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Chemical Engineering Office

Wilmington, DE
September 10, 2020

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EDUCATIONUniversity of Delaware, Newark DE May ***0

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry


Languages: Python, Java, C

Software: Mathematica, MATLAB, Gaussian(quantum chemistry modeling), Berkeley Madonna(differential equation modeling), Geomagic Freeform


Laboratory and Research Experience

Wet Chemistry Laboratory: Titration, Filtration, Extraction, Synthesis, Crystallization, Vacuum distillation, recrystallization (95% purity)

Wet Biochemistry Laboratory: Pipetting, Buffers/pH, Centrifugation, PCR, Electrophoresis, Microarrays, Bacteria growth


Spectroscopy: NMR (2D, 3D), UV/Visible, MS, FT-IR

Chromatography: HPLC, Gel, Gas

Computational: Berkeley Madonna (protein kinetics), Molecular Modeling (Chimera), MATLAB Mathematica,

Clinical Biomechanics Graduate Course: Worked on research paper analysis, helped graduate students with research project on marching band instruments’ gait differential

Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships, Newark, DE September 2019 – June 2020

Technology Transfer Intern

Drafted biological engineering/chemical engineering, chemistry research paper summaries regarding prospective faculty technologies resulting in licensing interest and signed contracts

Developed an algorithm flow for maximization of licensing interest from companies

Worked closely with Technology Transfer Director on: Confidential Disclosure Agreements (DoD, DoE, DARPA), Option Agreements (financial/timing analyses, patent and trademark law, payment timelines)

Kept correspondence between faculty researchers, business development professionals and technology transfer managers regarding Licensing Agreements and science technicalities resulting in high volume of licensing prospects

Administrative Experience: In charge of the office’s website (updated daily; cases, daily correspondence calendars), in charge of the office’s twitter account (promotion of university’s technologies), researching potential licensees

University of Delaware Biomedical Engineering Department, Newark, DE May 2018 - December 2018

Research Assistant

Did research on mathematical HIV bifurcation analysis of differential equation systems

Developed Mathematica algorithms in C using Newtonian Equations to solve the bifurcation analysis stability criterion

OTHER EXPERIENCE and LEADERSHIPThe Review, Newark, DE September 2016- September 2017

Business Analyst

Ran expenditure assessment, cut down costs and established procedures for profit optimization

Developed a revenue plan for the newspaper by targeting freshman year parents as customers

The business plan established a revenue that could result in profit of over 25,000 dollars

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