Sreedhar Kuntamalla
Mobile +91-891******* Email: ********.**********@*****.***
I am currently working as a Hydrogeologist for WEGS Consultants (Water, Environment and Geo-Services), Hyderabad, India. More than 10 years’ experience in research and consultancy works in Hydrogeology, Groundwater Exploration, Soil Profiling, Subsurface Mapping and Natural Resource Management activities using GIS & Remote Sensing.
Academic Qualification
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Awarded in August (2019) from Department of Applied Geochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Specialization: “Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Groundwater in Parts of Pargi and Doma Mandals of Rangareddy District, Telangana State, India- A GIS and Remote Sensing Approach”.
Mode of Study: Full-time
First class in M.Sc. (Tech) (Environmental Geochemistry, 2005) from Osmania University Hyderabad.
First class with distinction in M.Sc. (Applied Geochemistry, 2003) from Osmania University.
B.Sc. (Geology, Mathematics, Physics, 2000) from Kakatiya University.
Expertise :
Geological & Hydrogeological and Geochemical Studies using Geographical information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. Hands on experience using image processing software, ERDAS imagine, Arc GIS software.
Geophysical methods for Identification and characterization of aquifers, estimation of groundwater contamination and its pathways.
Electrical resistivity methods for soil profile and subsurface mapping
Identification of Natural Resource Management Structures on watershed criteria, Rainwater harvesting plan, Groundwater recharge methods.
Software Skills:
Operating Systems MS Windows 2007
Packages MS Office
GIS Software ArcGIS, QGIS, Surfer 8
Image Processing ERDAS Imagine 2015, ENVI 4.7
Geochemical Software AQUACHEM 4.0
Geophysical Software Winsev Geosoft, IPI2WIN, Inverse Slope
Instrumentation: Restivity Instruments-ABEM- Terrameter (SAS-300),
DDR-II, III, SSR-MP-ATS, 3D-Locator (Italy made), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Hand held mobile tracking (GPS)-etrex.
Professional Recognition Fellowship received:
Sl. No.
Name of Award
Awarding Agency
Junior Research Fellow
Basic Scientific Research-UGC (university Grants Commission)
Senior Research Fellow
Basic Scientific Research-UGC(university Grants Commission)
Work Experience:
Presently working as a Hydrogeologist for Water, Environment and Geo-Services Consultants (WEGS) in Hyderabad from September 2019 to till date.
Worked as a SRF (Senior Research Fellow) in the Department of Applied Geochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad from 2013 to till date.
Previously worked for WASSAN (Watershed Support Services and Activities Network) as Program Officer in LRC Parigi, Rangareddy District, Hyderabad from 2011 to 2013.
Worked for Sumadhura Technologies Ltd, EAST AFRICA (UGANDA), as a Hydrogeologist, from Jan 2005 To Jan 2011.
Sl. No.
Positions held
Name of the Institute
Sumadhura Technologies Uganda Limited
30th January 2005
12th January 2011
Program Officer
WASSAN (The Watershed Support Services and Activities Network)
8th August 2011
31st May 2013
International Exposure:
As a part of employment with Sumadhura Technologies Uganda Limited in East Africa, worked with worlds most well known Non Government Organizations and Humanitarian Organizations under different groundwater projects as a Hydrogeologist for different contracts:
Worked in Uganda for UNICEF, Uganda Red Cross Society, World Vision and Directorate for Water Development (DWD).
Worked in South Sudan for UNICEF, Peace Winds Japan, IOM, Samaritan’s Purse, POLISH, OXFAM-GB and GOSS (Government of Southern Sudan).
Worked in Burundi for American Embassy and ROBUCO Enterprises Ltd.
Worked in Democratic Republic of Congo for UNDP.
Job Responsibilities:
1.Conducting Reconnaissance Surveys, Mobilization & Sensitization, Geophysical Investigation, subsurface mapping, geo-electrical profile, monitoring field activities, drilling, litho sampling, well design, test pumping, water quality analysis etc.
2.Convey results and findings by means of oral discussions and presentations and project documentation.
3.Prepare interim and completion project reports.
4.Compile and present results of complex drilling studies.
5.Plan, formulate and conduct scientific and field investigations in accordance with project objectives and requirements including well design and installation plus aquifer testing.
6.Preparation of master log, drilling log by maintaining trip sheet.
7.Contract’s Management, involved in bidding process, preparation of bill of quantities, award and acceptance of contract, monitoring and preparation of technical summary of drilling for Invoice preparation.
WASSAN Work Profile:
Project: PGWM (Participatory Groundwater Management)
Research Area: Action Research areas of WASSAN in Pargi and Doma Cluster watersheds
1.Organizing Trainings for CRP's (Community Resource personnel) and PRP's (pool of Resource Personnel); Preparation of Training Modules on basic orientation on PGWM (Participatory Groundwater Management), Sensitization and promotion of process of PGWM and participatory monitoring of PGWM, Developing Posters, brochures and Manuals in Telugu and English.
2.Action Research designing, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of PGWM.
3.Identification of Observation Wells on the basis of ridge to valley concept
4.Training of Watershed Assistants on Water level measurements and GPS (Global Positioning System).
5.Monitoring Well Inventory Data, determining recharge and discharge areas and flow direction of the groundwater, cross verifying the proposed recharge structures whether they are falling in the appropriate place.
6.Involved in preparation of DPR’s (Detailed Project Report) for IWMP (Integrated Watershed Management Programme) from the data of Participatory Net Planning, Socio-economic Survey and Groundwater Data of the particular micro and mega cluster watersheds.
7.Estimation of Water Budgeting.
8.Estimation of Aquifer characteristics by conducting pumping tests.
9.Preparation of Water Security Plans (pilot project).
10.Preparation of Status reports on Ground water situation in South India.
Consultancy Work:
Worked as a Project Consultant - Ground Water Resource Expert for NABARD Consultancy Services (P) Ltd (A Whollv Owned Subsidiarv of NABARD) An ISO 9001-2008 Company.
Project: Impact Evaluation Study of Mission Kakatiya tanks in the State of Telangana
Coordination with the district level coordinators, survey agencies and other field staff in collecting the data including field visits.
Coordination of data collection by Agencies/NGO’s.
Coordination with the line departments for collecting the secondary ground water data.
Analysis of data, preparation of the reports on ground water data.
Report writing on ground water data.
Duration: April 2018 to October 2018
Trainings Attended:
Application Of Remote Sensing And GIS In Mineral Exploration
Geological Survey of India Training Institute, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad
Groundwater Exploration and Management
Conducted by CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
Analytical Geochemistry
Conducted by CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
Bhuvan Overview
Conducted by National Remote Sensing Centre
Geoinformatics Application for Planning and Management of PMKSY
Conducted by National Institute for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India)
Tier-III Training Course
Ministry of Water Resources, CGWB – Village Level Aquifer Management at Maheshwaram
List of Publications:
1.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, G. Sakram, G. Machender, Ratnakar Dhakate & A. Narsimha, Multivariate statistical approach for the assessment of fluoride and nitrate concentration in groundwater from Zaheerabad area, Telangana State, India. ISSN 2363-5037, Received: 5 October 2017 / Accepted: 13 June 2018, © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Sustainable Water Resources Management, Springer,
2.G. Sakram, Sreedhar Kuntamalla, N. Madhusudhan, Demarcating of Aquifer Zones with Geophysical and Geospatial Approach in south Western parts of Rangareddy District, Telangana State, India. Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Nature 2019, P.J.Rao et al (eds.), Proceeding of International Conference on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management, Springer Series in Geomechanices and Geoengineering,
3.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, G. Sakram, N. Madhusudhan and E. Srinivas, Estimating Aquifer Characteristics by Conducting Pumping Tests: A GIS and Remote Sensing Approach in South Western Part of Mahabubnagar District, Telangana State, India. Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Nature 2019, P.J.Rao et al (eds.), Proceeding of International Conference on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management, Springer Series in Geomechanices and Geoengineering,
4.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, Madhusudhan Nalla, Sakram G, and Praveen Raj Saxena, Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones in Granitic Terrrain of Rangareddy District, Telangana State: A Case Study from Pendyala Village, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol. 7Issue 3, Month 2018, (Special Issue), ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765.
5.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, Sakram G, Madhusudhan Nalla, and Praveen Raj Saxena, Drainage Basin Analysis through GIS: A Case study of Lakhnapur Reservoir Watershed in Rangareddy District, Telangana State, India. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Month 2018, (Special Issue), ISSN: 2320-0294, https://DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.22464.84484, Impact Factor: 6.765.
6.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, Madhusudhan Nalla and Praveen Raj Saxena, Morphometric Analysis of Drainage Basin through GIS: A Case Study from South Western part of Rangareddy District, Telangana State, India, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Volume 7, ISBN: 978-93-87793-05-07, pages-19-25, ISSN(O): 2319-8354, Impact Factor: 2.83.
7.E Srinivas, T Nagaraju, E Sivasanker, K Sreedhar, K Ramesh Reddy, Distribution of Seasonal Snow Cover Mapping Using Satellite Data in Sutlej Basin, Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Nature 2019, P.J.Rao et al (eds.), Proceeding of International Conference on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering,
8.Sreedhar Kuntamalla, N. Madhusudan, G Sakram, Praveen Raj Saxena, Assessment of Heavy metal Indices for Groundwater of Granitic terrain in South Western Part of Rangareddy District, Telangana State, India, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Volume 8, Issue XII, December/2018, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Page No: 2888-2902, DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2018.V8I12.17.2327.
9.G. Sakram,, Soujaniya kombili,,Sreepada Narala, Sreedhar K and Praveen Raj Saxena “Quality assessement of ground water in and around Manjira River, Medak District, AndhraPradesh India." (ISSN 0976-3031, Volume 05, No. 01 January 2014, P.P.205-214, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, impact factor 1.136)
10.G. Sakram, K. Nagaraja Chary, B1. Soujanya Kamble, Narala Sripada, Sreedhar K and Praveen Raj Saxena “Qualitative Assessment of Groundwater in and around Macherla, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, Inida. (ISSN 2249-9954), Volume 04, No. 01 January-February 2014, P.P.313-330. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research).
11.Vishnu Bhoopathi, Sreedhar Kuntamalla, N.Madhusudhan, A. Narsimha, & B. Rajeshwara Reddy, Water Quality Assessment of Nacharam Area, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh, (January – March,2014), ISSN:2319– 5584, G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.3(1):220-225.
Place: Hyderabad (Sreedhar Kuntamalla)
Date: Signature