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Rigoberto Romero - Sr. Android Developer

Charlotte, NC
September 14, 2020

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Rigoberto Romero

Phone- 704-***-****

Email - ******************@*****.***


** ***** ** ********** * years Android Experience


Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design

UVM Universidad del Valle De Mexico


Programming Languages:

Kotlin, Java, html5, php, C, C#, C++


RxJava, Kotlin Flow, Kotlin Coroutines, AsyncTask, IntentService, ThreadPool, Thread, Runnable, Work Manager


ConstraintLayout, RecyclerView, Animations, Vector Drawables, 9Patch PNG, Bottom Navigation Vie


Glide, Picasso

Architecture and Design Patterns:

MVVM, MVC, MVP, Façade, Builder, Factory, Singleton

Database and Storage:

Firebase Realtime Databae, SQLite, Room DB, Shared Preferences, Encrypted Shared Preferences, External Storage, Internal Storage, Realm DB

Location Services:

Google Maps API, Fused Location Provider, Location Manager

Push Notifications:

Firbase Cloud Messaging,

Dependency Injection:

Dagger1, Dagger2, Hilt, Koin, ButterKnife


Services, BoundServices, Intent Services, Broadcast Recievers, Configuration changes, Runtime Permissions, Exception Handling, Work Manager, Content Provider, Activities, Fragments, FrameLayout, Tabbed Layout, LiveData, ViewModel

Memory Management / Optimization:

Android Profiler, Leak Canary

Version Control:

GitHub, Git, BitBucket, Source Tree, GitLab, SVN

Bug Tracking:

InstaBug, Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase Analytics

RESTful Services:

Retrofit2, OkHttp, Volley


TDD, Junit, Espresso, Mockito, Monkey Runner, Firebase Test Lab

Professional Experience

Sr. Android Developer

Credit Karma - Charlotte, NC

August 2019 - Current

oUsed Crashlytics to track user behavior and obtain mobile analytics.

oContinuously research, test, and implement new techniques, frameworks, and utilities.

oImplemented Navigation Graph components from Android Jetpack Navigation to streamlined navigation between App States.

oParticipating in the design reviews, security reviews, capacity reviews, and ADA compliance

oDesigning application components with ADA compliant colors and UI using Material Design to enhance usability for all users.

oExperience building high volume consuming facing applications at massive scale.

oWorked with an internal QA team on system, performance, and acceptance testing, and Identification of issues during the test cycles.

oCreated Material Design layouts with different animations optimized for User Experience.

oFollowed the Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach while developing the app.

oImplemented dependency injection natively and following the Service Locator pattern for Kotlin injections.

oRefactored code from Java to Kotlin in a migration effort focus by modules in the entire project until reach an 80% of code migrated.

oWorked on the paypal payments support on the application. Involved development on the applications networking module, Room Database storage and implementing the Paypal Mobile SDK.

oCollaborated with Scrum meetings to refactor search view patterns to make more use of Functional Programming with Kotlin language.

oParticipated in rebranding effort to make cleaner and easier to identify components and card information for the user.

oImplemented Certificate Pinning along with Network XML certificates to secure endpoint connections in the Retrofit network call.

oRefactored common access code to MiddleWare identifier token.

oCreated flow to refresh static tokens to provide easier ways to reconnect and revalidate user experiences.

oImplemented Firebase Push Notifications system to add alerts for users configuring payments.

oCreated Deep-link experiences has part of Web navigation to seamlessly navigate into the application and recreate the synthetic back stack.

oCreated the content provider logic to load the information with an Observer Pattern in the UI thread using Loaders.

oDeveloped Custom Views, Compound Views, and various layouts to construct the complex but user-friendly user interface.

Sr. Android Developer

Starbucks - Seattle, WA

May 2018 - August 2019

oCollaborated in a medium team with 6 Android Developers 6 iOS Developers, 8 Web Developers and 10 QE following TDD methodology in a 3 weeks Sprint cycle with Retrospective.

oRefactor code from MVP design pattern to MVVM design pattern to make use of new Lifecycle aware components.

oImplements ViewModel Android Jetpack Lifecycle aware to control access of the data from the View and expose data with Observable Lifecycle aware container.

oEnable LocationService Manager to keep track of user location.

oEnable in-app Map Navigation to easily identify stores close by the user last know location.

oCreate background services for LocationServices to notify the user about special deals in their favorite local store.

oCreated GeoFences with dwell logic to enable Audio Service accordingly to store audio service.

oCollaborated with runtime permissions settings and create permissions rationale to provide friendly and explicit reasons for LocationService permissions.

oAdded Localytics for in-app behavior tracking and usage, including location, gender, preferences and interests.

oCreated a module using Kotlin to enable the addition of a weather section which included location selector, using Google Places API.

oCreated multiple CustomViews to make the application more scalable and reuse most of the components in multiple fragments.

oSubstituted Fragments with CustomViews, where applicable, to make the lifecycle of the application cleaner and easier to maintain.

oCreated unit testing and instrumented test using jUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Roboelectric and Cucumber to achieve an 90% of code coverage.

oCollaborated has part of Pull Request approval team, enforcing unit test, re-usability of the code, detecting code smells and apply SOLID principles to the code.

oImplemented Airship push notifications system and created target audience to identify users that hasn’t recently purchase on the favorite local store.

oCreated Custom Notifications handled deeplink navigation with Synthetic Backstack and PendingIntent to navigate inside the application.

oImplemented CardIo payment along with Google Wallet and Visa SDK to provide multiple solutions to payment.

Mid-Tier Android Developer

Patient Medical Records & Appointments for Doctors - Dublin, OH

June 17 – May 2018

oHelp define development environment and communicate the best development practices within the organization (i.e. code reviews, testing, etc).

oWork closely with other teams (Stakeholders, Product and UX) to drive product development in an iterative and agile way.

oFully participate in the relevant scrum events; planning and estimation, daily scrums, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.

oDefine business rules for data manipulation and then process the user's data with the help of Model and passing the results back to the View in MVC architecture.

oCreate and update patient's appointments, visit history, and medical records locally using Realm database library.

oWork with Calendar API to send SMS and/or email appointment reminder.

oAutomatic sync to secure AWS cloud at a specific time (Save data to cloud automatically) using IntentServices and AlarmManager API.

oAutomatic scheduling of network requests and transparent disk and memory response caching with standard HTTP with Volley library.

oPair-program to work on Google CData Client library for HTTP transport, error handling, authentication, JSON parsing, media download/upload, and batching.

oIncorporate VuDroid library to enable PDF functionality within the app.

oCreate Custom view circular ImageView to display profile images, material Dialogs, graphs, tabs and custom progress bars.

oWork with Behavior Driven Development frameworks such as Cucumber.

Sr. Mobile App Developer

FOX News Network, LLC -New York, NY

July 2016 – June 2017

oIntroduced a free 10-minute preview of Fox News Channel & Fox Business Network channels in for a specific region using product flavours.

oWork on ‘Live events and exclusive programming with streaming coverage’ domain and network module.

oImplement several libraries for Kotlin effort, like RxKotlin, Kotlin-kapt and Android KTX.

oReplace Google In-App purchases with Amazon In-App Purchasing API to offer digital content, subscriptions for Video on Demand and Live TV.

oSuccessfully refactor module created in MVC to MVVM design pattern using base data-binding library.

oInclude token-based authentication with Google in the existing login screen of the application.

oStabilise app by fixing memory leaks using LeakCanary, avoid ANR and Out of memory exceptions.

oModify the internal Realm database adding fields to store news information locally using data managers and content providers.

oPair Program to implement 128-bit encryption to protect customer data in transit and on device using Java Cryptography Architecture and Android Crypto API.

oImprove background processing services using foreground services, JobSchedulers and FCM to selectively wake application up when network events occur.

oRefactor the clean cache mechanism to clear all user preferences and selections, visitor tokens, and all credentials when the user logs out.

oExplore and integrate the multi-window and drag-and-drop management feature for Android 7 preview “N”.

oWork in Pair Programming from Driver and Navigator across several iterations in the project strategy to reduce the learning curve on the customs process and custom SDK.

oEnrich user identities, segment and activate audiences, measure and optimize campaigns across all connected devices by integrating Kochava sdk in the app module.

oIncorporate Exoplayer API UI module for displaying media and controlling playback with support for advanced HLS features.

Native Android Developer

PulsePoint Respond - Pleasanton, CA

August 13 - July 16

oConfigure backend and front-end code to enable push notifications to alert trained individuals in the immediate vicinity of the need for CPR using UrbanAirShip SDK.

oMake automatic scheduling of network requests and memory response caching using Volley HTTP library.

oUtilize fragments, diverse layouts, animations, material design, Compound Views, and Custom Views to fulfill user interface requirements.

oLeverage Google In-App Purchasing API to offer digital content and subscriptions for the purchase pro-PulsePoint Respond programs.

oWork on Restful WS modules and used Retrofit, OkHttp for connection pooling, transparent compression, and response caching.

oIntegrate Hockey App to collect live crash reports and user feedback, distribute beta versions, and inform testing strategies.

oUse Android's JUnit framework: write test cases to verify specific app behaviours, check for consistency across different Android devices.

oAdd Fused Location Services API provided by Google Play services for location awareness with automated location tracking, geo-fencing and activity recognition.

oResearch and work on Freeware Advanced Audio (AAC) Decoder to play AAC radio streams in background (as a Service).

oDevelop a customizable interface with multiple layouts and several compound views and custom views.

Full Stack Developer

A better Today Recovery Services - Glendale, AZ

January 2012 - September 2013

oImplemented Frontend and Backend WordPress website to have an entry point for all the options and treatments available.

oCreated PHP connection database, request of cities, zip code, and info about rehab company.

oUtilized for Frontend tools like XML and MySql using opensource code.

oPrepared the website mockup and presented ideas to Stack-Holders to apply the correct branding of the company.

oWrote code using tools like HTML and CSS to follow the Web guidelines.

oImplemented PHP backend to connect with WordPress data base and data base Company.

oDesigned new features for existing websites and customize themes to meet clients' requirements.

oCreated user guide to help clients understand site features and management of website to increase visitor satisfaction.

oImplemented Mobile Android version for website.

oAs an Android developer, my responsibility is to listen to the client's specifications and, based on these, develop the graphic model, once authorized, we proceed to look for the implementations that best suit the project and start planning the code area.

oImplemented Layouts to match website definition using Linear Layout and Relative Layouts.

oImplemented MVP design pattern to define backend implementation accordingly to website.

oDebugged code and created unit test cases to detect errors and resolve them accordingly.

oDeveloped a NFC application with Base 64(image), shared preferences with Json and decoding base64.

oUtilized for network calls Volley, Lottie animation for Front End XML, Firebase Notifications.

oPrepared the app mockups and demos that are presented to product owners.

oWrote code using Java and XML to connect between 2 mobiles using NFC (Near Field Connection) to transfer personal data saved in shared preferences.

oStored images in shared preferences with base 64 inside a Json format. The data in Json is transferred by NFC and decode when is received.

oDecoded base 64 and printed the info saved in shared preferences using volley and Base AdapterList View.

oImported implements into dependencies in grandle and coded class MainActivity and extends AppCompatActivity.

oCoded variables and methods (onCreate, onResume, and my own Methods...).

oCoded method with implementation Volley to connect with MySql PHP Database.

Web Developer

PayPal - Glendale, AZ

April 2009 - December 2011

oMet with clients to gather requirements, design sites and schedules.

oManaged a team of 4 web developers.

oUsed HTML and php to deliver dynamic and responsive website.

oImplemented and modified backend database using myphpadmin using mysql databse.

oWrote code using tools like HTML and CSS to follow the Web guidelines.

oDeveloped website project scope and created concepts

oUsed sessions to ensure security around authentication process.

oWorked closely with senior developer and learned advanced project management skills.

oEnvironment html4/html5, css2/css3, javascript, jquery, requirejs, ajax, json, D3js, accessibility, spring mvc, web service, tcm, rally, clear quest.

oAs a part of the team developed reusable components, plugins, libraries and adoptive responsive interfaces.

oWorked on a development team which included other technical professionals, subject matter experts, project stakeholders and executive leadership.

oDeveloped web applications with a focus on, but not necessarily limited to, the ‘front end’ implementation.

o Developed software in our Agile/Scrum environment, participated in and contributed to the ceremonies and processes (daily stand-ups, code reviews, sprint retrospectives, etc.) that kept our process continually improving.

oEnsured that Scrum is being followed along with other SDLC requirements such as PCI security.

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