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Android Developer

Seattle, WA
October 16, 2020

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Francis Ronald Tinio




Doze Mode





BrainTree SDK



Android Studio











Push Notifications


Urban Airship




Bluetooth BLE











Google Analytics






Android P


Material Dialogs




Material Design














Dependency Injection

Google Cloud Messaging



Data Class

Extension Function








Realtime DB

Push Notifications


Sr. Android Developer Apartments & Rentals – Zillow

Seattle-WA Feb 19 – Present


•Worked under an Agile project with 6 Android Developers and 5 iOS Developers in a cross-functional team with 3 weeks of Sprint

•Successfully implemented MVVM design pattern into Android code base data-binding concept

•Apply new Android architecture to simplify asynchronous data loading into UI, data persistence, prevent memory leaks and problems with configuration changes using LiveData, ViewModel and LifecycleOwner with unit testing application

•Migrate old features and build new ones using Kotlin Coroutines, contracts, Anko Commons, Anko Layouts, Delegate properties, extension functions and Anko Coroutines in API request

•Implemented several libraries for Kotlin effort, like RxKotlin, Kotlin-kapt and Android KTX

•Successfully implement TDD approach on news features like search by location and user details options with Mockito

•Created readable and reusable class with Retrofit and RxJava to better handle API calls from back-end servers in the search by location feature

•Guided developers to apply correct guidelines and use crucible for code review process

•Use Jira toolkit to merge pull request to developer's branch, denied pull request that doesn't have 80% code coverage

•Configured instant notifications when houses and apartments matching user search criteria using Firebase and handle notification channels

•Improved Search for apartments and houses for rent by address, city or ZIP code, or draw custom search boundaries feature

•Established process and standards for code deployment and test coverage, applied Bambu scripts to automated builds with multiple test cases

•Improved notification features on Android Wear (watch)

•Managed and own the technical delivery of agreed products for release - taking these from concept, scoping, to build, Quality Assurance testing, and then release

•Developed and produce functional solutions in accordance with architecture design standards and code standards

•Recognized defects found during testing, understand the root cause and fix the problem

•Builded reusable code and libraries, ensuring thorough application documentation for future use

Mid- Android Specialist My Sprint

Overland Park- KS Mar 18 – Feb 19


•Worked with several team across the project and software development life cycle and interacted with accounts, accounts details, billing system

•Improved background processing services using foreground services, JobSchedulers and FCM to selectively wake your application up when network events occur, rather than polling in the background in Android Oreo version

•Used for bill payments with use of SSL pinning when transmitting sensitive information to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks

•Worked closely with UI/UX team for doing Material Design and apply custom animations on views, assign proper spacing for iconography

•Created multiple services for connecting with company backend to retrieve user account details, billing, and payment

•Worked in Pair Programming from Driver and Navigator across several iterations in the project strategy to reduce the learning curve on the customs process and custom SDK

•Implemented Google Play Billing system and configure BillingClient and override onConsumeResponse in the MVVM design pattern

•Worked closely with network and backend teams to consolidate API calls, create proper documentation for parameters and retrieve format objects

•Used Dagger 2 and Butter Knife for dependency injection for creating a more robust and easily testable code base

•Created proof-of-concept software, engineering tools, and training/procedure documents

•Used Executors, Handlers, Schedulers for handling concurrency threads for better resources consumption and network request asynchrously

•Used Mockito, Express and Robolectric for business, abstraction and presenter layer

•Writed clean code and participate in the entire application lifecycle, working on coding and debugging

Native Android Developer Whole Foods Market

Location Apr 17 – MAR 18


•Coded user story ‘Browse weekly sales at favorite location to find the latest deals on the products’ completely from scratch

•Designed alternative UI and improved payments options for prime members product flavors

•Browsed weekly sales at your favorite location to find the latest deals on the products

•Incorporated Crittercism library and Google Analytics to send real-time, actionable crash reports and collect user engagement data to the backend

•Implemented Amazon In-App Purchasing API to enable purchase digital content and subscriptions for purchase within apps on Amazon Appstore

•Refactored legacy codebase, architected the project using MVP and widely applied code reusability using dependency injection libraries (Dagger2, Butterknife)

•Used Android Studio, Java, AsyncTasks, Google Maps, RESTful, JSON, SQLite, Servlets, Tomcat, MySQL, SVN, 9Patch

•Generated a downstream logic to communicate the servers with the phones using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

•Closely work with the testing team and used developer testing tools like Robolectric

•Implemented recyclerview-animator’s library to increase the attention of the user and easily implement multiple animations across the project

•Communicated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for secure cloud services platform, database storage and content delivery using IntentServices and AlarmManager API

•Checked Android quality control using PMD, Findbugs, Checkstyle, Gradle and Jenkins reports

•Took ownership of and address tickets raised by QA, UAT from Jira

•Participated in an agile technical team across UI, Front End and Back End responsibilities

Android Specialist AccuWeather,

State College, PA May 2016 – Apr 2017


•Large team of developers comprising mostly of server-side developers; Work closely with server-side developers to ensure optimal integration between mobile- and web-based platforms

•Emphasized on maintaining high level of transparency with non-technical stakeholders

•Applied fragments to minimize activity count and simplify navigation

•Utilized Shared Preferences to ensure data consistency

•Communicated with RESTful web services to obtain insurance companies information using Volley /okio library

•Collaborated has part of a swift and dedicated team that performs responsiveness layouts like CustomViews and Recycler views with an adapter

•Helped to the implementation of Maps Views and Map Fragments to coordinate and present current weather updates

•Participated in agile development of project timelines and creates pull request to submit code review process and incorporate new code modification

•Built and deliver high quality and high-performance features using custom Android SDK

•Collaborated with user experience designers and other talented engineers in order to incorporate user stories and increase code base

•Add a DrawerLayout to handle external and constant menu items related to the app's current Activity and extra features

•Created layouts with FrameLayouts and incorporate TextViews in the form of xml files and update attributes to match design prints from the designer team

•Used SharedPreference to contain user customization preferences, like current location, saving data transaction for the user

•Passed data in the form of Parcelables between Activities and fragments using Intent objects

•Implemented New Relic to record custom metrics and networking

•Add Broadcast Receiver logic to listen for events that can trigger a local database update

Native Android Developer JEFIT Workout Tracker

Location Jan 15 – Mar 16


•Used DownloadManager, Sync Adapter and Intent Services to handle long-running HTTP downloads, HTTP interactions and retrying downloads after failures while downloading fitness HD video from experts and pdf files

•Improved algorithm for Rest Timer, Supersets, Interval Timers, Body Measurements Log, Notes, Schedule Planner Intuitive Tools

•Created several compound views to match the UI provided by the UI team using Zeplin for customized workout programs

•Migrated code base from Eclipse to Android Studio

•Implemented BDD using Robotium and Moneyrunner for behaviour, stress testing

•Used Jackson library for parsing JSON files coming from web services

•Created use of communication between standard data between apps over network requests using Retrofit

•Implemented design specifications, system flow diagrams, documentation, testing an ongoing support of systems

•Worked with NineOldAndroids library for include animating rotation, translation, alpha, and scale

•Created several queries and an upgraded version of the SQLite database in order to apply new changes in the production environment

•Responsible for designing and developing Unit Tests for the database model and business logic

•Designed view, property custom animations for transitions between application activities

•Participated in tests (unit, integration, end-to-end etc.) to the environment whilst keeping in mind the time constraints required from our clients

Native Android Developer Pandora Music

Location Oct 14 – Jan 15


•Independently work on the user story ‘Create playlists, not worklists - on your own or powered by Pandora

•Used Google Analytics to create Content reports to focus future development efforts

•Downloaded the music for offline listening in external storage using IntentServices and perform

•Communicated with RESTful web services to obtain insurance companies information using Volley /okio library

•Pass data in the form of Parcelables between Activities and fragments using Intent objects

•Implemented New Relic to record custom metrics and networking

•Add Broadcast Receiver logic to listen for events that can trigger a local database update

•Applied fragments to minimise activity count and simplify navigation

•Utilized Shared Preferences to ensure data consistency

•Part of a swift and dedicated team that performs responsiveness layouts like CustomViews and Recycler views with an adapter

•Created layouts with FrameLayouts and incorporate TextViews in the form of xml files and update attributes to match design prints from the designer team

•Worked closely with internal software teams and Product Development Directors to develop an implementation that meets product requirements

•Interacted with the test team on a regular basis to identify and address issues in a timely manner

Android Developer Hammer Print

Overland Park, KS October 2013 – September 2014


•Joined a team of six developers.

•Helped in the delivery of the final version of the app to Google Play Store.

•Worked in a multi-disciplinary TDD setting with other mobile engineers, device firmware engineers, and project managers

•Integrated Dynamixsoftware SDK for printing and com.dynamixsoftware.printhand.PAYMENT_BROADCAST_PERMISSION

•Worked on Apache James Mime4j MimeStreamParser, for e-mail message streams in plain rfc822 and MIME format

•Implemented callback mechanism to report parsing events such as the start of an entity header, the start of a body with the SAX XML parser interface

•Implemented Java CIFS Client Library (JCIFS) to implement CIFS/SMB networking protocol

•Implemented subscriber/follower system as well as an invite system (client side)

•Worked on system settings relating to Bluetooth, allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi, prevent phone from sleeping

•Communicated with Calendar AP and content providers I to read calendar events plus confidential information, read contacts, read web bookmarks and history

•Redesigned mobile UI, and implemented dynamic image sizing and support for multiple devices

•Helped deploy beta version of the app to the Play Store

•Wrote maintainable and reusable Java and C++ code with a focus on security and privacy

•Successfully deployed the app on the Android Marketplace and supported the app for different releases of Android OS

•Worked independently on integration of Loopj library for asynchronous HTTP requests, handling responses in anonymous call-backs


•BS Information Management, ST. Benedict College


•Cisco Networking Basics Specialization

•Google IT Support specialization

•Data Analysis With Python

•Data Science Methodology

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