N*-*, Somanathapuram 2nd street,
Kolathur, Chennai -99
Email:- ***********@*****.***
Mobile no:-944-***-****
Professional Objective
A position in your organization providing the opportunity to make a strong contribution to organizational goals through continued development of professional skills.
Working Experience
1. Designation : Demi-Chef De Partie
TAJ Madras Flight Kitchen Pvt.Ltd, Chennai
June 2016-July 2018
2. Designation : Hospitality Supervisor
IRCTC, South Zone
Aug 2018- Aug 2020
Academic Profile
MBA - Human Resources Management, 2018, Madras University, Chennai
B.Sc., - Catering & Hotel Management, 2016,Mohamed Sathak College of Arts & Sci, Chennai.
HSc., Science,2013, Everwin Matric. Hr.Sec school, Chennai.
SSLC., 2011, Everwin Matric. Hr.Sec school, Chennai.
Training Undergone
Industrial exposure training for 120days in the production department at TAJ MADRAS FLIGHT KITCHEN (TMFK) PVT LTD.
Attended Kitchen foundation Module training for 30 days at TMFK
Undergone Halal Training Module conducted by Malaysia Airlines.
Had attended training on cleaning & sanitation, personal hygiene and food safety at TMFK Chennai.
Outdoor Catering Attended
Workshops Attended
Fruit and Vegetables Preservation & Nutrition (Govt of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development Food & Nutrition Board Southern Region).
Had participated in Globe –Tech Science Exhibition.
Special Achievements
Secured University 6th Rank in B.Sc Catering and Hotel Management.
Had received the Best employee and Role model of the year 2017/18 in TMFK.
Achieved 3rd prize in the 42nd world veg festival conducted by International Tamil veg union.
Have been selected as a Finalist for the “Super chef competition 2016 Chennai” conducted by “The PARK Hotel”.
Had participated in the State level inter collegiate culinary skill competition titled “BON CHEF-2016” in association with Ramada Resorts Cochin at Mary Madha college.
Had achieved The Role Model of the year 2017-2018 for the outstanding performance in production department at TMFK.
Technical Skills
Napkin folding
CIEH level 2 award in Principles of HACCP conducted by NIST.
Flower arrangement
Extra Curricular Activities
Chennai North district 3rd place in Discuss Throw.
School level shot put and Volley Ball player.
Demographic profile:
Date of Birth : 07th October 1995
Gender : Male
Father’s Name : S.Muthukumar.
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : Tamil, English and Hindi
Permanent Address : N0-6, Somanathapuram 2nd street,
Kolathur, Chennai -99
I hereby declare that all the information listed above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.