Md Amir Hamza
Cell Phone:018********
Personal Information:
Name : Md Amir Hamza
Father’s Name : Sadek Miah
Mother’s Name : Manjura Begum
Date of birth : 5th September 1999
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried.
Religion : Islam (Sunni)
Permanent Address : Vill: Morkun, P.O: Munnanagar
P.S: Tongi, Dist: Gazipur
Present Address : Vill: Morkun, P.O: Munnanagar
P.S: Tongi, Dist: Gazipur.
Academic Qualifications:
Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Group : Science
Passing year : 2016
GPA : 5.0
Board : Dhaka
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
Group : Science
Passing year : 2018
GPA : 3.5
Board : Dhaka
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)
Subject : EEE
CGPA : 3.25
Year : 3rd semester
University : Green University
Computer Skill: Microsoft Office,Excel,Acces,Powerpoint
Career Objectives:
Looking for hard and challenging job where I will have the scope to utilize my potentiality, adaptability and skill to do something innovate and from where I will be able to enhance my knowledge.