B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering
Flat No. 4223, TVH Ouranya Bay,
OMR, Padur, Chennai – 603103, India
Mobile: +91-809*******
Email: ************@*****.***
Career Objective:
Really looking and waiting to be a part in a challenging environment where I can completely implement my skills, improvise my knowledge and would like to help and teach others.
Professional Summary:
I have been working in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) domain as a Teamcenter Administrator and Developer for 3 years (Till Date) in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).
One year in Turbo-Machinery Process Solutions (TMS) and two years in Oil Field Services (OFS) involving various sub-product lines (Artificial Lift, Pressure Pumping, Completions and Wirelines, Drillbits, Reciprocation Pump).
Also I have worked in Teamcenter Upgrade project which also involves merging of Business instance.
Core Qualification:
1.Teamcenter Administrator
2.Code Librarian
3.L3 Dev (Finding RCA)
1.Teamcenter installation (2T and 4T), environment setup with Dispatcher, Pool manager, AWC, Jboss, IIS, applying patches, Java migration,etc
2.Multisite Configuration (installing remote FSC on cache servers)
3.Environment Refresh and Environment Cloning
4.T4s, Easyplot, NX, Solidworks, AutoCAD installation and integration
5.Carried out many Prod and Non- Prod deployments (Hot/Cold) which involves data model changes, configuration and customization changes, OTW push,etc
6.Worked on various modules in Teamcenter which involves Workflows, ACL, Stylesheets, Queries, Preferences, Classification, BOM, Change Management…
7.Worked on BMIDE which involves Live deployment, LOV (Batch, Classic), Naming Pattern, Forms, Condition Filters,etc
8.Executing various Teamcenter OOTB utilities and Custom utilities like IPS
9.Taking DB backups, DB reverting and DB switching
10.Troubleshooting various TC Login issues, Pool, FSC, Dispatcher, Autonomy services issues
11.Managing codes in SVN, CVS and GitHub
12.Scheduling Crons with batch files for various monitoring purposes which also involves server monitoring, Cluster Manager,etc
13.Handling P0/P1 Calls
14.Documentation of new issues and Preparation of Cutover and Checklist before every deployments
15.Readily interacting with Clients, Presentation in Status meeting and sending Reports
Programming Languages
C, C++, ITK, Java, PLSQL
PLM Suite
Operating System
Windows, Unix
1.Worked on Automation of Pre-population of items from local volume to master volume by daily syncing (for Store and Forward Configuration).
2.Setup of nighty cron jobs for volume sync from Prod to Non-Prod (Incremental copy).
3.Applied BCT patch (Teamcenter integration) patch though it is out of scope for my project.
1.SixSigma Green Belt
2.Teamcenter SOA architecture
3.Agile methodology
Academic Qualification:
Name of the institution
CGPA/Percent Scored
Year of Passing
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC), Pondicherry
Pondicherry University
Higher Secondary
Alpha Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Pondicherry
TN State Board
Alpha Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Pondicherry
Academic Achievements:
1.Secured school first rank in 12th public examination
2.Secured school second rank in 10th public examination
3.Received Certificate for 100% Scholarship for engineering studies in Alpha college of Engineering and Technology
4.Received Certificate of Merit in Chennai Science Forum examination
Personal Skills:
1.Interactive with Teammates
2.Proactive and ability to work under pressure
3.Well planning and execution of work on time
5.Knowledge Transfer to Teammates and Colleagues
Personal Information:
D.O.B : 02-11-1995
Father’s Name : Kumar. S
Languages Known : Tamil, English, French (R/W)
Hobbies : Dancing, Cricket, Badminton, Drawing, Listening to Musics
I, Sudhaharan Kumar hereby declare that all the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge
Place: Chennai
Date: 12-06-2020