**********@*****.*** *, Jalan Puteri */**, Puchong, 47100, Malaysia +601*-***-****
Terence Tan Teng Kiong
**********@*****.*** 8, Jalan Puteri 6/16, Puchong, 47100, Malaysia +601*-***-**** ProleE
A xnance evecutiwe bith strong dackgrounC in controls anC 18+ years in the insurance droking inCustry. As FOf oB a highly regulateC inCustry dy Fentral Iank, p maintain stadility anC manage risk on a large scale. p am a motiwateC inCiwiCual anC CemonstrateC jroxciency in solwing jrodlems. p am strategic, reliadle, anC adle to bork inCejenCently bithout much assistance anC enqoy the challenge oB resolwing any issues. p am a motiwateC inCiwiCual anC CemonstrateC jroxciency in solwing jrodlems as it occurs. p am knobn Bor honesty, integrity anC a genuine jassion Bor achiewing goals. p adle to bork bith others Brom all lewels, dackgrounCs anC cultures. p also resjecteC Bor maintaining a jroBessional anC jositiwe Cemeanor, regarCless oB the situation. As a WualixeC accountant, p am not only wersatile in the xelC oB accounting, enancH, Rd anm amsinirt.ationO p&H.ation sanagHsHnt x sH.gH. HPH.cirH are also my strong joint. p am enthusiastic anC committeC to bork. p look BorbarC to borking in a challenging anC rebarCing enwironment that jromises jersonal Cewelojment anC career aCwancement. zith relateC borking evjerience since 1996, anC WualixeC as an accountant since 1999, p strongly deliewe that p am adle to contridute jositiwely tobarCs the grobth oB your esteem organi•ation.
mpyeonpEt HisD orn
Chief Financial Ofrce CFOu cmH deao Rf dmHan se&Rm(ce A,oHinM Ialene Bn&m(ance k(RSe(& Kon khoM Lmala pmHtm(
May 2001 — September 2019
lorition vH:Hv D Si.Hcto.
z&HciaviFation D -inancH A -inanciav Tccounting x IaPation ynmurt.B D ynru.ancH k.o/ingCynru.ancH Monruvting
Su.ation D 2aB 0119 A zH&t 019j
2aJo. bo( -unctionr )M-phD
S Hujerwision oB Oinance anC RD ;ejartmentT anC owerseeing pnBormation
&echnology ;ejartment.
S Manage the xnancial system that incluCes xnancial rejorting, duCget, Borecasting anC internal controls.
S FoorCinating the regulatory rejorting K license renebal bith Fentral Iank, Malaysia.
S ProwiCe monthly, Wuarterly anC yearly management accounts Bor local anC regional oBxce.
S ProwiCe semi-annual anC annual rejorts to Fentral Iank, Malaysia. S ProwiCe annual statutory accounts Bor evternal auCitors, Fentral Iank, pDI anC FFM.
S ProwiCe doarC jajer Bor If; meetings.
aE LseD
8, Jalan Puteri 6/16,
Puchong, 47100, Malaysia
Driving license
I2, ;
Date / Place of birth
17 Ajril 1971
Lluang, Johor, Malaysia
GinkeCpn jroxle
Fomjuter anC pnternet Hkills
EooC communication anC
interjersonal skills
EooC time management
GeaCershij Hkills
EooC organi•ational skills
(BBectiwe &eam GeaCer
Analytical anC
Prodlem-Holwing skills
Iahasa Malaysia
**********@*****.*** 8, Jalan Puteri 6/16, Puchong, 47100, Malaysia +601*-***-**** S pnwolwe in dusiness jlanning anC jrejaration oB annual duCget, jroqection anC sudseWuent Borecast.
S FoorCinate, comjile anC rewieb annual IuCget, G&P )Gong &erm Policy“ anC
(stimates/Oorecast Bor ajjrowal dy F(f.
S Fonstantly monitoring monthly results, liaison bith F(f K Fff on drokerage rewenue, rewieb evjenses against duCget.
S Manage xCuciary income to mavimi•e inwestment income. S Manage tavation Bor tav eBxciency.
S (nhance internal controls Bor detter accounting K ojerational comjliance. S ProwiCe monthly Cedtors ageing rejort, monitoring outstanCing issue. S Giaise bith commercial dankers, in-house comjany secretaries, internal anC evternal auCitors, tav consultants, anC legal aCwisors. ptfH. bo( -unctionr )M-phD
S Oormulation, imjlementation anC ensuring comjliance oB xnancial stanCarC ojerating jroceCures )HfP“.
S Degular rewieb oB jrocesses Bor imjrowement in eBxciency anC ojtimi•ing control. S Desjonsidle Bor setting uj oB duCgetary control. S zorking cajital management bhich incluCe consistent monitoring anC ”reC agging: on receiwadles irregularities, bith emjhasis on comjonents bithin ”cash conwersion cycle:.
S RanCle litigation matters bith regarCs to recowery oB receiwadles. S RanCle inwestment matters bith OunC Management Fomjanies K pnwestment Ianks.
S &aking charge oB treasury anC risk management, incluCing jhysical risk )on insuradle assets anC liadilities“ anC xnancial risk )bith Boreign currency heCging“. S ’pnwolwe in merger anC acWuisition evercises.
2aJo. bo( -unctionr )RHam oU Rd x TmsinhD
S Manage Cay-to-Cay ojerations oB ACmin anC RD matters. S (nsure comjany jolicies anC stanCarCs are aChereC to. S fwersee anC manage oBxce assets anC sujjlies.
S RanCle monthly jayroll, evjense claims, jayments etc. S Monitor costs anC evjenses to assist in duCget jrejaration. S fn-doarCing nebcomers to the comjany.
S Managing comjany staBB, incluCing coorCinating anC sujjorting the recruitment jrocess.
S Assisting bith the jerBormance management anC rewieb jrocess. S ProwiCe general sujjort )egU tenCer Bor insurance jroqects“ to insurance droking teams.
S PerBorm other relewant RD Cuties bhen neeCeC.
’2aJo. l.oJHctr qnmH.ta/Hn C Tccos&virfsHntrD
S GeC anC comjleteC tbo 2H.gH. x TcWuirition evercises Bor Malene pnsurance Iroker HCn IhC )2016 - 2019“
S Desjonsidle Bor jrocess unCerstuCy anC imjrowement jrior to conwersion Brom comjuteri•eC accounting system to pIMH )pnsurance Iroker Management Hystem“.
S Actiwely inwolweC in the FomjanyNs dusiness jrocess re-engineering initiatiwe in wieb oB stanCarCi•ation oB jolicies anC jroceCures. S Ley emjloyee inwolweC in the merger evercise bith RobCen Iroking Erouj. **********@*****.*** 8, Jalan Puteri 6/16, Puchong, 47100, Malaysia +601*-***-**** S Iest emjloyee Bor many years.
zt.Hngtfr in tfH Lo./&vacHD
S zorkeC bell inCejenCently anC on a team to solwe jrodlems. S frgani•eC anC jrioriti•eC bork to comjlete assignments in a timely, eBxcient manner.
S GeC bith a can-Co attituCe anC a jositiwe minCset. S Irought Borth an evcejtional bork ethic anC committment to comjany walues. S HerweC as a jositiwe anC enthusiastic team jlayer. S 3tili•eC evcellent CeCuctiwe reasoning anC logical thinking skills. S (nsureC the awiladility oB aCeWuate resources to achiewe goals. S Irought Borth intuition anC innowation.
S OunctioneC bith strategic wision anC a hanCs-on ajjroach. S HerweC as a BrienCly, harCborking, anC junctual emjloyee. S zorkeC bell doth inCejenCently anC in teams.
dHaron Uo. EHa:ingD
Fhange oB Management anC seeking detter jrosject oBBering long term grobth. KeniR RciaEeM Y(n&E A gRmnyM Lmala pmHtm(
April 1996 — April 2001
lorition EH:Hv D zHnio. 6PHcuti:H
z&HciaviFation D dHav 6rtatHCMonrt.uction
ynmurt.B D Tumit x Tm:iro.B
Su.ation D T&. 9jjG A 2aB 0119
bo( -unctionrD
S PerBorm Bull Htatutory AuCit in accorCance bith AjjroweC HtanCarCs on AuCiting anC AjjroweC Accounting HtanCarCs )ODH“ anC Fomjanies Act 2016 in Malaysia. S Particijate in auCit jlanning Bor each auCit engagement. S Dewieb oB Annual Dejort anC Htatement oB pnternal Fontrol Bor Pudlic GisteC Fomjanies.
S Dewieb the consoliCation anC FonsoliCateC Oinancial Htatements jrejareC dy client.
S Prejare anC rewieb CeBerreC tav comjutation.
S GeaC, manage anC coach the auCit team Bor evternal auCit engagement. S Dewieb the auCit borks jerBormeC dy the sudorCinates. S Monitor anC control the auCit jrocess in meeting rejorting Cateline. 6P&H.iHncHr KainHmD
AuCiting oB warious tyjes oB Pudlic GisteC comjanies such asU S PL Desources IhC.
S Fountry Reight RolCings IhC.
S 3niteC (ngineers IhC.
S 5egara Projerties IhC.
S L K 5 Lenanga IhC.
S IousteaC RolCings IhC.
S Gien Roe Forjoration IhC.
S LOF RolCings Malaysia IhC.
S EolCen Roje Plantations IhC.
**********@*****.*** 8, Jalan Puteri 6/16, Puchong, 47100, Malaysia +601*-***-**** S Astral Asia IhC.
S Oitters RolCings IhC.
S IriCgecon RolCings IhC.
z/ivv TcWui.HmD
S &eam jlayer anC multitasking cajadilities.
S pnitiatiwe anC adle to bork bith minimal sujerwision. S (vcellent organi•ational, motiwational anC coaching skills. S LnobleCge oB insurance droking, jrojerty Cewelojment K construction inCustries.
S Adility to aCajt changes.
dHaron Uo. EHa:ingD
Hought Bor detter career aCwancement ojjortunities anC’
’’’commercial evjosures.
May 2020 — May 2020
mcdRL sot
,CC,M KT&EeHaEic km&ine&& D(aininy CRlleyeM Lmala pmHtm( January 1992 — June 1995
IfH Trrociation oU Mfa.tH.Hm MH.tieHm Tccountantr )TMMTh, q< S ’successBully comjleteC evamination Bor lewel in .L years PitlRHa in,ccRmnEinyM Ym Bn&EiEiEeM JeEaliny jaTa May 1990 — December 1991
S Eonmon Mfas(H. oU MossH.cH anm ynmurt.B )EMMyh, q< S &hirC Gewel ;ijloma in Accounting
S &hirC Gewel Fertixcate in ACwanceC Iusiness Falculation S HeconC Gewel Fertixcate in Iook-Leejing anC Accounts KiUil JelaUa(an IalaT&ia )KJIu A wYCM FRRn geW diyh KchRRlM jRhR( kah(m January 1984 — December 1989
S Fertixcate oB 3nixeC (vamination Oor pnCejenCent Fhinese HeconCary Hchool,
S Hiqil Pelaqaran Malaysia, )HPM“
I( pee LRS /ai f(RH C(RWe IalaT&ia JpDM,moiE Ja(Ene( ******.***@*****.** M +601*-***-****
I( Chma /ai dRny f(RH C(RWe IalaT&ia JpDM,moiE Ja(Ene( *******.****@*****.** M +6016- 288889