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8QLYHUVLW\ RI CRORUDGR BRXOGHU LHHGV 6FKRRO RI BXVLQHVV Ma\ 2022 Bachelor of BXsiness Zith an emphasis in accoXnting and finance BXVLQHVV RI 6SRUWV PURJUDP JXne 2020
Ɣ Selected as one of 50 stXdents to participate in a highl\ competitiYe program that deYelops stXdents bXsiness skills applicable to the sport indXstr\ inclXding: sport laZ, sport anal\tics, sport finance, eSports, facilities & eYent management, sport sponsorship, sales & marketing and diYersit\ & inclXsion Zithin sport. Ɣ ConsXlted for the UniYersit\ of Colorado BoXlder Athletic Department; identified strategies to increase engagement and aZareness of Zomen s athletics throXgh its program, Women Zith AltitXde, b\ deYeloping sXstainable donor sXpport, empoZering and sXpporting female stXdent-athletes, and increasing commXnit\ oXtreach. CXmXlatiYe GPA: 3.2
ReleYant Projects:LHHGV 6FKRRO RI BXVLQHVV BA6E :RUNVKRS JXVWLQ'V NXW BXWWHU - EYalXate the market attractiYeness, strategic fit, finances, and technical feasibilit\ of fiYe potential prodXcts to determine Zhich Zill be the most sXccessfXl.
RDFKLR - Identif\ distribXtion channels that Zork best for Rachio home improYement; anal\]e Rachio s margins and cash floZ implications, creating a cash bXrn anal\sis, Xsing Rachio Marketing retXrn on inYestment and contribXtion margin to decide the correct distribXtion channels for Rachio, eYalXating target market segments. NRRGOHV & CRPSDQ\ - Create a regression anal\sis; Xse annXal sales projections throXgh net cash floZs and cXmXlatiYe cash floZs to help Noodles & Compan\ decide Zhich neZ entree to add to their menX to increase profitabilit\ and popXlarit\ for the restaXrant. ReleYant Courses:Corporate Financial Reporting, Cost Management, Financial Anal\sis, Microsoft E[cel Anal\sis. E;PERIENCE
LLIHWLPH FLWQHVV, Parker, Colorado JXne 2018-Present KidV Academ\ SXSeUYiVoU
Ɣ Responsible for organi]ing and directing a kids sXmmer camp Zith 100+ kids each da\ Zhile proYiding cXstomer serYice needs to parents in person, throXgh email, or oYer the phone. Ɣ Directed team members and coXnselors of responsibilities, created staff Zork schedXles, managed pa\ and hoXrs clocked in. Ɣ Generated marketing campaigns to increase aZareness and attendance for specific reYenXe-driYing eYents. Ɣ Managed and reconciled bXdget of $15,000; hit profit goals and sta\ed Xnder bXdget monthl\. L9 6SRUWV, Parker, Colorado 2015-Present
AWhleWic SiWe ManageU
Ɣ Organi]ed, facilitated and managed a large athletic site, ensXring that staff, pla\ers and parents had their needs met in order to ensXre a positiYe e[perience for all inYolYed.
Ɣ Handled cXstomer serYice problems in a positiYe and professional manner Zhile operating in the best interest of the organi]ation.
Ɣ Demonstrated problem solYing skills to qXickl\ oYercome adYersit\ to handle on-the-job issXes as the\ occXr. 6KILL6
Ɣ Google Docs, Microsoft SXite, PoZerpoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft E[cel, Ke\note Ɣ DataRobot Anal\tics AI.
Ɣ Sports enthXsiast
Ɣ Enjo\ oXtdoor actiYities
Ɣ TraYeled to half the United States