University of California Los Angeles
GPA 3.4
** ******* ********* ******* * PhD in Physics 2014 – 2015
University of California Los Angeles
GPA 3.0
Project Engineer Oct. 2018 – March 2020
L3Harris, EDD; Torrance, CA
Sustaining engineering support of spaceflight Government programs (K, Ka, Q and V-Band high-power RF Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs) and Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs).
Responsible for troubleshooting during all phases of manufacturing TWTs from materials procurement, sub-assemblies, furnace brazing, welding, through RF testing and customer sell off.
Updated software to allow for automated testing with customer driven specifications in order to investigate possible failure condition for Failure Review Board.
RF Test Engineer Dec. 2016 – March 2020
L3Harris, EDD; Torrance, CA
Supported the test, sell off, and shipment of over $20 million dollars of government spaceflight hardware.
Created and dispositioned non-conformance reports by closely working with program management and the customer for approval on out of spec TWT and TWTA hardware.
Test Engineer for TWTA life test hardware; created weekly and quarterly reports presented to customer and Government customer community. Maintained vacuum and RF test equipment while achieving a 96% up time.
Lead engineer on K band TWTA Failure Review Board which encompassed coordinating with Program Management and Subject Matter Experts to provide customer with conclusive failure report.
Updated RF test software to troubleshoot coding errors introduced by new firmware on equipment.
Manufacturing Engineer Aug. 2016 – Dec. 2016
Tribogenics Inc; Los Angeles, CA
Manufacturing engineer for both Watson XRF analyzer and M1 X-ray tubes.
Redesigned X-ray tube production floor layout to improve workflow via lean manufacturing principles; reduced part contamination and to improve yield.
Analyze and present data on weekly yield and X-ray tube metrics.
Maintain and update work instructions and training documentation.
Oversee and troubleshoot production X-ray source testing.
X-Ray Source Engineer Dec. 2015 - Aug. 2016
Tribogenics Inc; Los Angeles, CA
A / B testing of prototype changes to the M1 X-ray source.
Designed and managed multiple Special Tests in production X-ray sources to improve yield and
Analyzed data and presented results to engineering teams and managers.
R&D team member working on the next generation X-ray source.
Graduate Student Researcher 2014 - 2015
University of California Los Angeles; Los Angeles, CA
Study of plasma turbulence in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD).
Started experimental campaign studying turbulent scaling as a function of device size.
Langmuir probes, Flux / Reynolds probes used to measure changes in radial diffusion.
Responsible for maintenance and repair of multiple microwave interferometers on the LAPD.
Mentored undergraduate REU student.
Presented poster of preliminary results at APS Division of Plasma Physics conference 2014.
Undergraduate Research Assistant 2011 - 2014
University of California Los Angeles; Los Angeles, CA
Development of fast framing camera as a non-invasive plasma diagnostic on the Large Plasma Device.
Writing data analysis routines in IDL including a novel wavelet method for measuring velocity fields from camera data.
Collaborated on studies of flow and flow shear on turbulence and transport on the LAPD.
Compared camera data to Langmuir probe, Mach probe, flux probe BOUT++ simulation data.
Presented multiple posters at APS Division of Plasma Physics conferences (2011-2013).
IDL, Mathematica, LabView, C++
Oscilloscopes, VNA, Signal Generators, Data Acquisition, Vacuum Systems, Thermocouples, Spectrum Analyzer, RF Power Meters, GPIB, I2C, SPI, Vacuum Electronics Production (X-ray tubes, TWTs), leak check, RF brazing, furnace brazing, XRF, Environmental Testing
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Ubuntu, Microsoft Office Suite, Jira
Root Cause Analysis
Optical fabrication and design
PCB design and printing, Surface mount soldering
Fused filament 3D printing, designed parts for printing in CAD programs
Scaling of Turbulence and Transport with Device Size in the LAPD
D Guice, T Carter, G Rossi
APS Meeting Poster (2014)
Investigation of Turbulence and Driven Flow in Magnetized Plasma Using Visible Light Imaging.
D Guice, D Schaffner, T Carter, B Friedman, G Rossi, S Vincena
APS Meeting Poster (2013)
Modification of turbulent transport with continuous variation of flow shear in the large plasma device
DA Schaffner, TA Carter, GD Rossi, DS Guice, JE Maggs, S Vincena, ...
Physical review letters 109 (13), 135002
Three-dimensional two-fluid Braginskii simulations of the large plasma device
DM Fisher, BN Rogers, GD Rossi, DS Guice, TA Carter
Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 22 (9), 092121
-For a full list please visit: Daniel S. Guice on Google Scholar