Daniyor Ahmedov Karimjonovich
Address Tashkent, Khamzinsky district
Phone +998********* / +998*********
E-mail *****-**@****.**
Date of birth July 2, 1985
Marital status Married, two children
Estimated position
Packer for warehouses, factories, factories, handyman. Driver, car mechanic
Education Secondary
September 2001 — August 2004
Academic Lyceum at the Uzbek State University of World Languages
Foreign language skills
Russian - fluent
English - Basic level
Knowledge and experience • ensuring compliance with the law in the activities of the Company. • organization of the work of the Company in order to achieve effective interaction of all structural divisions of the Company. • Coordination and provision of interaction between the central and regional offices. • Supervising activities for the creation of an electronic version of the regional Business plan and a program to control the budget expenditure of the representative office.
work experience May 2014 - May 2019 Uz Sanoat Holding - Warehouse manager • Wholesale trade • Conclusion of contracts • Manages the work of the warehouse for the receipt, storage and release of goods, for their placement, taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for the necessary goods .. Ensures the safety of the stored goods • Ensures compliance with storage regimes • Prepares places for receiving incoming goods.
May 2019 - 2020 September Exstroy Import Business - Director • Delivery of goods from countries. • Ensuring the safety of quantitative and qualitative indicators of transported goods; • Compliance with traffic rules Initiative, sociable, calm, stress-resistant, sociable. I can manage a team and maintain a high level of motivation. Additionally Driving license of category "B, C, E", foreign passport.