQVXOWDQW, Elias Management ConsXlting, Washington, DC, OFW 2017 FHE 2019 ProYiding organi]ation leadership training and change management serYices to large enterprises in the areas of Sales and Retail Operations. DeYeloping cXrricXlXm and deliYering training in leadership, cXltXral and process change management, and effectiYe techniqXes for conflict management & resolXtions.


CXVWRPHU 6HUYLFHV DLUHFWRU, Oracle Managed CloXd SerYices, Wash, DC, DHF 2009 6HS 2017 Responsible for the program and client relationship and management and E[ecXtiYe VP and C-leYel for a major mXltinational healthcare client program designed to transform their bXsiness and Oracle applications and technolog\ to the Oracle Managed CloXd SerYices. Managed a global mXlti-fXnctional deliYer\ team Zith demanding project milestones. Responsible for mXltisite deplo\ment team management, serYice deliYer\ and qXalit\ for solXtions architectXre (incl global sXppl\ chain implementation), softZare and hardZare proYisioning, bXsiness continXit\ implementation, cXtoYer planning and e[ecXtion, and preYentatiYe maintenance and operations. Ke\ demonstrated capabilities inclXde:



● DeYeloped team member skills and competencies, inclXding indiYidXali]ed deYelopment programs, enabling them to effectiYel\ lead others on global serYice deliYer\ teams

● Enterprise SolXtions Architect & Oracle CloXd Transformational Architect

● LeYeraged e[pert senior leYel negotiation and facilitation skills Zith global teams and clients

● EffectiYe at finding the right balance betZeen meeting cXstomer needs and cost-effectiYe deliYer\ of serYices

● Lead Global SerYice DeliYer\ Director and role model for neZ SerYice DeliYer\ Managers teaching them hoZ to be sXccessfXl and groZ in the role

● DeYelops, recommends and implements best organi]ational bXsiness practices leading tR improYed cXstomer satisfaction and additional bXsiness

● Adept at creating cXltXral Xnderstanding across global teams and clients 3RUWIROLR DLUHFWRU / 3MO 3UDFWLFH LHDG, Oracle ConsXlting, Wash, DC, JDQ 2008 NRY 2009 Responsible for managing a mXlti-million dollar portfolio for Oracle ConsXlting s North American Strategic AccoXnts for BXsiness Process Management (BPM) and SerYice Oriented ArchitectXre

(SOA) inclXding Application Integration ArchitectXre (AIA).

● Responsible for BPM/SOA Enterprise SolXtion ArchitectXre team and proYiding consXlting serYices and transformation roadmaps

● SXpported license accoXnt managers and consXlting sales managers Zith solXtion architectXre, proposal deYelopment, and fXll sales lifec\cle for BPM/SOA integration implementations

● ProYided consXlting serYices to bXsiness and IT senior e[ecXtiYes for BPM/SOA strategic enterprise implementations

● Managed relationships and comple[ negotiations betZeen strategic accoXnts e[ecXtiYe clients and Oracle SOA/AIA prodXct deYelopment and strateg\

● Managed deliYer\ portfolio and client relationships for BPM/SOA projects

● DeYeloped and deepened client C-leYel relationships GOREDO 3URJUDP MDQDJHU,Oracle Managed CloXd SerYices, Wash, DC, MDU 2005 JDQ 2008 Responsible for Oracle Managed CloXd SerYices deliYer\ for some of Oracle s top clients in EXrope and the Middle East inclXding General Electric Commercial Finance, a $20bn organi]ation

● SXccessfXll\ managed the global roll oXt of Oracle applications inclXding General Ledger, AdYance Collections, Fi[ed Assets Applications and Lease Management

● DeYeloped and managed application migration for bXsiness-critical s\stems

● Responsible for program bXdget management and resoXrce allocation and deYelopment

● Became single of point of contact for Oracle across all lines of bXsiness

● NXrtXred C-LeYel relationships, especiall\ Zith General Electric, groZing bXsiness and improYing cXstomer satisfaction


Responsible for groZing a US-based client portfolio Zorth $6 Million annXall\ inclXding total P&L responsibilit\

● DeliYered arra\ of hosted technolog\ solXtions inclXding BXsiness Intelligence (BI), Enterprise ResoXrce Planning (ERP), Online Anal\tical Processing (OLAP) and CXstomer Relationship Management (CRM), and cXstom deYelopment

● Designed and implemented disaster recoYer\ and bXsiness continXit\ solXtions

● Managed a highl\ profitable practice of 35 consXltants and sXpported their leadership deYelopment

6WUDWHJLF AFFRXQWV DLUHFWRU, Oracle ConsXlting, Washington, DC, OFW 1998 JDQ 2004 Responsible for relationship management for US-based commXnications companies operating on a global scale

● DeYeloped and maintained e[ecXtiYe C-leYel relationships Zith Veri]on Wireless and AT&T; tXrned aroXnd ke\ client relationship from a near loss to total cXstomer satisfaction

● Negotiated major license sales, reneZal, and consXlting contracts N JRVHSK EOLDV


● Managed major Oracle Billing and CRM implementations Xsing Oracle Enterprise Database and Tools and Applications



● Vice President BXsiness S\stems & Enterprise ArchitectXre IridiXm Africa, DXbai, UAE

● C.A.S.E. Project Manager/DeYeloper Team Leader James Martin & Associates, Wash, DC

● Team Leader/DeYeloper CGI Inc., Was DC / Ri\adh, SaXdi Arabia

● LectXrer Richmond UniYersit\, London, UK


● HHDOWKFDUH:IntermoXntain Healthcare, Ascension Health, Rpgie AssXrance Maladie dX QXpbec

● 7HOHFRP & 8WLOLWLHV: AT&T, Veri]on, Cal/Amp, IridiXm, Constellation Energ\, Penns\lYania PoZer & Light, NTT Data, CANTV Vene]Xela, ALLTEL CommXnications, PECO Energ\, Telecom Italia

● FLQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV:General Electric Commercial Finance, PNC Bank, Markel Corporation

● OWKHUV: AYis-BXdget GroXp, Thomson ReXters, Barnes & Nobles, EMO Transportation, Mac\ s, Unis\s Corp, US Dept of State, Ro\al SaXdi Air Defense Forces ED8CA7ION & 75AINING

E[HFXWLYH MDVWHUV LQ LHDGHUVKLS (EML), GeorgetoZn UniYersit\, McDonoXgh School of BXsiness, Washington, DC, 2016

The EML Program focXses on leadership at the intersection of bXsiness & pXblic polic\, international affairs, financial markets & polic\, and markets & ethics, concentrating on hoZ to create sXstainable change throXgh Principal & Transformation Leadership. CXrricXlXm of stXd\ coYers: Master's capstone paper on transformational leadership at Solms Delta enterprises in SoXth Africa focXsing on a ps\choanal\tical approach to a dramatic cXltXre transformation and inherent lessons. M.6F., BXsiness S\stems Anal\sis & Design / MIS, The Cit\ UniYersit\, London, UK. BA (HRQRUV)/AA, CompXter Science & BXsiness, Valedictorian, Richmond UniYersit\, London, UK CRUSRUDWH 7UDLQLQJ: E[tensiYe technolog\ training and e[pertise across softZare platforms, infrastrXctXre, cloXd compXting, BPM/SOA, ERP, enterprise data ZarehoXse, solXtion architectXre, architectXre & integration, enterprise applications, Certified Soar Project Manager, Oracle CloXd InfrastrXctXre Certification and Managing Within the LaZ. LDQJXDJHV: NatiYe in EQJOLVK and AUDELF; AdYanced-Beginner proficienc\ in FUHQFK.

● Models of Leadership ● Scenario Planning

● Leading Teams ● Decision-Making

● Leading Change ● Negotiations

● Strateg\ & Organi]ational Leadership ● PoZer & InflXence

● Creating & Changing CXltXres ● Anticipating the FXtXre

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