Noah Franco
Full-Stack Developer
910-***-**** *******@*****.*** LinkedIn GitHub
AllBettr, — Remote, Front End Developer GitHub Front-End Social Media Native Application that allows cancer survivors to connect with cancer patients to create a support group
● Was tasked with implementing new features to the application and improving existing codebase
● Improved and designed new layouts to achieve usability and performance objectives
● Added functionality to allow users to search for other users, follow other users and implemented notification functionality so users can get alerts on their IOS or Android devices
● Tech Stack: JavaScript React-Native Mobx React-Navigation Expo Firebase Miracle Messages, — Remote, Full Stack Developer GitHub Front-End GitHub Backend A progressive web app that helps the homeless reunite with their loved ones
● Modified existing web application to enhance performance and add new features such as back end registration functionality, login functionality, and called REST API via Axios to display data on the front end
● Created additional features and automated current ones to stakeholder specifications, on a remote cross-functional team of six
● Tech Stack :Postgres SQL JWT Knex.js Express Node.js React Redux REST Mapbox Lambda School, — Remote, Team Lead GitHub Front-End GitHub Backend Allay is a job portal for Lambda students and alumni to network and talk about their place of employment, hiring process, and salary range
● Hosted daily standup meetings, leading development, assigning tasks, providing code reviews and debugging solutions, and reporting progress to engineer and design managers
● Led and worked on a cross-functional team of Front End Developers, Back End Developers, Data Scientists, and UX Designers
Tech Stack :JavaScript Cypress JWT Knex.js Express Node.js React Redux Chakra EDUCATION
Lambda School Remote
Full Stack Web Development & Computer Science May 2019 - August 2020
● Lambda School is a Computer Science & Software Engineering Academy SKILLS
Technical: JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, SQL, Express, Responsive Web Design, Redux, Postgres, WordPress, HTML5 and CSS3, Git, JWT Authentication, Npm, and Yarn, REST API, Python, React-Native, Expo, Mobx Languages: Bilingual in English and Spanish