Senior QA Engineer
E-MAIL:*****************@*****.********: 609-***-****
Senior QA Engineerwith around 9 years of experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). Skilled in developingTest plan,Test Cases, and Automation test scripts using Selenium with Python and Java as programming languages.Proficient in Robot, Pytest,Hybrid Driven, Data Driven and CucumberFrameworks. Experienced in testing Web Services using SoapUI and Postman. Have diversified experience in Automation and Manualtestingwith various domains such asPharma, Banking,Healthcareand E-Commerce.
Professional Experience:
Well versed with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Test Development Life Cycle (TDLC) in Agile as well as Iterative development environments.
Experienced in preparing Test plan, Test methodology, Test scenarios, Test summary reports, Test cases and Test documents for both automated and manual testing based on User requirements, System requirements and Use case documents.
Strong knowledge in implementingWaterfall, V-model andAgile (Sprint/Scrum) Methodology by analyzing user stories inProduct Backlog, responsible for developing Test Objective, Scope, Test procedures and Test Matrices.
Implemented different automation frameworks likeHybrid,Keyword Driven, Data Driven,integrated withPOMdesign pattern
Well experienced with Cucumber (Behavior Driven Development) framework, writing scenarios in Featurefile and executing them with Runner class
Experienced in Web Services testing by usingGroovy Scripting inSOAPUI tool. Validated request and response XML for SOAP and RESTFUL Web service calls.
Proficient in using test automation tools such as Selenium WebDriver, RC (Remote Control), IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and Grid to develop automation testing scripts using Java for Web and Client Server Applications.
Extensively used Add-on’s like FireBug and FirePath with locator techniques like CSS selector, XPath expression, HTML id, Link Text, Name to find the Web Elements
Experienced in handling Alerts &Pop-up’s in Selenium.
Experienced dealing with Ajax requests in Selenium Web Driver using Synchronization.
Experienced using Accessing Forms, tables, link, Keyboard Mouse Events, Uploading File using Selenium Web Driver.
Hands on Experience in handling Frames, WindowHandles and hidden elements by using Java Script
Expertise in Grouping of Test Cases, Test Methods and Test Suites for regression and functional testingusing the TestNG annotations like Groups, Parameter, Data Provider.
Well versed with Cross-Browser and CompatibilityTesting to test whether the web applications are working as desired in different browsers and environments.
Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG to run parallel testing by creating Groups and categorizing test cases.
UsedApache POI to read data from external sources to feed locators into the test script.
Experienced in performance testing using JMeteras testing toolfor load testing
Developed Test Scripts to implement Test Cases, Test Scenarios, and features for BDD (Behavior Driven Development),TDD (Test Driven Development) using Cucumber in Gherkins format.
Experienced in Database Testing using SQL Queries with multiple Databases, SQL Server, and MySQL.
Expertise in different types of testing like Integration testing, System testing, Smoke testing, Regression testing, Database testing, GUI testing, Web / UI and (UAT)User Acceptance Testing.
Expertise in working knowledge of Core Java and Object-OrientedConcepts (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading and Collections).
Well experienced with executing and parameterizing tests in command prompt and different IDE’s
Experienced in using Test Management tools such asALM, Bugzilla, Rally, JIRA and Rational ClearQuestbug reporting tools to track test progress, execution and deliverables.
Hands on experience in using build and project management tolls like Ant, MAVEN and Configuration management tools likeVSS,SVN,GIT.
Well versed experienced with generating HTML reports in both JAVA and Python based frameworks.
Experienced with projects that utilized web technologies like XML, HTML, CSS, REST, and JavaScript and high-level languages such as Java and Python
Running batch execution and sending status report to higher management.
Generated test logs using Log4j for various log levels.
Dynamic and assertive team player with a strong inclination to improve and optimize process development and implementation.
Experience with web analytic software Google Analytics in analyzing customer usage to improve web applications
Test Approaches Waterfall, Agile/Scrum, SDLC, STLC, Bug Life Cycle
Testing Tools Selenium WebDriver, JMeter, TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, Appium, JUnit, Cucumber, SoapUI, QC, QTP
Artifacts Test Plan, Test Case, RTM, Test Summary Report, Bug report
Test Build& Integration Tools Maven, ANT, Jenkins
Frameworks Robot Framework, Cucumber, Keyword Driven, Data Driven, Hybrid, Page Object Model
Programming Tools JAVA, Python,JavaScript, VB Script, Gherkin, SQL C, C++
Markup Languages HTML, XML, XPath, CssSelector
Databases MySQL, SAP, Oracle, SQL Server
Operating Systems Windows 7/8, Ubuntu, UNIX, LINUX
Defect Tools HP Quality Center, Rational ClearQuest, JIRA, Bugzilla, Rally
MS Office Tools Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access
Utilities Eclipse,Ride, VSS, GIT, SVN, Firebug, Fire Path
Senior QA Engineer
ProQuest, Ann Arbor, MI Jan 2017 to Present
ProQuest is a Michigan-based global information-content and technology company. ProQuest provides solutions, applications and products for its customers. Working as a QA Engineer to automate the GUI of the PQD and PISquare applications. My tasks include creating functional and regression automation test cases and incorporate them with selenium test framework from scratch.
Project 1:ProQuestDialog
Responsibilities included:
• Performed agile testing, reviewed stories, participated in Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning and Release Planning meetings.
• Implemented Automation Framework for Regression tests from the scratch in PQD and Alerts Manager products.
• Reduced overall testing hours 90% by writing and optimizing automation test scripts in Robot Framework
• Combinedly implemented Pytest and Robot frameworks to achieve organized and robust automation
• Worked in integration environment with PQD and Alerts Manager along with database and pricing modules
• Hands on experience with Angular by adding ID’s and cookies to make automation more robust
• Testing Restful web services using different assertions like HTTP, Security and XPATH assertions in SoapUI
• Running the scripts in continuous integration environment using Jenkins and AWS machines
• Executed Parallel and Cross browser testing using Selenium Grid in multiple environments
• Performed Database Testing and thorough knowledge in MYSQL/PL SQL.
• Executed and maintained test scripts in JMeter for constant monitoring of load performance of applications
• Tracked, prioritized and organized defects with JIRA, working with development team to facilitate timely corrections
• Migrated old manual test cases from Test Rail to Automation suite to reduce manual efforts in testing
• Analysis of nightly and preprod executions and prepare test execution Report
• Expert knowledge on managing End to end testing from Test management tools like Test Rail and JIRA
• Experience with web analytic software Google Analytics in analyzing customer usage to improve web applications
Key tech: Python, PyCharm, GIT, Java, Selenium WebDriver, MYSQL, Agile/Kanban, Windows, RESTful Webservices.
Project 2: Drug Safety Triager (DST)
Responsibilities included:
• Certified in Industry GxP Training to understand quality guidelines and regulations of Pharmaceutical products
• Maintained validation environment with traceability matrix between FRS, URS and automation test cases
• Automated GUI of the product using Cucumber (BDD) as a frameworkand selenium and JAVA as tools
• Used JAMA as a test and product management tool for tracking and maintaining test cases, FRS and URS
• Integrated Automation with test cases in JAMA using JAMA plugins and maintained thorough validation environment
• Run and maintained load tests using JMeter and co-ordinate with developers to resolve load issues.
• Generate entire QA validation report which should be submitted to customer before every release
• Interacted with customers to illustrate the product enhancements and limitations
Key tech:Java, IntelliJ, GIT, Selenium WebDriver, JAMA, MYSQL, Agile/Kanban, Windows, RESTful Webservices.
Senior QA Engineer
Swift, Manassas, VA Oct 2015to Dec 2016
Swift is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. Swift connects more than 11000 banking and security organizations and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories. Worked as a Senior QA Engineer to automate the GUI of internal applications in (SDC). Worked on creating functional and regression automation test cases and incorporate them with selenium test framework from scratch.
Responsibilities Included:
• Performed agile testing, reviewed the stories and participated in Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning and Release Planning meetings.
• In-depth understanding of Object-Oriented Programming and skilled in developing automated test scripts
• Worked with Hybrid Automation test framework in Selenium with Java.
• Prepared and executed automated test scripts in Selenium.
• Used Firebug Tool to identify the Object's id, Name, XPath, Link text in the application.
• Implemented Page Object Model pattern with Java and Selenium Web Driver.
• Worked with cucumber(Behavior Driven Development) framework using Gherkins language for writing test cases in the feature file and running them with the help of Runner class
• Used various Cucumberannotations for Prioritizing and grouping the test cases in UAT testing
• Automated Alerts handling, dropdowns, and frames on web browser.
• Handling window pop-up’s and native OS applications using AutoIT
• Experienced running automation scripts using TestNG.
• Generated test reports in TestNG, used Parameters and Data Providers in TestNG
• Worked with @Groups annotation for grouping our test cases to perform Regression testing
• Wrote different fixtures and annotation to set up pre and post condition of tests
• Parameterization is achieved for tests for passing multiple sets of data
• Failed and skipped Cucumber scenarios when intended tests were failed initially using Hooks
• Extensively worked on GUI testing for various applications in SDC
• Used Mavenforbuild managementand Jenkins asContinuous Integration
• Version control is done by using GitHub
• Used Desired Capabilities to configure driver instances and set browser properties for Firefox, Chrome and IE browsers and to handle SSL certificate Errors in Selenium WebDriver
• Utilized web developer tools such as Firebug and Chrome Developer Tool to test the calls to the web services and check if correct data is returned.
• Executed tests by using Selenium WebDriver in different browsers like Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.
• Used Apache POI to read data from Excel files and configured log4j for better logging mechanism
• Analyzed the logs for errors and exceptions during test execution.
• Tested SOAP and REST web services using the different assertions like HTTP assertion, security assertions, XPATH assertions in SOAPUI
• Used JIRA for bug tracking, Issue tracking and project management
• Participated in defect review and triage meetings to resolve the defects
• Prepared the data to cover various scenarios and wrote SQL scripts to verify the database updates, inserts and deletion of the records.
• Configured JDBC connections to retrieve data from the database.Used SQL commands to validate the database and test its integration with the front end
• Interacted with Project Managers, developers, QA Analysts, and business management in reviews and solving the problems encountered in the applications.
Environment: Jira, Selenium WebDriver, Java, TestNG, Windows, MS office Outlook, Agile, Eclipse, SoapUI,
MySQL, JDBC, Gherkin, Cucumber
Senior QA Analyst
Cerner Corporation, Malvern, PA Jan 2015toSep 2015
Cerner’sSoarian Clinicals is an IT solution for healthcare institutions. Clinical modules can be plugged in and out with ease. The system is designed to support a wide range of user interfaces namely traditional desktop interfaces, web-based interfaces and palmtop interfaces. The major modules involved are Architecture, Security, Desktop, ADT, Nursing, Orders and Results. I mainly worked on ADT module. It handles the patient Admission, Discharge, Transfer and Registration processes in the hospital.
• Interacted with the Project Manager, Business Analyst and Developers to understand the application design and functional specifications.
• Managelifecycleofautomationprojectinvolvinginhostingtheautomationmeetings,coordinating,gathering the automation requirements, defining the scope of automation testing.
• Reviewed the Business Requirements, Functional Specification Document and Technical Documentation
• Execution of manual Test Cases and responsible to track the defects in Jira
• Implemented automation with Robot Framework using Selenium libraries, Python as scripting language
• Worked on Selenium GUI Object / element verification is done through XPath, CSS Locators.
• DevelopedHigh-level and Low-level keywords in Robot Framework tofind,verify,select,editandperformvariousoperationsonwebelements.
• Created functions in python language to use them as keywords in RF to get access to the application from backend
• Setting the priority of test cases by using the tag names for regression and functional test cases
• Worked in creation, preparation, and conduct of quality assurance reviews and contributed to the development and execution of test plans and test scripts.
• Participated actively in System Integration Testing, Regression Testing and application.
• Generated test reports using TestNG and captured the error screenshots for creating test reports.
• Performed Cross browser compatibility testing on Chrome, Firefox, IE browsers using TestNG.
• Defect tracking using Rally, Found Defects, prepared Defect Reports and Status Reports.
• Effectively prioritized the defect list by interacting with development and Environment teams and also involved in validating known bug fixes.
• Shared Daily Status Reports with all the team members, Team Leads, Managers and Clients.
• Performed Database testing by writing Queries in python to retrieve data from SAP
Environment:Python, Robot Framework, Ride, Rally, Java, Git, SAP,HTML, Agile/Scrum, ALM, Windows, MS office Outlook.
QA Analyst
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., Chicago, IL Mar 2012– Dec 2014
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions is a publicly traded American company that provides Physician Practices,Hospitals and other healthcare providers with practice management and electronic health record technology. I worked on Census which handles the display of Inpatient and Outpatient list. There are different types of census based on the physician relationship with the patients (like consulting, attending, admitting and referring) and the configuration of nurse stations and clinical services.
• Analyzed BRD, HLD and LLD
• Prepared all test deliverables throughout SDLC including test scenarios, test scripts, test data, performed test execution, test result documentation, test reports, defect logging and tracking, test matrix
• Wrote automation/manual test scripts to test complex rule engine comprising of rule set defined for 50 states to compute late charge fees
• Wrote Automation test scripts using Java implementing Selenium WebDriver to test Web Application
• Extensively used methods like Get, GetTitle, DragandDrop, keys, Select, List Array, Iterate, implicitly wait, iframes, Menu options, Actions, etc to build automation test scripts.
• Designed Automation framework in TestNG for front end web application test.
• Generated reports from TestNG for project team members
• Created XML test suite for functional testing and regression testing and used SoapUI to test the application Web Service.
• Executed test scripts in JMeterby using various assertionsto perform load testing
• Worked with VSS for configuration management and version control
• Performed browser compatibility testing for various browsers
• Provided walkthrough to project team for test deliverables like test plan and test scripts
• Attend project meeting, and ensure all the issues and concerns are raised and project timelines are met
• Performed Defect tracking in Rational ClearQuest
• Used Fitnesse automation tool for User Acceptance testing
• Wrote complex SQL queries for test data set up in RDBMS-Oracle & DB2, backend database testing, and data validation and ETL data flow.
• Validated the front-end application and verified data mapping is correct
Environment: SQL, Oracle, Java, XML, Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, TestNG, Web Services, SOAP, Restful, SOAP UI, Java Script, JMeter, VSS, Execute Query, Rational ClearQuest, JDBC, MS Excel
QA Analyst
Benchmark Computer Solutions, INDIA Oct 2011 toFeb2012
Benchmark is comprised of several businesses that serve a variety of markets in software industry. This project was to develop and test e-Commerce website for one of its clients to take care of the business transaction processing –orders, shipment, billing, categories, shopping cart, users etc.
• Reviewing the BRD, HLD and LLD. Prepared Test Deliverables- Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Execution.
• Executed and maintained manual test cases.
• Performed Functional, System, and Regression Testing.
• Involved in Unit Testing, handled issues in System Testing and UAT
• Wrote SQL queries for backend testing.
• Designed scripts in Test Plan and performed execution in Test Lab. Generated daily execution reports from Report Module in QC.
• Designed test scripts for Load and Performance Testing.
• Performed browser compatibility test, stress test, scalability test for Web Applications.
• Performed Test Execution and defect logging and tracking using HP Quality Center.
• Prepared detailed status reports and update the status to the business and technical teams during weekly review meetings.
• Validated performance of the systems by running scripts and gather the response times. Prepared results of the performance tests.
• Prepared reports on defects and conducted defect meetings with the project team.
Environment:HP Quality Center, SQL Server, JSON, Windows 2003