*********@*******.*** . +971*********
Career Objective
Seeking for a starter job to gain knowledge and experience in various levels within the organization to be able to attain career goal objectives Personal i nformation
D a t e o f b i r t h : 1 3 - 10- 1997
P l a c e o f b i r t h : UAE – A j man
N a t i onality: S y r i a n
Martial s t a t u e s : s i n g l e
Education Attainment
-MOH licensed pharmacist Eligibility letter has been issued on date: 27/08/2020
-Master of Science – Ajman University: 2019 – present
-Graduated from Ajman university college of pharmacy AGPA: 3.90 2018-2019
-High school diploma, Science GPA: 98.1% 2014-2015
-Alhikmah Privates School, Ajman, UAE
Shahwan M, Suliman A, Jairoun A, Alkhoujah S, Mohammed H, Abdullah H. (2020). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Knowledge and perception of dental care providers at Ajman. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 2020; 12(1): 16.
Shahwan M, Suliman A, Jairoun A, Hassan N, Al-Omar M, Alkhoujah S, Mohi H, Nidal B, Akrama F. Assessment of the Knowledge, Perception and Practice regarding Thalassemia Prevention among Medical students in Ajman University. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. November 2020; 13(11). Work experience
Ajman University
o Research assistant November 2019 – present
Care Direct middle east
o Health educator September 2019 – November 2019
Alkindi New Pharmacy
o Alkindi New Pharmacy ‘trainee’ February 2019 – August 2020.
Almadina Aljadida pharmacy
o Almadina Aljadida pharmacy “trainee”2019.
Sheikh Khalifa hospital
o Sheikh Khalifa hospital pharmacy “trainee”2019.
o JULPHAR trainee position 2018.
Ajman specialty hospital
o Ajman specialty hospital pharmacy “trainee”2018.
Makka pharmacy
o Makka pharmacy “trainee”2017.
Ajman University
o Organization in the “ICPM conference” 2017.
o Organizer in the “vitamin D Day “2017.
o Organizer in the “pharmacy career day “2017.
o Organizer in the “breast cancer day “2016.
o volunteer in Ajman University Labor Day event 2016.
C & O Marketing research
o Call center
Dubai Club for the Disabled
o volunteer at “3rd FAZZA International Para Archery championships – Dubai 2017
AL Ihsan Charity Association
o Traffic Officer for “white cane walkathon “in City Walk Dubai
o “Let’s read” in Ajman school for kids with disabilities o Organizing the final day celebrations of summer children festival in Al Hassan Al Basry school in Ajman.
o “less salt, better life “by Ministry of Health in Ajman and Red Crescent UAE, in registration.
o Organizer of “with you celebrate the union, in AL THIQA club for people with disabilities.
Course and activities
“How to be A Good volunteer “lecture in Red Crescent UAE
“How to be Innovative “course by Emirates Women Union in Om ALmoemnen Cooperation in Ajman
“Asthma day conference “in Ajman University.
Professional Skiles
Language Skiles: Arabic fluent (Spoken, written and read) English fluent (Spoken, written and read)
ILETS score 5.5 - (2015)
Computer skills: Microsoft Office, ADOP PHOTOSHOP, GIF MAKER.
Other skills:
High concentration, excellent communication and good relationship building skills
Time management productive, with the ability to work under tremendous work pressure and meet with the deadlines with ease and efficiency
Ability to learn quickly and adapt to changing environments
Consistency and dedication coupled with sincerity and honesty References
Available Upon Request.