My name is Bradley Allen Estepp
I was born August 25th 1998
I live at 2625 Air Haven Dr. Apt C
I worked for Eldorado Scioto Downs through IH services for 3 years as a deep cleaner from Sep. 27, 2017 and continued to work for Scioto Downs through the sub contract until it was terminated in May 2019. I was officially hired on as a deep cleaner through Eldorado Scioto Downs April 1, 2019 and continued to work for the company till that position was dropped form the company on Aug. 20, 2020.
IH Services, IN
PO BOX 5033
Greenville, SC 29606
ELdorado Scioto Downs
6000 South High st
Columbus, OH 43207
Crystal Dunson
former Assistant Projects manager (IH Services)
Cindy Justus
Former co- worker at Eldorado Scioto Downs
Jim Harris
former co- worker at Eldorado Scioto Downs