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Customer Service Store

Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa
Market related
September 24, 2020

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Moloto margaret

Address ** ***** *****, *****, *********

Contact Number 081-***-****

Email ***************@*****.***


urntme : Moloto

Full Ntmes : Mtropeng Mtrgtret

Title : Mrs

Dtte of irth : 1978/12/08

Identtt Number : 781**********

Gender : Femtle

Posttl Address : P.O. ox 38

Alett treet

endor ilwerkruin



Residenttl tddress : 38 Alett treet

endor ilwerkruin


Conttct Numbers : 081-***-****

Emtil Address : ***************@*****.***

Mtrittl tttus : Mtrried

Hetlth stttus : Good

Ltngutges : English, epedi

Nttontlitt : outh Africtn

Religion : Christtn


I tm versttle tnd htrdworking. I htve retlistc tmbitons with the tbilitt to set tchievtble gotls through ctreful pltnning. I htve good orgtnizttontl skills tnd tme mtntgement skills which tllows me to efectvelt tnd efcientlt produce qutlitt work. KEY SKILLS:

• Numertct tnd Good Communictton kills

• Orgtnised

• Pttence



Ntme of chool : Mollwtnt Commercitl chool

Qutlifctton Obttined : Grtde 12

Dtte Atended : 1997

ubjects ptssed : English, epedi, Afrikttns, Accountng Economics, usiness Economics & Merctntle Ltw


Comptnt : Mtms Trtvel Agenct

Positon : Admin Clerk

Period : 2001 – 2009

Retson for Letving : Comptnt closed

Dutes : Answering tnd directng phone ctlls

: cheduling Meetngs

: Orgtnizing Files

: Running Errtnds

: ook Keeping

: Equipment Htndling

: Ttping

: ookings for trtvellers

Comptnt : Edcon (EDGAR )

Positon : Credit Associtte

Period : 2011 - 2014

Retson for Letving : I wts Promoted

Dutes : Customer service

: Credit & Exchtnge

: olving Customer queries

: Linking & Repltcing Account ctrds

: Issuing tnd receiving fotts

: Authorising

: Pick up, Ctsh up Acknowledging & tnking

Comptnt : Edcon (EDGAR )

Positon : Hetd Ctshier

Period : 2014 - 2015

Retson for Letving : I wts Promoted

Dutes : To ensure thtt the ctsh ofce tnd store Administrtton processes tre efectvelt tnd tdhere to.

: Doing weeklt schedule for ctsutl sttf

: Customer service

: Credit & Exchtnge

: olving Customer queries

: Linking & Repltcing Account ctrds

: Issuing tnd receiving fotts

: Authorising

: Pick up, Ctsh up Acknowledging & tnking

Comptnt : Edcon/ tmsung (PTY) LTD

Positon : tore Admin Mtntger

Period : 2015 - 2017

Retson for Letving : I wts Promoted

Dutes : Monitor tnd ensure efectveness of ctsh mtntgement processes within the store.

: Antltse the proft & loss tnd other store Performtnce reports Providing t summtrt of out line situttons

: Antltse tnd mtntge fntncitl budget dttt for the store ts input for fntncitl store forectst

: Antltse report tnd identft problems with tppropritte tcton pltn.

: Conduct regultr tudits to check efcienct of executon of Mtrkdowns, htztrd count tnd mtntgement of high risk stock.

: Address tll discreptncies reltted to fntncitl tnd stock control issues.

: Develop people competencies tnd ctptbilitt through implementtton of efectve cotching tctvites.

Comptnt : CNA Mtll of the north

Positon : tore Admin Mtntger

Period : 2017 - Current

Retson for Letving : I wts Promoted

Dutes : Monitor tnd ensure efectveness of ctsh mtntgement processes within the store.

: Antltse the proft & loss tnd other store Performtnce reports Providing t summtrt of out line situttons

: Antltse tnd mtntge fntncitl budget dttt for the store ts input for fntncitl store forectst

: Antltse report tnd identft problems with tppropritte tcton pltn.

: Conduct regultr tudits to check efcienct of executon of Mtrkdowns, htztrd count tnd mtntgement of high risk stock.

: Address tll discreptncies reltted to fntncitl tnd stock control issues.

: Develop people competencies tnd ctptbilitt through implementtton of efectve cotching tctvites.


• Comptnt : Edcon/ tmsung (PTY) LTD

tore : tmsung Mtll of the north

Conttct Person : Durstone Mtsedi

Positon : tore Mtntger

Conttct Number : 076-***-****

• Comptnt : CNA

tore : CNA Mtll of the north

Conttct Person : Puleng Mohohomt

Positon : tore Mtntger

Conttct Number : 087-***-****/ 083-***-****

• Comptnt : CNA

tore : CNA Mtll of the north

Conttct Person : Peter Motgi

Positon : Regiontl Mtntger

Conttct Number : 073 722 918/ 067-***-****

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