Mohammed Mudassar MTech, MIE, MIET, SDS™, SMIEEE
Indian 3-Feb-1980
To strive towards excellence through effective leverage of knowledge & skills with continual upgradation, towards effective realization of the vision & mission of the entity collaborating with- the entity could be a company/organization/Institute or a self-initiated & designed project
National Aerospace
Cognizant Technology
Solutions Ltd
Geometric Ltd Tata Consultancy
Taibah University Saninfocom
India-Bangalore India-Chennai India-Pune India-Pune KSA-Al Madinah USA-Los Angeles 200*-****-**** 200*-****-****
Project Trainee Programmer Analyst Sr Software
Scientist Lecturer Principal
Data Scientist
A passionate dedicated professional invigorated with 15 plus years of diverse experience in six different organizations. Academically grilled with Master of Technology (MTech) in Computer Cognition Technology (CCT) – University of Mysore, India, 2004 & Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) in Computer Science & Engineering (CS&E) – Visveswaraya Technological University, Begaum, India, 2002. Core research & analysis experience in:
• Domain Driven Data Mining- Design & Development of Domain Driven Data Mining Algos leveraging - Level Search, Beam Search, Sequence Mining, Association Rules, Trends, Cross Correlations, Decision Trees, Interesting Subset Discovery, Hypothesis Testing, Optimization, etc.., with targeted business questions for driving continual improvement in Information Technology Infrastructure Support (ITIS) environment
• Automatic Target Recognition- Infrared & Acoustic Sensor Modelling, Bayesian Sensor Fusion, Application of State Space Algos like Metropolis Hastings, Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization, and a self-proposed algorithm named Gradual Greedy akin to Simulated Annealing
• Arabic Script Recognition - K-Connected Components, Principal Component Analysis & K-Nearest Neighbors
• Crowd Evacuation Pattern Analysis -Statistical Hypothesis Testing & Cross Correlation Analysis
• Analyzing student grade distribution data for identifying areas of improvement- Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Descriptive Stats, Visualizations involving different charts.
Co-author for several research papers in international journals & conferences. Professional recognition in international professional organizations – IEEE, International Society of Automation (ISA), Data Science Council of America, Dell-EMC, Institute of Engineering Technology (IET)- UK & Institute of Engineers India (IE). Hold a Star Performer Award for design development & architecture of an Advanced Analytical System named iSupport by TCS innovation labs TRDDC. Pretty hands on with an array of programming languages in the experience pool. A flexible, adaptive, self-learning, hardworking and above all honest individual with leadership & team player spirit. The overall experience demonstrates coming out with flying colours in every new experience and hence diversity is the USP to assure the hirers on filling the Knowledge Gaps towards excellence in delivery, and hence being an asset by overcoming all challenging situations.
Data Science Certifications
Senior Data Scientist SDS™
Data Science Associate
Data Analysis for Your
Business Data Analysis for Life Sciences
Professional Recognition
Senior Member IEEE – SMIEEE
Senior Member ISA
Member IET – MIET
Member IEI – MIE
Journal Publications
Analysing the Crowd Evac …
An Arabic Script Recognit…
Discovering Experts Exper…
Conference Publications
Streamlining Service Lev…
Optimal Skill Profile for…
Domain-Driven Data Min…
Target Location & Iden…
Programming Languages
R,Python C#, C++ Java, Matlab
VB, SQL,VB Script, Java Script
R&D, Q&D, Teaching, Software Dev & Architecture, Machine Learning, AI, Data Science, Data Mining, Computer Vision, Statistical Data Analysis, Biz Proposal Pitch-in, Biz Offering Design, Strategic Planning DIVERSE EXPERIENCE
Invigorated with varied environments, challenges, org cultures, & peoples Principal Data Scientist, Aug-2020 to Present
Start-up venture – Remote Mode Working- Partnership- Self Employed
- Design & proposal of three component holistic business solution involving streamlining of core business processes, continual performance management & operational optimization by leveraging insights mined out of operational data by leveraging Machine Learning & Data Mining techniques - all of this towards ultimate business metamorphosis
- PHP, HTML, R, PYTHON, Biz Offering Design, Biz Proposal Pitch in, Data Science, Streamlining Core Business Processes Taibah University, Lecturer, May-2012 to Aug-2020
- Teaching undergraduate courses.
- Supervision of the labs for all the core courses of Computer Science.
- Significant contribution to research projects.
Arabic Script Recognition System – Proposal, design & implementation of the methodology for identifying the language in an Arabic scripted document.
Evacuation pattern analysis for a large densely populated building – simulation of the crowd evacuation, proposal, designed, and implementation of the framework for evacuation pattern analysis.
- Data Science, Machine Learning, Theory of Computation, Adv Op Systems, Knowledge Eng
- R, Python, Java, C++, SQL, Packet Tracer, NetBeans, Prolog, Simulink, Cisco Routers Taibah University, Q&D Committee, Jan-2017 to Mar-2020
- Active role in ABET accreditation, design & development of the tool for computing the learning outcomes.
- Active role in program strategic plan development and annual program review (APR).
- Proposal, design & development of the framework for APR
- VBA, Excel Macros, Excel, R, Statistical Data Analysis, Strategic Planning, KPI Design TCS Innovation Labs TRDDC, Scientist-Project Lead, Oct-2008 to May-2012
- Significant delivery in multiple roles: design, development and architecture of an advanced analytical system named iSupport for driving continual service improvement in ITIS setup.
- iSupport has been a catalyst for winning business deals worth 300-400 million dollars.
- Team management, mentoring team members, customer interaction and performing customized POC’s for various ITIS clients,
- POC involves leveraging the capabilities of iSupport & understanding of existing client’s ITIS setup & data, for fine- tuning the results obtained by iSupport towards deriving actionable insights.
- R, C#, SQL, Extended Java Script, Integer Programming, Data Mining, Microsoft VSS Geometric Limited, Senior Software Engineer, Sep-2006 to Sep-2008
- Development of enhancements for software named “Focus Inspection” used for automating quality inspection of the manufactured components in Automobile & Aerospace Industries. Development of the algorithm for collision detection of scanners. Client appreciation for quality & timely delivery.
- C++, Visual Studio, Star Team, SVN Tortoise
Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd, Programmer Analyst, Jul-2005 to Aug-2006
- Development of clinical trials on the software platform provided by client “Phase Forward”.
- Algorithm development for automating the testing of clinical trials
- VBScript, C++, Visual C++, Black Box Testing, XML National Aerospace Laboratories, Project Trainee, Jan-2004 TO Oct-2004
- Research towards Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) in synthesized aerospace scenario and development of a toolbox for the same.
- Proposal & development of the algorithm named “Gradual Greedy” for ATR,
- Co-author for a publication in AIAA International Conference 2005.
- MATLAB, Sensor Modelling, Bayesian Fusion, Automatic Target Recognition
- Markov Chain, Metropolis Hastings, Ant Colony Optimization, Simulated Annealing