Auderulca Ashmarah
Medford,Massachusetts 02155
The ability to collaborate with and support each other. Working with vivisity building and handling conversations. Can work in a fun and lively environment or and help others with tasks which request additional help. Can grant services without any notice of a supervisor but just upon notice without expecting anything in return.Loves to give without receiving in any working environment. Work EXPERIENCE
Sanitation Worker September 2019 -January 2020
Chevalier Theater Medford Ma
Cleaning the bars and everything in the bars as well as washing and drying towels. Teacher Assistant February 2029 -March 2020
Kiddie Academy,Cambridge MA
Assisting teachers with children such as changing diapers, cleaning them and distributing food, with children's tasks such as projects, as well as with the classroom environment such as cleaning the classroom area, organizing and replacing items and toys.
Medford High School Medford,MA Graduated June 2019 GPA:3.15
-2018 Outstanding Effort Award for English Language Arts in Junior Year References:available upon request