Carolina Li m
ca*li@uwaterloo.c a
Figm a
Sketc h
Adobe XD
JavaScrip t
Reac t
Bootstra p
C+ +
Photosho p
University of Waterloo
Bachelor of Computer
Science, Human Computer
Interaction, Fine Arts
President's Scholarship of
Graduating June 2022
Professional Experience
Electronic Arts Product Design Intern
Collaborated with Designers, Product Managers, Researchers, and Engineers across the EAX team to deliver intuitive and functional experiences for EA’s millions of players for a large upcoming player-facing product. Designed an onboarding and documentation site to share knowledge and standardized processes for an upcoming social experience product .
• Conducted stakeholder interviews to gather initial requirements .
• Developed site architecture and page content hierarchy to show the most relevant content for users .
• Created page templates and a visual asset system for seamless development of new pages and quick adjustments to existing ones.
May–Aug 2020
LCBO UX/UI Design Intern
• Collected over 140 insights through user research to design the UI of a beverage recommendation app to help customers select products that suit their preferences. Worked with Developers and Product Manager to ship the project .
• Created the first design system to centralize assets, accelerate product output, and promote collaboration.
Sep–Dec 2019
Waterloop Graphic Designer
Created print and marketing material while supporting brand consistency. Jan–Apr 2018
Freelance Artist
Created original art using Photoshop and watercolours. Sold over 228 prints and gained over 1k followers on Society6.
Nov 2015–Present
Mozilla Incubator UX Researcher
Researched social interaction habits for an app that helps users stay connected. Apr–Jun 2020
Watonomous Design Lead
Led project planning, delegated tasks, and organized meetings to facilitate collaboration in an autonomous vehicle design team.
• Mentored new members by teaching Photoshop and design principles .
• Held 1:1s with each member to discover interests and remove blockers. Jun 2019–Apr 2020 other experiences
Hack the North
The Aphrodite Project
MultiSport sprint triathlon
UW Muay Thai